King Abdullah University of Science and Technology is a private research university located in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. Founded in 2009, the University provides research and graduate training programs in English as the official language of instruction. KAUST is the first mixed-gender university campus in Saudi Arabia
FACULTY POSITIONS IN CYBERSECURITY AND DEPENDABILITY: 2023-2024Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering Division (faculty)Closing date:Open until filledApply Now
INTERNSHIP, MS/PHD, PHD, POSTDOC AND RESEARCH SCIENTIST POSITIONS IN THE OPTIMIZATION AND MACHINE LEARNING LAB LED BY PROF PETER RICHTARIK AT KAUSTComputer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering Division (faculty)Closing date:Open until filledApply Now
INSTRUCTIONAL FACULTY, AT THE COMPUTER, ELECTRICAL, AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING (CEMSE) DIVISIONComputer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering Division (faculty)Closing date:Open until filledApply Now
CYBERSECURITY INSTRUCTIONAL FACULTYComputer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering Division (faculty)Closing date:Open until filledApply Now
INSTRUCTIONAL FACULTY – COMPUTER SCIENCE (CS) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2023Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering Division (faculty)Closing date:Jun 30, 2024Apply Now
FACULTY POSITION IN ENVIRONMENTAL/ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYBiological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division (faculty)Closing date:Open until filledApply Now
FACULTY POSITION IN MARINE BIG DATA MODELLING AND INTEGRATIONBiological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division (faculty)Closing date:Open until filledApply Now
FACULTY POSITION IN MARINE BIOGEOCHEMISTRYBiological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division (faculty)Closing date:Open until filledApply Now
FACULTY POSITION IN SYNTHETIC APPROACHES FOR RESOURCE RECOVERYBiological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division (faculty)Closing date:Open until filledApply Now
LECTURER/SENIOR LECTURER IN BIOENGINEERINGBioscience and Bioengineering (faculty)Closing date:Open until filledApply Now
FACULTY POSITION IN CHEMISTRYChemistry and Chemical Engineering (faculty)Closing date:Oct 15, 2023Apply Now
ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN SUSTAINABLE POLYMERSChemical Science ProgramClosing date:Open until filledApply Now