Erasmus University Rotterdam in Netherlands invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, a public university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Learning & Innovation Consultant Opens externalBinnen het Learning and Innovation Team (een klein team met een groot hart voor onderwijs dat onderdeel uitmaakt van de onderwijsdirectie) werken we constant aan innovatie en verbetering van het onderwijs. Kom jij ons team versterken?Functie-omschrijvingAls Learning and Innovation Consultant …
Postdoc Horizon Europe project ‘Cultuurcampus’ (0,75 – 1,0 FTE) Opens externalWe are looking for a highly motivated Post-Doctoral Researcher to conduct impact-driven and participatory research in Rotterdam South. The research tasks will be part of the Horizon Europe New European Bauhaus project ‘The Cultuurcampus”. The position will also involve liaising …
Vacature tutoren (wetenschappelijk docenten) Rechtsgeleerdheid Opens externalBen jij (bijna) afgestudeerd in Rechtsgeleerdheid en heb je een brede passie voor het recht? Ben je op zoek naar een uitdagende baan waarmee je bijdraagt aan de ontwikkeling van bachelorstudenten Rechtsgeleerdheid? Wil je deel uitmaken van een enthousiast, hecht en sociaal team? Word dan tutor …
Healthy Start: promovendus jongerenparticipatie (1 fte) Opens externalJongeren worden ook wel de ‘toekomstige ruggengraat van de samenleving’ genoemd, maar onderzoek laat zien dat zij zich vaak ongehoord voelen. Initiatieven gericht op maatschappelijke en politieke participatie van jongeren weten grote groepen jongeren (bijvoorbeeld jongeren die …
Vaardighedendocenten Rechtsgeleerdheid B1, B2 en/of B3 (0,2 – 1,0 fte) Opens externalHeb jij passie voor taal als juridisch instrument en wil je deze passie delen met de toekomstige generatie juristen en advocaten? Solliciteer dan naar een baan met impact bij Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Wij zoeken enthousiaste vaardighedendocenten die onze bachelorstudenten willen begeleiden …
Postdoc: Veerkracht versterken van kinderen (0,8-1fte) Opens externalAls postdoc overzie je samen met de projectleider het CORNER project: ‘COllaborative Research on NEighborhood Resilience enablers (CORNER): Promoting children’s wellbeing by unraveling local ingredients for resilience. CORNER is een consortium met leden werkzaam bij universiteiten, …
Postdoc onderzoeker Duurzaamheid, technologie en samenleving (0,8 FTE) Opens externalBeleid, de samenleving, technologie en duurzaamheid in termen van energie zijn op complexe wijze met elkaar verbonden. Hoe kan AI technologie helpen met een duurzame toekomst op energie gebied? Hoe kan de samenleving daar actief bij betrokken worden? Hoe kunnen we netwerken creëren van …
Wetenschappelijk onderzoeker Opens externalHet Erasmus Studiecentrum voor Belastingen van Lokale overheden (ESBL) maakt onderdeel uit van het Departement Law & Tax van Erasmus School of Law. Het studiecentrum staat onder leiding van wetenschappelijk directeur prof. mr. dr. A.W. (Arjen) Schep, bijzonder hoogleraar heffingen van lokale …
Senior Researcher Humanitarian Studies (Humanitarian Governance) Opens externalHumanitarian Studies Centre (HSC) at ISSThe Humanitarian Studies Centre has the mission to develop and advance humanitarian studies in the Netherlands and at the international level, with a special focus on promoting research and education in areas in the Global South that are prone to …
Senior Researcher Humanitarian Studies (Disasters and Climate Change) Opens externalHumanitarian Studies Centre (HSC) at ISSThe Humanitarian Studies Centre has the mission to develop and advance humanitarian studies in the Netherlands and at the international level, with a special focus on promoting research and education in areas in the Global South that are prone to …
PhD student eHealth junior project Opens externalAs a PhD candidate, you will be part of the eHealth Junior collaboration within the ‘Research on Routes by Consortia’ program of the NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research). The eHealth junior project aims to develop a platform with high-quality apps for 1 million chronically ill …
Postdoc: Impact of algorithmic decision systems in prevention for healthcare professionals (0,8 – 1,0 FTE) Opens externalIn this project you will study on how algorithmic decision systems (ADS) reconstitute (professional) relationships, knowledge, and responsibilities in the context of prevention. A central premise of the project is that people, technologies, and values co-evolve. The central question you will …
PhD Position in Strategy & Entrepreneurship at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Position (Job Description) ERIM currently offers the following PhD project within its S&E research programme: – PhD in Strategic Management & …
Junior Teacher Tutor Academy Opens externalAs a Junior Tutor Academy Teacher at Erasmus School of Economics, you will make an active contribution to the small-scale teaching, by guiding and supervising teaching assistants across all four departments of ESE (0,6 FTE). This position can optionally be extended to a full-time position through …
Head of Welfare Office Opens externalWerk je graag in een multi-culturele omgeving met internationale studenten? Werk je graag aan uiteenlopende thema’s rond studentenwelzijn? Dan is deze functie wellicht iets voor jou.Wegens pensionering van de huidige teamleider, is het ISS op zoek naar een nieuwe teamleider van deze …
Assistant Professor of Accounting (1.0 fte) Opens externalAs new assistant professor, you are highly motivated to contribute through excellent research, teaching and engagement. You will be expected to teach in English, with a moderate teaching load.Your main tasksYour role will contribute to the future of accounting and business through teaching our …
A PhD candidate investigating user perceptions of the impact of automated decision-making algorithms in mHealth on public values (0,8 – 1,0 fte) Opens externalOver the past years, the use of everyday healthy lifestyle apps (e.g, Apple Health, Samsung Health, Health Connect, Garmin Connect) has increased dramatically. Many of these mHealth apps collect and generate a large and diverse amount of personal and health data to optimise algorithms that make …
PhD Position on ‘Community Enterprises for Sustainability: managing institutional tensions’ at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* Are you passionate about building sustainable futures for the planet and humanity, and about understanding the roles communities can play therein? Do you want to be a part of a cutting-edge research project that addresses the …
PhD Position on ‘Community Enterprises for Sustainability: the roles of social networks’ at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* Are you passionate about building sustainable futures for the planet and humanity, and about understanding the roles communities can play therein? Do you want to be a part of a cutting-edge research project that addresses the …
PhD Position on ‘Community Enterprises for Sustainability: mobilizing resources’ at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* Are you passionate about building sustainable futures for the planet and humanity, and about understanding the roles communities can play therein? Do you want to be a part of a cutting-edge research project that addresses the …
Tenure-track assistant professor in Supply Chain Management Opens externalRoleAs a tenure-track assistant professor of supply chain management (SCM) in the department of Technology and Operations Management (TOM) at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), you’ll be working in a research-led business school. In your work, you are closely involved with …
PhD Position in Decision Neuroscience at the Marketing Management Department at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD project within its MKT research programme: – PhD position in Decision Neuroscience For a list and detailed description of all …
Postdoctoral researcher Opens externaltransformations towards sustainability? Then this exciting full-time two-year postdoc opportunity is for you!The Business-Society Management department at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher. The goal is to improve our …
Postdoctoral Researcher as part of an ERC-funded project in critical logistics and racial capitalism (1,0fte) Opens externalShipping is the backbone of the global economy. 90% of the world’s goods travel by ship. The industry has a global reach and a highly diverse workforce. It is also highly unjust, structured by workers’ nationalities and backgrounds, and shaped by ongoing legacies of racial, colonial, …
Two Ph.D. Positions as part of an ERC-funded project in critical logistics and racial capitalism (2 x 1fte) Opens externalShipping is the backbone of the global economy. 90% of the world’s goods travel by ship. The industry has a global reach and a highly diverse workforce. It is also highly unjust, structured by workers’ nationalities and backgrounds, and shaped by ongoing legacies of racial, colonial, …
PhD Position in ‘Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems’ at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD projects within its LIS research programme: – Ph.D. Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems For a list and detailed …
PhD Position in Finance at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD projects within its F&A research programme: – PhD in Finance For a list and detailed description of all current ERIM PhD …
Tenure Track Assistant / Associate Professor in Information Systems Opens externalAs assistant professor or associate professor on the tenure track in the Department of Technology & Operation Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), you join the faculty of MSc Business Information Management (BIM) and collaborate regularly with the Erasmus …
PhD Position in Business Society Management at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD project within its ORG research programme: – PhD in Management: Sustainability, Business & Society More information about …
PhD Position in the Business Society Management department, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens externalInstitutions for collective action: link between size, heterogeneity, resilience *(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* Project summary Remarkable about the growth of new Institutions for collective action (also collectivities, “commons”) today is …