The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff.
Assistant/Associate Professor position in Infection and Immunity
PhD position on coherent feedback control of nanomechanical oscillators (P2307)
PhD position on creating a diamond-based spin-photon interface (P2308)
Professur Demenzielle Erkrankungen (open-rank)
Professur Geriatrie (open-rank)
Professorship for Geriatrics (open-rank)
Professorship for Dementia-Related Diseases (open-rank)
Hilfsassistent:in am Center for Philanthropy Studies
Lehrstelle als Kauffrau / Kaufmann EFZ 2024
PhD student position (100%, funded) in synapse-type specific proteome studies
IOB PhD & MD-PhD Program on Translational Visual Neurosciences
Kursleitung Deutschschweizer Gebärdensprache/DSGS
Studentische Hilfskraft mit Fokus Kommunikation
Veterinarian for Animal Facilities 1
Verantwortliche(r) Veterinär*in Tierstation Biozentrum & Stv. Leitung der universitären Tierbetriebe
Praktikantin / Praktikant 80% im FIAS Therapiezentrum
Mitarbeiter*in im Ressort Facilities als Hauswart*in
Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) PhD Fellowship
PhD position on the role of metallic nanoparticles in amyloid condensates and aggregates
2 Postdocs (50% Forschung, 50% Klinik)
PhD Student in endemic respiratory viruses
Post Doctoral Researcher in endemic respiratory viruses
Studentische Hilfsassistenz Qualitätsentwicklung
Post-doc positions in Medicinal Chemistry 100%
ICT Supporter*In am zentralen Service Desk
Administrative Assistenz Vizerektorat People & Culture 50%
Administrative Assistant (80%)
Administrative*n Mitarbeiter*in für das Sekretariat des Biomaterials Science Center
MD-PhD / PhD position in Neurology, Stroke
PostDoc position in AI-based Drug Discovery
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Technician/Research Associate
PhD position on mechanisms of tumor dormancy
Administrative*n Mitarbeiter*in für das Sekretariat der Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaften
PhD student position in Biomedicine – Mechanisms of Therapeutic Angiogenesis
Doktorand:in am Center for Philanthropy Studies
PhD position in Hydrogeology & Agricultural Water Management
Biozentrum PhD Fellowships – Winter Call 2023_24
Postdoctoral and PhD student positions in skeletal muscle plasticity (100%, funded)
PhD position in Social Psychology
Scientific HPC and Cloud Computing Team Leader
Postdoc position in Musicology (80%)
Ferienaushilfe in der Tierpflege
Dozent:in für qualitative Forschung
Techniker*in mit praktischen Erfahrungen im Laborbereich
Studentische Hilfsassistenz IT Service Center
PhD student – molecular microbiology of bacterial biofilms
Three 4-year PhD positions in Musicology (100%) at the University of Basel
1 «bourse de démarrage» du programme doctoral des Sciences de l’Antiquité de l’Université de Bâle
Deux bourses de début de thèse en littérature
Two Start-up Grants of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies
Zwei Anschubstipendien des Doktoratsprogramms Literaturwissenschaft
Start-Up Scholarships of the Graduate School of Social Sciences – G3S
Bourses de début de thèse de la Basel Graduate School of History
Starter scholarships of the Basel Graduate School of History
Startstipendien der Graduate School of Social Sciences – G3S
Data Scientist for Image-based High Content Drug Screening in Personalized Oncology
1 Startstipendium des Doktoratsprogramms Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel
Startstipendien der Basel Graduate School of History
Call for Applications: Three NOMIS Fellowships
Postdoc Position: Advanced photonics for ultrafast chiral spectroscopy in the deep ultraviolet
Studentische Hilfskraft zur Mitarbeit an einem Forschungsprojekt über neuronale Plastizität
Professorship in Ecosystem Ecology – open rank
Assistant/Associate Professor position in Infection and Immunity