The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff.
PhD position in Psychology: Animal-assisted interventions in psychotherapy
Studentische Hilfskraft mit Fokus Kommunikation
Junior Fellows Forum Basiliense
2 Student Research Assistant Positions
Bereichsleiter*in Customer Services & Support
Aquatic Animal Care Technician
Postdoctoral position in phylogenetics and microbial evolution
Laboratory Technician for BSL-2 and BSL-3
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in und Doktorand*in 60%
Ph.D. student position in laser ablation (LA)
Verantwortliche*r Kommunikation und Mentoringprogramm
Studentische*r Hilfsassistierende*r
Postdoc Position: Advanced photonics for ultrafast chiral spectroscopy in the deep ultraviolet
PhD Position: Stereocontrolled charge-carrier dynamics in chiral metal nanoparticles
Postdoctoral Position to study the Virology and the Immunology of Polyomavirus Infections
Research-associate Position to study the Virology and the Immunology of Polyomavirus Infections
PhD Student Position to study the Virology and the Immunology of Polyomavirus Infections
Universitätsdozentur für Medienwissenschaft
MD-PhD/PhD Student*in in klinische Forschung
PhD position in computational biology (Zampieri Lab)
Molecular Cell Biology Research Assistant
Studentische Projektmitarbeit im Digitalisierungszentrum
Research Assistant in Single-cell Genomics
Mitarbeiter*in für den Bereich Lab Service
Professorship in Art History of the Early Modern Period (open rank)
Professur für Kunstgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit (open rank)
Professur Molekulare Medizin (open-rank)
Professor of Molekulare Medicine (open-rank)
Praktikant*in Marketing & Event
Doctoral Position in Global History/European Global Studies
Assistent*in Fachbereich Globalgeschichte/European Global Studies
3 Fully Funded PhD positions in Advanced Data Management
PhD position in Multimedia Retrieval (100%)
Hilfsassistenz – Politische Ökonomie
Systemspezialist*in Atlassian Plattformen
Studentische*r Hilfsassistierende*r für den Bereich Windows
Professor of Physiology (open-rank)
Professur für Physiologie (open-rank)
PhD student position in the field of Quantum Machine Learning
Biozentrum PhD Fellowships – Summer Call 2023
Professorship in Experimental Quantum Nanophysics and/or Quantum Materials