Karolinska Institute in Sweden invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden
Position | Avdelning | Sista ansökningsdatum |
1-2 doctoral (PhD) student positions with focus on single-cell/spatial omics and molecular mechanisms underlying multiple sclerosis | Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics | 2023-09-15 |
Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Radiology combined with a clinical position as Senior Consultant at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset | Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery | 2023-09-18 |
Assistant Professor in Data-Driven Precision Medicine and Diagnostics (DDLS Fellow) | Science for Life Laboratory | 2023-10-15 |
Assistant Professor in Molecular Life Science (SciLifeLab Fellow) | Science for Life Laboratory | 2023-10-15 |
Assistant Professor in Data-Driven Epidemiology and Biology of Infection (DDLS Fellow) | Science for Life Laboratory | 2023-10-15 |
Enhetschef till Karolinska Institutets kommunikationsavdelning | Kommunikationsavdelningen | 2023-08-16 |
Graduate student in next generation sequencing of spider silk genes for the development of a novel biomateria | Department of Biosciences and Nutrition | 2023-08-16 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Medical Device Engineering & Microneedle Technology | Henriques Normark.Sotiriou | 2023-08-16 |
Doktorandplats i Mälardalsområdets Forskarskola i Vårdvetenskap: Förbättrad uppföljning av äldre personers kognition efter hjärtkirurgi | Avdelningen för omvårdnad | 2023-08-17 |
Postdoctoral position in generation of a novel mouse model for neuroblastoma based on human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells | Arsenian Henriksson | 2023-08-17 |
Karolinska Institutet söker Chef Lokalförsörjning och Projekt | Fastighetsavdelningen | 2023-08-18 |
Postdoctoral studies in Senescence and Cancer (Scholarship) | Pietrocola (FPI) | 2023-08-18 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Protein-RNA Biochemistry | Pelechano | 2023-08-20 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in environmental epidemiology | The Institute of Environmental Medicine | 2023-08-20 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Multiplex Analysis of Melanoma and Other Solid Tumors with Focus on the Immuno-Oncology to Karolinska Institutet | Department of Oncology-Pathology | 2023-08-21 |
Postdoctoral studies (scholarship) in investigating the effect of microbiota-derived lipids on the gut mucosa | The Institute of Environmental Medicine | 2023-08-21 |
Ceremonimästare/projektledare akademiska event | Strategiskt ledningsstöd | 2023-08-21 |
Adjunkt inom omvårdnad | Division of Nursing | 2023-08-21 |
PhD student – Single cell analysis of the developing and aging inner ear | Department of Neuroscience | 2023-08-22 |
Statistician to EPiCSS | Department of Global Public Health | 2023-08-31 |