The aim of this project is to perform numerical simulations of droplets evaporation in turbulent flows. Many industrial and natural processes, including spray evaporation and combustion in engines, rain and respiratory droplets. We will in particular target liquid/air mixtures. The main objective is to generate models that can accurately predicts the droplet size distribution during the evaporation process.
Project description
The Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences is offering a doctoral position to investigate, quantify, and model the impact of turbulence on the dynamics of evaporating droplets. We will combine different numerical techniques including Direct (DNS) with interface resolved droplets and Eulerian-Lagrangian approach and Large-Eddy (LES) Simulations, together with stochastic models to predict the droplet number and size distribution in turbulence. The research project requires unique numerical expertise. The successful candidate will have access to state-of-the-art numerical codes running on different large-scale computers. The successful candidate will be joining an internationally active research group in fluid mechanics with experienced post-doctoral researchers as well as PhD students. Several joint publications in internationally leading scientific journals and attendance at international conferences is expected.
Information about the division and the department
The position will be open at the Fluid Dynamic division.The research at the division covers turbulent flow (both compressible and incompressible), multiphase flows, aero-acoustics and turbomachines. Our tools include both computations and experiments. The research covers a wide range of topics. In some research projects the smallest turbulent scales are studied whereas in others the function of a complete gas turbine is analyzed and modelled. The Division of Fluid Dynamics is part of Chalmers Sustainable Transport Initiative, Chalmers eScience Initiative and Chalmers Energy Initiative.
Major responsibilities
As a PhD student, you will be central to the development of the project, and also be responsible for the implementation, validation and data analysis of the numerical tools.
You are expected to learn to develop your own scientific concepts and communicate the results of your research verbally and in writing. Your research activities will contribute to enhanced knowledge in the scientific field, in particular by presenting your results in scientific journals and at international conferences.
The position also includes teaching courses within Chalmers’ undergraduate level corresponding to up to 20 percent of the working hours
To qualify as a PhD student, you must have a master’s level degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education credits in a relevant field. You also need a MSc in Mechanical Eng., Naval/Maritime Eng., Chemical Eng., Physics, Math. Eng., Aeronautics or any corresponding MSc. The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. If Swedish is not your native language, Chalmers offers Swedish courses.
Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of 4,5 years.
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Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.
Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20230489 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.
CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, Ref. number)
• CV
• Other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust.
• Two references that we can contact.
Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities)
• Describe your future goals and future research focus
Other documents:
• Copies of bachelor and/or master’s thesis.
• Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates, e.g. TOEFL test results.
Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
Application deadline: October 10, 2023
For questions, please contact:
Associate Professor Gaetano Sardina, Fluid Dynamics
E-mail: sardina@chalmers.se
Phone: +46737176687
*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***
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