Technical University of Denmark in Denmark invites application for vacant PhD and Postdocs Positions, a university in Kongens Lyngby, among Europe’s leading engineering institutions.
PhD scholarship in Characterizing methane fed microbiomes for co-metabolism of trace organic chemicals in groundwater – DTU SustainDenmark Posted on 05/11/2023Agriculture heavily contributes to groundwater pollution due to leaching unused nutrients and pesticides. This PhD will explore aerobic methanotrophy for pesticide co-metabolism using molecular tools for microbiome characterization (both diversity and functionality).
Research assistant in laboratory investigation of CO2 storage in chalk reservoirs – DTU OffshoreKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/11/2023The Danish Offshore Technology Centre, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), invites applicants for a research positions on laboratory investigations of CO2 storage in chalk reservoirs. By joining our team, you will be working in an international environment and cooperate with some of the largest industrial players, TotalEnergies, Noreco and Nordsøfonden, as well as academic researchers. The project is part of DOTC’s aspiration to be a key player in the energy transition, and we are looking for an ambitious colleague who shares this vision.
Postdoc in Modeling of Behavior of Oil Droplets in The Ocean Depending on the Oil Chemistry – DTU OffshoreKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/11/2023A 16 months postdoctoral position in advanced modeling of the behavior of oil droplets in the ocean: their spreading, splitting, deepening, coagulation, and other phenomena depending on the oil chemistry is available at DOTC – DTU Offshore.
Postdoc in yeast biotechnology for sustainable biomanufacturing applications – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/11/2023We seek for a postdoctoral researcher with experience in molecular biology of non-conventional yeast and basic fermentation technology skills.
Postdoc in the Characterization of 2D Magnetic Materials – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/11/2023The Department of Physics is looking for a highly motivated postdoc in characterization of 2D magnetic materials using neutron and x-ray scattering in combination with laboratory-based techniques.
Project Management Assistant – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/10/2023Would you like to take on an important role as project management assistant in further developing The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainablity (DTU Biosustain)?
Deltidsmedarbejder til videreudvikling af en applikation – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/10/2023DTU Fødevareinstituttet søger en struktureret, selvstændig og ansvarsfuld deltidsmedarbejder til arbejdet med at videreudvikle en prototype på et kostregistreringsværktøj, hvor vi ønsker at integrere nye funktioner i løsningen. Den ideelle medarbejder har erfaring med Python og machine learning.
IT coordinator for Research Portal Denmark – IT ServiceRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 05/10/2023We’re looking for a new colleague, to fill a key role in the further development of Research Portal Denmark, the developing national infrastructure with a growing array of databases facilitating open and robust overviews, insights, and analyses of Danish research.
Fermentation specialist – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/10/2023We seek for a Fermentation specialist for the Fermentation core at DTU. The candidates must have skills in fermentation technology, industry experience and at least an MSc degree in Biotechnology or similar.
Senior Data Scientist in Computational Biology – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/09/2023We are looking for an experienced data scientist to make a difference working on projects that will have impact on world level challenges. You will design and implement new analytical and machine learning tools to develop new environmentally friendly products, cleaner and more sustainable processes, new medical treatments, and richer biodiversity.
Two PhD positions in fabrication and computational design of stacking of oxide freestanding membranes into artificial heterostructures – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/09/2023There are two available PhD fellowships in the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark to work on a project to design and fabricate a stack of artificial freestanding oxide membranes where the interface can be tuned by the choice of the membrane’s material and orientation.
ProjektlederKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/09/2023
Data architect – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/09/2023We are looking for a data architect who will help us manage and develop our databases and provide data handling assistance to colleagues conducting advisory services and research at the National Food Institute.
Postdoc in photonic-crystal based nanosensors – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/09/2023We are looking for an experienced candidate within the field of nanotechnology and particularly nanofabrication and nanophysics. You will work in the cleanroom with silicon and graphene materials, fabricating nanostructures for applied and more basic science investigations.
PhD position in fabrication and electromechanical characterizations of oxide thin films for piezoelectric and pyroelectric energy conversions – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/09/2023We offer a PhD fellowship in the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark, to work on a project to engineer and characterize functional oxide thin films towards high-efficiency energy conversion performance with fundamental understandings
Akademisk medarbejderDenmark Posted on 05/09/2023
PhD scholarship in Hybrid Quantum Chemistry on Hybrid Quantum Computers – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/09/2023Three-year full-time PhD scholarship on the development of quantum chemical methods and algorithms for molecular property calculations on hybrid architectures involving NISQ quantum computers.
PhD Scholarship in Understanding the Galvanic Mechanisms in Zn-rich Coatings – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/09/2023Corrosion is a major problem that affects many metallic materials, resulting in significant economic losses and safety risks. Zinc-rich coatings have been shown to be effective in preventing corrosion of steel due to their sacrificial protection mechanism. However, the exact mechanism of how zinc-rich coatings protect against corrosion is not fully understood, and further research is needed to optimize their performance and guide new and improved coating formulations.
Power-to-X student helper as embedded programmer at Nitrofix Solutions – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/09/2023If you are a talented and dedicated STEM student who wants to join the exciting pre-stages of a start-up, and are ready to hit the ground running, consider joining Nitrofix Solutions. You will be joining a young, diverse, highly motivated, and focused team, who is looking for colleagues that share our vision of decarbonizing and decentralizing ammonia production worldwide.
Bioinformatics Software Engineer – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/08/2023The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability seeks a bioinformatics software engineer to develop databases and analytics platforms for sustainable bioproduction.
PhD Scholarship in Bioinformatics and Data analysis – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/08/2023DTU Bioengineering invites applications for computational PhD position, working at interface of single-cell genomics, stem cell and computational biology. The exciting project involves integrating bulk, single-cell multi-modal datasets with method development.
PhD Scholarship in iPS modelling of neurodevelopmental disorders – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/08/2023DTU Bioengineering invites applications for a PhD position, involving patient-derived human stem cells differentiation, cellular disease modelling, single-cell genomics and data analysis. The PhD is based at DTU Bioengineering, Copenhagen with close collaboration with external groups.
Research assistant/ postdoctoral positions in ulocking green energy within fossil fuels – DTU OffshoreKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/08/2023In an earlier research (published here) we showed that some thermotoga species are able to ferment crude oil into hydrogen. We are curious to know how they do this and if we can scale up this process to produce hydrogen in a commercial scale. You will be joining a rapidly growing group of postdocs/research assistants and PhD students with multiple skills working on various projects related to bioproduction of green hydrogen & protein from crude oil and microbial life in subsurface reservoirs. In our group team work is the spirit and sky is the limit! You will have the opportunity to be a part of a true multidisciplinary imitative where you can look at a problem from different view points.
Postdoc in Developmental Social Cognition – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/08/2023Are you interested in the interpersonal mechanisms that contribute to the development of the social brain? In studying caregiver-infant interactions in real world settings, using wearables? The postdoc position is based at SINe Lab at DTU, and the CECC at the University of Copenhagen.
PhD Student in Data-Driven Approach to Mental Health – DTU EntrepreneurshipKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/08/2023DTU, The Technical University of Denmark, Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship invites applicants for a 3-year PhD position on A data-driven approach to understand stress contagion, starting on 15 August 2023 (or as soon as possible thereafter).
PhD scholarship in Measuring Impact of Implementing an Inclusive Mindset at a University – DTU EntrepreneurshipKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/08/2023We are looking for a PhD candidate, with a passion for research to join the flagship initiative Technology Leaving No One Behind, which supports the development of socially sustainable technology development within innovation and entrepreneurship.
PhD Scholarship in Metal-organic Nanostructure Engineering for Photonics – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/04/2023Do you want to support the production of advanced, well-defined nanostructure-based materials? A 3-year PhD scholarship in Organic Chemistry and Photophysical studies is available starting from July 1, 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.
PhD scholarship in Single Cell Bioinformatics – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/04/2023Are you interested in becoming a bioinformatics researcher working with state-of-the-art methods and data? Would you like to contribute to research that will deepen our understanding of the interplay between the microbiome and the immune system? Then this is the PhD project for you.
Postdoc or research assistant position in digital twin for robotic 3D printing – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 05/04/2023Are you interested in contributing to the development of a digital twin for additive manufacturing (AM) of large-scale fiber composite structures? If so, the Department of Wind and Energy Systems, Division of Materials and Components invites applicants for a postdoc or research assistant position in the area of a digital twin for robotic 3D printing of continuous fiber composites (CFCs).
ServicemedarbejderKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/04/2023
IngenioerKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/04/2023
PhD Scholarships (2) in Machine Learning: Uncertainty Quantification for Graph Neural Networks – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/04/2023Do you want to a career in machine learning research, and are you motivated to work on graph neural networks for molecular science? DTU Compute invites applications for two 3-year PhD positions.
TeknikerKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023
IKT-konsulent til spændende og ambitiøse byggeprojekter – Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023Har du solid erfaring med IKT-ledelse i byggeri? Vil du gerne tage styrepinden som hands-on IKT leder og definere digitale processer og ydelser på spændende byggeprojekter på vegne af en af Danmarks største og mest ambitiøse bygherre? Vil du samtidig gerne have et liv med en sund balance mellem arbejde og fritid? Og hvad med at møde på arbejde i et positivt og fællesskabsorienteret miljø med meget høj trivsel og arbejdsglæde? I dette job kan du få hele pakken og mere til.
Digital FM-konsulent til stor og ambitiøs byg- og driftsherre – Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023Har du solid erfaring med digital bygningsdrift? Vil du gerne tage styrepinden som hands-on digital FM-konsulent, definere digitale processer i bygningsdrift og præge fremtidens facilities management som repræsentant for en af Danmarks største og mest ambitiøse Byg- og driftsherre? Vil du samtidig gerne have et liv med en sund balance mellem arbejde og fritid? Og hvad med at møde på arbejde i et positivt og fællesskabsorienteret miljø med meget høj trivsel og arbejdsglæde? I dette job kan du få hele pakken og mere til.
Spacemanager til stor og visionær driftsherre – Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023Kunne du tænke dig at arbejde med portefølje- og spacemanagement i en af landets største Facility Management Organisationer? Vil du være med til at drive et teknisk universitet i verdensklasse i tæt samarbejde med ledelse og brugere? Vil du samtidig gerne have et liv med en sund balance mellem arbejde og fritid? Og hvad med at møde på arbejde i et positivt og fællesskabsorienteret miljø med meget høj trivsel og arbejdsglæde? I dette job kan du få hele pakken og mere til.
Postdoc in Fisheries impacts on benthic habitats – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023Applications are invited for a 1-year postdoc position in fisheries impacts on benthic habitats.
Data Scientist – Computational Biology – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023Leveraging the full potential of data and data science to solve world challenges We are looking for a data scientist to make a difference working on projects that will have impact on global challenges. You will contribute to designing and implementing analytical and machine learning tools to develop new environmentally friendly products, cleaner and more sustainable processes, medical treatments, and richer biodiversity.
Student Assistant – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023Maintaining and developing the sections compute infrastructure for use in courses and web services.
Part time academic employee in electrochemical test laboratory – DTU EnergyDenmark Posted on 05/03/2023DTU Energy is looking for student assistants. The positions are part time ~1-2 days a week.
DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Fish Stock assessment – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023If you have a keen interest in modelling fish population and ecosystem dynamics, distribution, productivity, stock assessment in support of management advice, this may be the perfect position for you. At DTU Aqua, you will combine these areas to ensure that pelagic fish management advice is based on the forefront of scientific knowledge of stock assessment and ecosystem based advice. You will join the Section for Ecosystem based Marine Management at DTU in Lyngby. The section has 25 employees and focuses on interdisciplinary research improving our understanding of marine ecosystems and how they are managed. It offers an internationally recognised and highly dynamic scientific environment.
Projektleder til EU Projekt (EuroCC 2) i DeiCDenmark Posted on 05/03/2023Til DeiCs HPC (High Performance Computing) team søger vi en projektleder til at lede og drive EU projektet EuroCC 2 i samarbejde med projektdeltagerne ansat i DeiC samt på fire af de danske universiteter. EuroCC 2 er et projekt under EuroHPC JU om opbygning af et nationalt kompetencecenter (NCC) i HPC+ for industri, offentlige administration og universiteterne.
Projektmedarbejder med stærkt kommunikationsgen til EuroCC 2 i DeiCDenmark Posted on 05/03/2023Til DeiCs HPC (High Performance Computing) team søger vi en projektmedarbejder til at tage del i EU-projektet EuroCC 2. Projektet er i samarbejde med projektlederen fra DeiC samt projektdeltagere fra fire danske universiteter. EuroCC 2 er et projekt under EuroHPC JU og har til formål at drive et national kompetencecenter (NCC) i HPC+
Postdoc in Devices for Intestinal Retention – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023We are looking for a postdoc to work with new types of materials and devices (such as self-unfolding foils) for intestinal retention. We offer a highly creative, collaborative and ambitious work environment. This project will be part of the IDUN section, led by Prof. Anja Boisen at DTU Health Tech.
Scientific Floor Manager – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023The Department of Physics seeks one high-level technician with an academic background for designing, developing and operating scientific experiments/equipment for electro-catalysis, photo-catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis in the section of Surface Physics & Catalysis (SurfCat).
Professor in Silicon Nano Fabrication of MEMS – DTU NanolabKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/03/2023If you are establishing your career as a leading scientist in micro- and nanofabrication and want to build a strong group and a teaching portfolio with access to a worldwide renown university cleanroom we have an offer for you.
DatabaseadministratorRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 05/02/2023
Financial ControllerKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/02/2023
StudentermedhjælperKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/02/2023
ProjektindkøberKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/02/2023
Studentermedhjælper til kommunikationsopgaver i DeiCDenmark Posted on 05/01/2023Kunne du tænke dig at arbejde med kommunikation til det danske forskningsmiljø om digital forskningsinfrastruktur og have et tæt samarbejde med dygtige kolleger i en uformel organisationskultur?
PhD scholarship in Healthcare Analytics – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/01/2023Do you want to shape the future of healthcare in the era of digitalization with a focus on scientific research? Then we have the right opportunity for you. The Department of Technology, Management and Economics department (DTU Management) at Technical University of Denmark invites applications for two 3-year PhD positions in the area of Healthcare Scheduling & Analytics.
Postdoc – Investigating new Parameter Space with CO2 Electrocatalysis – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 05/01/2023The primary responsibility of this position is characterizing and testing electrocatalysts for either CO2 or CO reduction with reduced overpotential, product selectivity, and durability as the key performance indicators.
SpecialkonsulentKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/28/2023
KontorassistentKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/28/2023
PhD scholarship in Efficient Numerical Modelling of Smart Hearables Fitted to Users – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/28/2023Are you interested in learning and extending on state-of-the-art numerical modelling techniques and, at the same time, contribute to improving the listening experience of smart hearable users and hearing impaired?
PhD scholarship in Uncertainty Estimation in Computational Dosimetry – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/28/2023Are you interested in contributing to novel methods for medical image analyses and personalized medical treatment planning? Do you thrive in multi-disciplinary environments where you closely interact with experts from complementary fields to develop and apply your methods? Are you eager to work in a dynamic international research team where you can contribute to major open-source software platforms? If yes, you should send us your application.
PhD Scholarships in Nanoengineered 2D TMDs-based Quantum Light Sources for Optical Quantum Information Technology – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/28/2023If you are establishing your career as a scientist and looking for an exciting research topic and professional team to fulfill your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. The Quantum Light Sources group at DTU Electro, Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark, is seeking several talented Ph.D. students.
StudentermedhjælperKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/28/2023
StudentermedhjælperKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/28/2023
Akademisk medarbejderKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/28/2023
Postdoc in Maritime Logistics and Management – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/28/2023To further strengthen Technical University of Denmark’s ambitions in playing a leading role in the green transitioning of the maritime industry, we are looking for an ambitious PostDoc. The PostDoc will be working closely together with our world-leading research team within maritime logistics and management.
Postdoc position in computational biology/bioinformatics – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/27/2023If your areas of interest and competence are genomic big data science and software development, and you are looking to gain experience while working on projects that will make an impact on the world, this is your chance.
PhD scholarship in In-silico Strategies for Battery Recycling – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/27/2023PhD scholarship within the field of quantum mechanical simulations and AI for battery recycling. The research position is part of a battery initiative within the Nordic 5 Tech partnership (N5T, http://www.nordicfivetech.org) aiming at developing a battery network across Scandinavian countries.
PhD scholarship in Development of methodology to track and solve microbial issues in the dairy industry – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/27/2023As our PhD student, you will be part of the TrackNSolve project, which will develop a methodology to identify and mitigate microbial issues in the dairy industry. You will combine omics, phenotypic screening and microbial genetics to develop rapid molecular detection methods.
Postdoc in Protein Science and Bioinformatics – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/27/2023We look for an experienced postdoc in protein science and bioinformatics to work on omics data integration, modelling, and visualization in collaboration with an international, multidisciplinary, and enthusiastic team of scientists and on supporting data science and collaborations at the Department.
PhD Student in Porous sorbents for CO2 post combustion capture – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/27/2023If you are in the early stage of your career as scientists and your dream is to work on the development of novel materials and technologies for improving energy efficiency of devices, you find an ideal platform for your ambitions at DTU Energy.
Postdoc in Characterization of sorbents for a thermal swing process – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/27/2023If you are in the early stage of your career as scientists and your dream is to work on the development of novel materials and technologies for carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCUS), at DTU Energy you find an ideal platform here for your ambitions.
Akademisk medarbejder rådgiving – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/27/2023Vi søger en erfaren rådgiver, som både kan løse rådgivningsopgaver og deltage i afdelingens forskning indenfor sundhedsskadelige effekter af hormonforstyrrende stoffer.
Professor in Technology Implementation – DTU Engineering TechnologyDenmark Posted on 04/27/2023If you are passionate about delivering work-leading research, creating an impact for society, and want to be at the forefront of university-industry collaboration and if you are you an experienced academic leader looking for a challenging senior leadership position, this may be the position to fulfil your dreams and ambitions.
Professor in Power Electronic-Enabled Efficient and Reliable Power Systems – DTU Engineering TechnologyDenmark Posted on 04/27/2023If you are passionate about delivering world-leading research, creating an impact for society, and want to be at the forefront of university-industry collaboration and if you are an experienced academic leader looking for a challenging senior leadership position, this may be the position to fulfil your dreams and ambitions
ForretningskonsulentKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/26/2023
PhD scholarship in Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Traffic Signal Control – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/26/2023Do you want to contribute to the field of reinforcement learning in a traffic and transport context? DTU Management’s Transport Division would like to invite applications for a 3-year PhD position. The successful candidate will join the Machine Learning for Smart Mobility Group and will work under the supervision of Associate Professor Filipe Rodrigues and Associate Professor Carlos Lima Azevedo.
KoordinatorKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/25/2023
Postdoc for the Fleming Fund project EQAsia – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/25/2023A microbiologist with a background in antimicrobial resistance to build surveillance capacity in Asia.
PhD Scholarship in Fisheries Technology – DTU AquaHirtshals, Denmark Posted on 04/24/2023DTU Aqua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources) invites applications for a PhD Scholarship in Fisheries Technology.
PhD scholarship in Enzyme Assisted CO2 Capture – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/24/2023This PhD stipend focuses on engineering and characterizing improved enzymes for carbon capture. The project is a part of the CORC center, and the research includes interdisciplinary collaboration within CORC as well as collaborations with other researchers both private and academic.
Akademisk medarbejderKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/24/2023
Postdoc in Characterization and metabolic modeling of methane fed microbiomes for co-metabolism of trace organic chemicals in groundwater – DTU SustainDenmark Posted on 04/24/2023Agriculture heavily contributes to groundwater pollution due to leaching unused nutrients and pesticides. This PhD will explore aerobic methanotrophy for pesticide co-metabolism using molecular tools for microbiome characterization (both diversity and functionality) and the use of metabolic models for bioreactor optimization.
Postdoc in the field of microplastics analysis and environmental impacts – DTU SustainDenmark Posted on 04/24/2023Postdoc position (2 years) focused on the extraction and analysis of microplastics from municipal wastewater and effluents from industrial laundry facilities.
Postdoc with an industrial mindset in automated screening and strain discovery of filamentous fungi for Plant Protection – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/24/2023In the SABS project, we seek a highly motivated Postdoc to push the boundaries for screening technologies within filamentous fungi to develop microorganisms as plant protection solutions for agriculture.
Postdoc in Large-Scale Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/24/2023In CUQI (Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems) we focus on modeling, analysis, and computations for inverse problems in the Bayesian framework. Join the team and help us advance the development of computational methods and software.
Postdoc in Advanced Modeling of Filtering and Reinjection of Dispersed Oil Droplets – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/24/2023A 1-year postdoctoral position in advanced modeling of filtration separation of oil droplets from water produced from a petroleum reservoir is available at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering DTU. You will be involved in solving an important practical and ecological problem: cleaning of the huge amounts of water produced from petroleum reservoirs.
Postdoc in Listening-related Fatigue in Hearing-Aid Users – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/24/2023If you are establishing your career as scientist and you are looking to make a difference in the field of auditory research, this postdoc position at Hearing Systems might be for you. The Hearing Systems Section at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) seeks a qualified candidate for a 2.5-year postdoc position.
IngeniørassistentKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/21/2023
PhD Scholarship in Data Science Pipeline for Digital Phenotyping – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/20/2023Ph.D. scholarship in digital health focusing on data science methods and infrastructure for the collection, analysis, and visualization of digital health data collected from mobile and wearable technology.
Student coordinator to startup programs – DTU SkylabKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/20/2023Are you a student with great interest and curiosity about tech startups? Maybe you have experience working on some startup projects yourself? Do you get energy from being surrounded by innovative and creative people? Do you thrive with a high level of responsibility, working self-driven and being involved in many diverse tasks? Do you have flair for project coordination and stakeholder management, and wish to unfold your skills with the next generation of startups from DTU? Then continue reading.
Funding Program Manager – DTU SkylabKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/20/2023Are you passionate about helping new technology startups? Do you want to work with startup grants and fundraising? Then this might be the right job for you.
Event Coordinator – DTU SkylabKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/19/2023Are you passionate about coordinating, organizing and seeing the full picture? Do you have the drive and the sense for giving users and guests the best event experience? Then maybe you are our new event coordinator at DTU Skylab.
PhD position in manufacturing process modelling of fiber composite structures – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 04/18/2023We seek a PhD student who can contribute to a research team working on the improvement of the manufacturing process of hybrid fibre composite structures (pultruded carbon beam segments combined with glass fibres/epoxy resin materials). You will work in a team of experts in the field of manufacturing and simulations of fibre composite materials at DTU Wind Energy to develop a physics-based simulation framework to model the phenomena taking place in the manufacturing processes. Moreover, your PhD project will be part of the AIOLOS research consortium consisting of the top universities Technical University of Denmark and Aalborg University and world-leading industrial partners and research unites (Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Pontis Engineering and Force Technology) offering to a broad and deep collaboration with leading experts in the field.
Postdoc Position(s) in Mathematical Modelling and Control of Energy Systems – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/18/2023In this 2-year PostDoc position in the section for Dynamical Systems (DynSys) at DTU Compute, you will be involved in national and/or international projects related to smart energy systems modeling. The applications involve modelling and control of e.g. buildings, heat pumps, batteries, etc.
Akademisk medarbejderKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/17/2023
PhD Scholarship in Fermentation of Carbon Monoxide to Chemical Precursors – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/17/2023Are you a highly competent, ambitious, and hard-working young scientist wanting to excel in the exciting field of gas fermentation in one of the best foundations and collaboration schemes to accomplish this? Then this advertisement is for you.
Postdoc in Medicinal Chemistry – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/14/2023If you have a passion for chemical biology and you want to help develop methods for addressing RNA targets relevant to oncology, come join us at DTU Chemistry.
PhD project in analyzing weather dependencies and their impacts on future energy systems – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 04/13/2023We offer a PhD position for the analysis of the energy systems of the future and their weather dependencies. The PhD would be part of the EU research project Mopo, and use DTU Wind’s CorRES platform in conjunction with the new Mopo energy system model.
StudentermedhjælperRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 04/13/2023
PhD scholarships on theory, fabrication, and optical characterization of nano-electro-mechanical photonics – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/12/2023The Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering now invites applications for three PhD positions within programmable photonics, extreme light-matter interaction, and nanoelectromechanical systems.
PhD scholarship in (Un)sustainable Behaviour Mechanisms – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/11/2023Do you want to break new ground and push the boundaries of sustainable design towards higher impact? If you have a MSc in Behavioural Sciences, Economics (behavioural/ecological/energy), Psychology (environmental/evolutionary), or related areas and you want to work at the very front of the new scientific revolution within sustainable design, this is a job for you to thrive.
Postdoc in (Un)Sustainable Behaviour Mechanisms – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/11/2023Do you want to break new ground and push the boundaries of sustainable design towards higher impact? If you have a PhD in Behavioural Sciences, Economics (behavioural/ecological/energy), Psychology (environmental/evolutionary), or related areas and you want to work at the very front of the new scientific revolution within sustainability transitions, this is a job of high relevance for you.
Postdoc in Scientific Computing: Coupling 3D Experimental Movies with Materials Simulations – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/05/2023Join our center: “The physics of metal plasticity” to help fulfill this vision. Based at the Technical University in Denmark you will be working closely with a leading group in dislocation simulations, Prof. El-Azab at Purdue University, and your experimentally oriented colleagues
DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Food Allergy and Immunology – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023If you have knowledge within the area of allergy and immunology as well as experience working with mechanistic studies, and if you are establishing your career as scientist and are looking for an opportunity to put your skills into practise, you have it right here.
Postdoc in Maximum Rank Distance Codes and Algebraic Curves over finite fields – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher in Mathematics with experience in coding theory and more specifically on Maximum Rank Distance (MRD) codes. The position (2 years, with preferred starting in September 2023) is part of the 5 years project CREATE ““algebraic CurREs in infomAtion ThEory: a treasure yet to discover” financed by the Villum Fonden-Velux Foundation.
PhD Scholarships (2) in Computer Vision with Deep Learning for Human-Machine Collaboration – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/30/2023Do you want to advance the state-of-the-art research in computer vision systems using human-machine collaboration? The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence invites applicants for two fully-funded 3-year PhD positions. The positions are funded by the Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting grant. The positions are offered at DTU, in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, at the Visual Computing Group, and will work closely with researchers from the Pioneer Centre for AI.
PhD scholarship in Electrocatalyst Development for High-Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel cells – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/30/2023Do you plan to study electrocatalysis and contribute to developing fuel cells for a sustainable future? Do you enjoy working closely with the industry to convert research knowledge to cutting-edge products? This PhD position is for you.
PhD position in Synchrotron based X-Ray Microscopy – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/30/2023We are looking for an outstanding and motivated candidate to join our interdisciplinary and international group, where we combine X-ray physics, simulations of experiments and scientific computing with dislocation dynamics simulations.
Professor in Advanced Computational Methods for Power Systems – DTU WindDenmark Posted on 03/30/2023If you are looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. At DTU Wind and Energy Systems you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of what is possible within advanced computational methods for power systems.
Postdoc for Development of New Catalysts by use of Mass-Selected Clusters/Nanoparticles at SurfCat, DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/29/2023The goal will initially be finding new catalysts for thermal ammonia synthesis/decomposition, while other reactions can also be considered in connection with conversion of sustainable energy. The search for new catalysts will be undertaken in close collaboration with the CatTheory section headed by Jens Nørskov, whom are screening for new catalysts using DFT calculations and activity modelling.
Professor in Aquaculture Recirculation Technology – DTU AquaDenmark Posted on 03/27/2023DTU invites applications for a position as professor in Aquaculture recirculation technology. The professorship is affiliated with the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua), Section for Aquaculture and is based at the institute’s locality at the North Sea Science Park, Hirtshals.
Postdoc in Modelling and Verification of Concurrent and Distributed Applications – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/24/2023We are hiring a postdoc with experience in formal methods for distributed systems and/or programming languages. This 2-year position is part of the Horizon Europe project TaRDIS , which aims at advancing the development of reliable distributed applications.
Postdocs in Single Nanoparticle Catalysis Studied by Advanced Operando Electron Microscopy – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/20/2023Would you thrive in a world-class team addressing the grand challenges in catalysis science? Two or more PostDoc positions are now open for experimental research in nanoparticle catalysis using advanced operando electron microscopy at the Center for Visualizing Catalytic Processes (VISION).
PhD scholarships on Single Nanoparticle Catalysis studied using Advanced Operando Electron Microscopy – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/20/2023Would you thrive in a world-class team addressing the grand challenges in catalysis science? Two or more PhD positions are now open for experimental research in nanoparticle catalysis using advanced operando electron microscopy at the Center for Visualizing Catalytic Processes (VISION).