Consent Preferences 25 Postdoctoral Scholarships at Zurich University, Switzerland – Scholar Idea

Postdoctoral Scholarships at Zurich University, located in the city of Zürich, is the largest university in Switzerland

Postdoc Position in Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopy of CO2 Reduction
80 %Department of Chemistry
Postdoktorand/in100 %Virologisches Institut
2-year Position as Research Collaborator (Postdoc) at the University of Lausanne60 %The Institute of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences in collaboration with the Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development at the University of Zurich
Wissenschaftliche Projektstelle im Fachbereich Gender Studies30 %Asien-Orient-Institut, Fachbereich Gender Studies
Zwei Assistierende oder Postdoktorierende60 -65 %Institut für Archäologie, Fachbereich Klassische Archäologie
Oberassistent*in am Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Ethik80 %Philosophisches Seminar, Arbeits- & Forschungsstelle für Ethik
Postdoctoral researcher80 %Department of Psychology and Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, Chair of “Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Childhood”
Postdoktorand:in80 %Psychologisches Institut und Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, Lehrstuhl “Entwicklungspsychologie: Säuglings- und Kindesalter”

Postdoctoral Position in Critical Social Science Literacy for Transdisciplinary Transformative Change Initiatives
80 -100 %Department of Geography
Oberassistenz50 %Theologisches Seminar
Postdoc100 %Institute of Veterinary Physiology
Postdoctoral Research Associate Position80 -100 %Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development
Dozentin / Dozent für Fachdidaktik Informatik30 %Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Abteilung Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung Maturitätsschulen
Postdoctoral Scientist in Bioinformatics100 %Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research SIAF
Dozentin / Dozent für Fachdidaktik Wirtschaft und Recht30 -40 %Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Abteilung Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung Maturitätsschulen
Residency in Veterinary Pathology100 %Institute of Veterinary Pathology
Residency in der Veterinärpathologie100 %Institut für Veterinärpathologie
Postdoctoral Researcher100 %Department of Computational Linguistics, Digital Linguistics Group
Senior Research and Teaching Associate / Postdoc Position, Media & Internet Governance Division, IKMZ80 %IKMZ – Department of Communication and Media Research; Media & Internet Governance Division (Prof. Dr. Natascha Just)
Oberassistent:in / Postdoc in der Abteilung Medien & Internet Governance des IKMZ80 %IKMZ – Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung; Abteilung Medien & Internet Governance (Prof. Dr. Natascha Just)
Postdoc Position in Motivation and Adult Development75 %Department of Psychology,
Developmental Psychology: Adulthood
Fixed-term Senior Research Associate/Lecturer (“Oberassistent:in”) Position in GIScience80 %Department of Geography, Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA) group
Veterinary Pathologist Position, Focus “Tumour Pathology”100 %Institute of Veterinary Pathology
Veterinärpatholog*in100 %Institut für Veterinärpathologie

Postdoc in experimental evolutionary biology
100 %Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

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