Consent Preferences 20 PhD Scholarships at Copenhagen University, Denmark – Scholar Idea

PhD Scholarships at Copenhagen University, Denmark, the second oldest institution for higher education in Denmark.

PhD fellowship in Environmental ToxicologyFaculty of SciencePLEN16-08-2023
PhD fellowship in Environmental ToxicologyFaculty of SciencePLEN16-08-2023
Two PhD fellows in Human Diet-Gut-Brain interactions at Department of Nutrition, Exercise and SportsFaculty of ScienceInstitut for Idræt og Ernæring06-08-2023
PhD Scholarship in Philosophy of Artificial IntelligenceFaculty of HumanitiesInstitut for Kommunikation01-08-2023
A PhD Position in the Mechanics of Tissue Homeostasis at reNEWFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesreNEW NNF Center for Stem Cell Medicine01-08-2023
PhD fellowship in Nutritional Immunology/Parasitology at the Department of Veterinary and Animal SciencesFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesInsitut for Veterinær- og husdyrvidenskab23-07-2023
PhD fellowship in experimental superconducting quantum information physics and devicesFaculty of ScienceNiels Bohr Institutet09-07-2023
211-1451/23-2H PhD fellowship in Organic Chemistry,Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Chemistry02-07-2023
PhD fellowship in membrane protein structural biology and pharmacology at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of CopenhagenFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Biomedical Sciences30-06-2023
PhD in Functional ProteomicsFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesNovo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research18-06-2023
PhD in Molecular regulation of the Salt-inducible Kinases in metabolic controlFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesNovo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research18-06-2023
PhD in Science StudiesFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesNovo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research18-06-2023
PhD fellowship in ecologyFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Biology15-06-2023
Research assistant and PhD fellowship in forensic epigeneticsFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Forensic Medicine15-06-2023
The Section of Forensic Chemistry, Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Copenhagen, seeks two phd fellows with a three-month research assistant positionFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Forensic Medicine15-06-2023
PhD fellowship in soil isotope biogeochemistryFaculty of ScienceInstitut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning15-06-2023
211-1452/23-2H Two PhD fellowships in protein design and evolutionFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Chemistry14-06-2023
PhD fellowship in in vitro methods for the study of zoonotic influenza virusesFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Veterinary and Animal Sciences09-06-2023
PhD fellowship in Food ScienceFaculty of ScienceFOOD07-06-2023
PhD positions in Translational Disease Systems Biology at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein ResearchFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesNovo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research06-06-2023
PhD fellowship in Gravitational Wave physicsFaculty of ScienceNiels Bohr Institutet05-06-2023

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