Consent Preferences Aalborg University in Denmark invites application for vacant (46) PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions – Scholar Idea

Aalborg University in Denmark invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, a Danish public university with campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen

One or more PhD positions in Advancing Trustworthy and Real-Time Autonomous Systems in Uncertain EnvironmentsAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production one or more PhD positions in the area of AI for Autonomous Systems are open for appointment from 1 December 2023 or soon thereafter. Department of Materials and Production (MP) is a wide-ranging research and educational environment at Aalborg University. The Department’s mission is to meet the future’s demands for new materials and production systems by directing the whole value chain from basic material understanding, materials’ applications in mechanical constructions, industrial production and management. The department has several strong, international and innovative research groups which comprise everything from basic science to strategic and applicable research. The activities encompass research as well as education within materials, mechanics, physics, production technique, and industrial management and innovation. Benefitting the industry and additional collaborators several innovative and unconventional collaborations have been and are developed through interdisciplinary co-operations. Thereby, as an employee at the Department you will become a part of an international research environment, where focus is on innovation, knowledge sharing/building and interdisciplinary collaborations. AalborgDeadline 915-23075

PhD position in economics, business, and managementAt Aalborg University Business School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, one position, as PhD student within economics, business, and management with a particular focus on gender equality in the Danish labor market, is open for appointment on December 1, 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter.AalborgDeadline 2023-224-05493

PhD Stipend in wireless access for heterogeneous Internet of Things (IoT)At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic Systems, a PhD stipend in wireless access for heterogeneous Internet of Things (IoT) is available within the general study programme on Wireless Communications. The stipend is open for appointment from January 1, 2024, or soon as possible thereafter. In electronics engineering, Aalborg University is known worldwide for its high academic quality and the societal relevance of its research programmes. The Department of Electronic Systems consists of more than 200 employees, of which about 40 % are international and about 90 are enrolled PhD students. The Department hosts 620 students. The Department’s excellent research infrastructures and facilities accentuate its global position in teaching and research. The Department’s research centres around communication, antennas, control systems, AI, sound, cybersecurity and robotics. The Department plays an active role in translating discoveries and results into practical applications with industrial partners and IPR. The Department provides teaching for several BSc and MSc programmes using a problem- and project-based learning model.AalborgDepartment of Electronic SystemsDeadline 8-23072

PHD POSITION IN ECONOMICS, BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENTThe Aalborg University Business School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, invites applications for a PhD position in the field of international business, with a specific focus on the global innovation strategy of Danish companies in China. The position is open for appointment on 15 December 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter.AalborgDeadline 2023-224-05569

PhD stipend in Multiscale modelling of fatigue damage in composite materialsAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production, a position as a PhD student within the PhD programme Materials Science, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering is open for appointment from 1 January 2024 or hereafter.  Department of Materials and Production (MP) is a wide-ranging research and educational environment at Aalborg University. The Department’s mission is to meet the future’s demands for new materials and production systems by directing the whole value chain from basic material understanding, materials’ applications in mechanical constructions, industrial production, and management. The department has several strong, international, and innovative research groups which comprise everything from basic science to strategic and applicable research. The activities encompass research as well as education within materials, mechanics, physics, production technique, and industrial management and innovation. Benefitting the industry and additional collaborators several innovative and unconventional collaborations have been and are developed through interdisciplinary co-operations. Thereby, as an employee at the department, you will become a part of an international research environment, where the focus is on innovation, knowledge sharing/building, and interdisciplinary collaborations.   AalborgDeadline 915-23080

PhD Stipend – Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Reworlding”, Retracing sustainable platform cooperative modelsAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning, a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme “Planning and Development”. The stipend is open for appointment from the 1 August 2024. The duration of the stipend is 36 months. The Department of Sustainability and Planning conducts research and teaching on development and planning in a broad sense, including social science aspects as well as more technical aspects of development, and with a focus on environmental, international as well as administrative dimensions. The PhD project is part of the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Reworlding”, Grant Agreement 101119451. The Reworlding network includes 11 PhD positions, two of which hosted at the Department of Sustainability and Planning at Aalborg University. More information on the whole doctoral network is available at the following link: of PlanningDeadline 20-23079

PhD Stipend – Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Reworlding”, Reconnecting for Sustainable Work PlatformsAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning, a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme “Planning and Development”. The stipend is open for appointment from the 1 August 2024. The duration of the stipend is 36 months. The Department of Sustainability and Planning conducts research and teaching on development and planning in a broad sense, including social science aspects as well as more technical aspects of development, and with a focus on environmental, international as well as administrative dimensions. The PhD project is part of the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Reworlding”, Grant Agreement 101119451. The Reworlding network includes 11 PhD positions, two of which hosted at the Department of Sustainability and Planning at Aalborg University. More information on the whole doctoral network is available at the following link: of PlanningDeadline 20-23078

Postdoc in Large-Scale Brain Neural Networks for Microgrids (2023-224-05489)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc in Large-Scale Brain Neural Networks for Microgrids is open for appointment from January 1st, 2024 to June 30, 2025 or soon hereafter.AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2023-224-05489

Postdoc in microplastics in environmental systems (2023-224-05554)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, a postdoc position in microplastics in environmental systems is available at the Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University for a period of 3 years. The position is open for appointment from 1 December 2023 or soon hereafter. The Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering conducts research and teaching in marine and environmental engineering, water pollution, hydrology, and physical geography. The position is opened in the research group of urban pollution, a group that today consists of 4 tenure staff, a postdoc, 10 PhD students, a research assistant, a lab technician, and a handful of master students.AalborgDepartment of the Built EnvironmentDeadline 2023-224-05554

Assistant professor in urban development (2023-224-05556)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of the Built Environment at Aalborg University’s campus in Copenhagen a position as assistant professor for three years to the research group Transformation of Housing and Places in the section of Town, Housing and Property is open for appointment from January 1, 2024. The main research areas of the section relate to urban renewal and area-based initiatives, housing conditions and policies, mobility, transportation, regional development, energy and resource consumption, universal design and accessibility to buildings, urban and landscape environments, as well as architecture and design of the built environment.CopenhagenDepartment of the Built EnvironmentDeadline 2023-224-05556

Research Assistant in Smart LaunchersAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic Systems, a position as Research Assistant in Smart Launchers is open for appointment from December 15, 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is available for 11 months. In electronic engineering, Aalborg University is known worldwide for its high academic quality and societal impact. The Department of Electronic Systems employs more than 200 people, of which about 90 are PhD students, and about 40 % of all employees are internationals. In total, it has more than 700 students in its BSc and MSc programs, which are based on AAU’s problem-based learning model. The department leverages its unique research infrastructure and lab facilities to conduct world-leading fundamental and applied research within communication, networks, control systems, AI, sound, cyber security, and robotics. The department plays an active role in transferring inventions and results into applications in close collaboration with industrial partners worldwide. You can read more about the department at of Electronic SystemsDeadline 2023-224-05566

Klinisk lektor i akutmedicin (2023-224-05461)Ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Klinisk Institut, Aalborg Universitet er en eller flere ledige stillinger som klinisk lektor i Akutmedicin ledig til besættelse pr. 1. december 2023 eller snarest derefter. Ansættelsen er tidsubegrænset og er med 15 årlige konfrontationstimer i gennemsnit.AalborgKlinisk InstitutDeadline 2023-224-05461

One or more Assistant Professors in Media Technology (2023-224-05519)At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University, Copenhagen Campus, one or more positions as Assistant Professors in Media Technology are available for appointment from January 1st, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter. The Assistant Professors role will be to contribute to the research and teaching primarily at the Medialogy education, and research will be within design, development, and evaluation of media technologies, systems, or applications. The positions are available for a period of 3 years and are located at Aalborg University’s campus in Copenhagen. The Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology’s goal is the development of an innovative cluster of engineering-based environments for education and research which integrate creativity, engineering, and technology within the disciplines of architecture, urban design, industrial design, digital design, and interactive media. The department offers an international and informal working environment and is a leading research and educational environment in Denmark that addresses the challenge of the interplay between creativity and technology and develops new areas in research and education directed towards the end-user. Read more about our department here: <a href=””>Create</a>CopenhagenDepartment of Architecture, Design and Media TechnologyDeadline 2023-224-05519

Lektor i sundhedsretVed Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Juridisk Institut, er en stilling som lektor inden for det sundhedsretlige område ledig til besættelse fra 1. januar 2024 eller snarest derefter. Ansættelsesgraden er 50%.AalborgJuridisk Institut.Deadline 2023-224-05555

Klinisk Lektor i klinisk genetik (2023-224-05521)Ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Klinisk Institut, Aalborg Universitet er en eller flere ledige stillinger som klinisk lektor i klinisk genetik ledig til besættelse pr. 1. november eller snarest derefter. Ansættelsen er tidsubegrænset og er med 15 årlige konfrontationstimer i gennemsnit.AalborgKlinisk InstitutDeadline 2023-224-05521

2023-224-05469 Videnskabelig assistent til VILAVed Institut for Kommunikation og Psykologi, Det samfundsvidenskabelige og humanistiske fakultet, Aalborg Universitet er der pr. 1. december 2023 en ledig stilling som videnskabelig assistent. Stillingen er møntet mod at udvide den eksisterende ekspertise inden for Immersive Qualitative Analytics.AalborgInstitut for Kommunikation og PsykologiDeadline 2021-224-05469

Postdoc in Stability of Power Electronics-Based Power System (2023-224-05507)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a 2-year position as Postdoc in Stability of Power Electronics-Based Power System is open for appointment from February 1, 2024, or soon hereafter.AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2023-224-05507

Postdoc in Operation and Energy Management of Space Microgrids (2023-224-05532)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc in Operation and Energy Management of Space Microgrids is open for appointment from 1st February 2024 or soon after. The end date is 31st July 2025 regardless of start date .AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2023-224-05532

Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation PsychologyAt the Department of Communication and Psychology, the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Aalborg University, a position as an Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation Psychology will be open for appointment as of 1st of Februray 2024 (dependent on sufficient funding). The appointment will be a fixed term 4 years fulltime position, which will include both research and teaching activities. The position is part of a collaboration between Aalborg University and the Municipality of Aalborg, Job & Welfare (Job & Velfærd, Voksenafdelingen).AalborgDeadline 2021-224-05363

Ekstern lektor i Urban Design og Planlægning (2023-224-05585)Ved Institut for Arkitektur og Medieteknologi på Aalborg Universitet er en stilling som Ekstern lektor i Urban Design og Planlægning ledig til besættelse fra 15. november 2023 eller snarest muligt derefter. Institut for Arkitektur, Design og Medieteknologi har som mål at udvikle innovative, ingeniørbaserede uddannelses- og forskningsmiljøer, som integrerer kreativitet, ingeniørfaglighed og teknologi med arkitektur, urban design, industriel design, digital design og medieteknologi. Instituttet er blandt de førende forsknings- og uddannelsesmiljøer i Danmark, som beskæftiger sig med den udfordring, der ligger i samspillet mellem kreativitet og teknologi og udvikler nye områder inden for forskning og uddannelse rettet mod slutbrugeren.AalborgAnsættelsesudvalg (TAP)Deadline 2023-224-05585

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION (2023-224-05385)At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning, a position as full-time Assistant Professor in Problem Based Learning in Engineering Education is open for appointment from 1 December 2023 or soon thereafter. The position will be based in Aalborg and will be terminated after four years. The Department of Planning conducts research and teaching on development and planning in a broad sense, including both technical and social-technical aspects, with a focus on planning for sustainability.AalborgDepartment of PlanningDeadline 2023-224-05385

Research Assistant in Safe Machine Learning (2023-224-05586)At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic Systems, a position as Research Assistant in safe machine learning is open for appointment from Janueary 1st, or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is available for 12 months. In electronic engineering, Aalborg University is known worldwide for its high academic quality and societal impact. The Department of Electronic Systems employs more than 200 people, of which about 90 are PhD students, and about 40 % of all employees are internationals. In total, it has more than 700 students in its BSc and MSc programs, which are based on AAU’s problem-based learning model. The department leverages its unique research infrastructure and lab facilities to conduct world-leading fundamental and applied research within communication, networks, control systems, AI, sound, cyber security, and robotics. The department plays an active role in transferring inventions and results into applications in close collaboration with industrial partners worldwide. You can read more about the department at of Electronic SystemsDeadline 2023-224-05586

One or more Postdoc positions in AI for Autonomous Systems(2023-224-05534)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production one or more Postdoc positions in the area of AI for Autonomous Systems are open for appointment from January 1 st, 2024 or soon thereafter. The position i available for a period of 2 years.  Department of Materials and Production (MP) is a wide-ranging research and educational environment at Aalborg University. The Department’s mission is to meet the future’s demands for new materials and production systems by directing the whole value chain from basic material understanding, materials’ applications in mechanical constructions, industrial production and management. The department has several strong, international and innovative research groups which comprise everything from basic science to strategic and applicable research. The activities encompass research as well as education within materials, mechanics, physics, production technique, and industrial management and innovation. Benefitting the industry and additional collaborators several innovative and unconventional collaborations have been and are developed through interdisciplinary co-operations. Thereby, as an employee at the Department you will become a part of an international research environment, where focus is on innovation, knowledge sharing/building and interdisciplinary collaborations.AalborgDeadline 2023-224-05534

POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER IN MANUFACTURING AS A SERVICE (MaaS)(2023-224-05561)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production, a postdoc position is available. The position is for three years and commences on 01.01.24 or shortly thereafter. The position is funded by a 3-year Research and Innovation Action project under Horizon Europe. The project is carried out with 12 partners in EU, among these 8 industrial and technology partners. The primary physical location of this position is at the Aalborg East Campus of Aalborg University. However, substantial travelling to use case partners, industry and technology partners, and academic partner sites must be expected. Department of Materials and Production (MP) is a wide-ranging research and educational environment at Aalborg University. The Department’s mission is to meet the future’s demands for new materials and production systems by directing the whole value chain from basic material understanding, materials’ applications in mechanical constructions, industrial production and management. The department has several strong, international and innovative research groups which comprise everything from basic science to strategic and applicable research. The activities encompass research as well as education within materials, mechanics, physics, production technique, and industrial management and innovation. Benefitting the industry and additional collaborators several innovative and unconventional collaborations have been and are developed through interdisciplinary co-operations. Thereby, as an employee at the Department you will become a part of an international research environment, where focus is on innovation, knowledge sharing/building and interdisciplinary collaborations.AalborgDeadline 2023-224-05561

POSTDOC IN CONCEPTS FOR NEXT GENERATION ASEPTIC PRODUCTION SYSTEM FOR THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY(2023-224-05562)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production, a postdoc position is available. The position is for three years and commences on 01.01.2024 or soon thereafter. The position is funded by a 3-year research program on Aseptic Production funded by Novo Nordisk A/S. The physical location of this position is partly at the Aalborg East Campus of Aalborg University and partly at relevant Novo Nordisk facilities (primarily in Gentofte). Department of Materials and Production (MP) is a wide-ranging research and educational environment at Aalborg University. The Department’s mission is to meet the future’s demands for new materials and production systems by directing the whole value chain from basic material understanding, materials’ applications in mechanical constructions, industrial production and management. The department has several strong, international and innovative research groups which comprise everything from basic science to strategic and applicable research. The activities encompass research as well as education within materials, mechanics, physics, production technique, and industrial management and innovation. Benefitting the industry and additional collaborators several innovative and unconventional collaborations have been and are developed through interdisciplinary co-operations. Thereby, as an employee at the Department you will become a part of an international research environment, where focus is on innovation, knowledge sharing/building and interdisciplinary collaborations. AalborgDeadline 2023-224-05562

Assistant Professor in Development of Clay Bricks(2023-224-05563)The Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University invites applications for an assistant professor position closely associated to the research project ReMaBrick. The position is available for 15 months and is open from 1 January 2024 or soon hereafter. Place of the position is in Section of Chemical Science and Engineering with workplace in Aalborg, Denmark, and the position is associated to the Disordered Materials research area.AalborgDepartment of Chemistry and BioscienceDeadline 2023-224-05563

Postdoc position in Natural Language Processing and Language Models (2023-224-05573)A postdoc position is available at the Department of Computer Science, located at AAU Copenhagen, commencing on 01.01.2024 or shortly thereafter. The position is for two years. The postdoc will be working on Natural Language Processing (NLP) within a project focusing on developing personalized language models, with the goal of providing feedback in educational settings. The project is funded by VILLUM FONDEN under the Synergy programme (‘Digital Twins for Abundant Feedback: Novel Feedback Paradigms via Explainable Multilingual Natural Language Processing’, VIL57392). The physical location of these positions will be at the Copenhagen campus of Aalborg University. The position is formally tied to the DKW research group.CopenhagenDepartment of Computer ScienceDeadline 2023-224-05573

Postdoc in Self-Supervised Learning for Decoding of Complex SignalsAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic Systems, a position as postdoc in Self-Supervised Learning for Decoding of Complex Signals is open for appointment from December 1, 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is available for 24 months. In the area of electronics engineering, Aalborg University is known worldwide for its high academic quality and the societal relevance of its research programmes. The position is 37 hours per week. In electronics engineering, Aalborg University is known worldwide for its high academic quality and the societal relevance of its research programmes. The Department of Electronic Systems consists of more than 200 employees, of which about 40 % are international and about 90 are enrolled PhD students. The Department hosts 620 students. The Department’s excellent research infrastructures and facilities accentuate its global position in teaching and research. The Department’s research centres around communication, antennas, control systems, AI, sound, cybersecurity and robotics. The Department plays an active role in translating discoveries and results into practical applications with industrial partners and IPR. The Department provides teaching for several BSc and MSc programmes using a problem- and project-based learning model.AalborgDepartment of Electronic SystemsDeadline 2023-224-05516

Assistant professor in organization and learningAt the Department of Communication and Psychology, the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Aalborg University, a position as an Assistant Professor in Organization and Learning will be open for appointment as of 1st. February 2024 (dependent on sufficient funding). The appointment will be a fixed full-time position, which will include both research and teaching activities. The primary workplace of the position is at the Copenhagen Campus. There will be teaching and research obligations at both the Copenhagen and Aalborg campus. Therefore, travel between Copenhagen and Aalborg must be expected.Other cityDeadline 2021-224-05571

Lektor i Muskuloskeletal Fysioterapi (2023-224-05557)Ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet på Klinisk Institut er en stilling som Lektor i Muskuloskeletal Fysioterapi ledig fra 1.1.2024 eller snarest herefter. Stillingen er tidsbegrænset på 3 år og den ugentlige arbejdstid er på 20% (7,4 timer). Klinisk Institut er etableret 1. januar 2013. Instituttet har tæt tilknytning til Aalborg Universitetshospital, hvor forskning, uddannelse og klinik er i direkte sammenhæng med hinanden. Klinisk Institut driver forskning inden for de kliniske specialer og leverer desuden forskningsbaseret undervisning til alle fagområder på den lægevidenskabelige kandidatuddannelse. Klinisk Institut har tilknyttet omkring 40 forskningsenheder med hvert deres speciale. Mange af forskningsenhederne er organiseret i en række tværfaglige forskningssamarbejder inden for større forskningsområder, f.eks. hjerte-kar-sygdomme, kræftsygdomme og neurologiske tilstande.AalborgKlinisk InstitutDeadline 2023-224-05557

One or more Associate Professors in Sustainable Architecture (2023-224-05515)At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology one or more positions as Associate Professor in Sustainable Architecture are open for appointment from 1 March 2024 or soon hereafter. The Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology has as its goal the development of an innovative cluster of engineering-based environments for education and research which integrate creativity, engineering and technology within the disciplines of architecture, urban design, industrial design, digital design and interactive media. The department is a leading research and educational environment in Denmark that addresses the challenge of the interplay between creativity and technology, and develops new areas in research and education directed towards the end-user.AalborgDeadline 2023-224-05515

HR-Medarbejder til Institut for Kemi og BiovidenskabVi søger en passioneret kollega til vores dynamiske HR team på Institut for Kemi og Biovidenskab. Hvis du brænder for en hverdag fyldt med udfordrende HR-opgaver, trives i et miljø med foranderlige og komplekse opgaver, og elsker at samarbejde i et engageret team, så vil vi meget gerne høre fra dig! Stillingen er på 37 timer ugentligtAalborgInstitut for Kemi og Biovidenskab.Deadline 2023-224-05551

Erfaren sekretariatschef søges til Klinisk InstitutKan du sætte rammen for den videre udvikling af hele det administrative område på et stort institut med mange interessenter og samarbejdspartnere? Så har vi jobbet til dig. Ved Klinisk Institut på Aalborg Universitet er en stilling som sekretariatschef ledig til besættelse fra 1. januar 2024 eller snarest derefter.AalborgKlinisk InstitutDeadline 2023-224-05533

Afdelingssekretær til Nationalt Forsvarsteknologisk Center (NFC) samt Misionssekretariatet, Aalborg UniversitetVi søger en fælles afdelingssekretær, der skal varetage opgaver for både for NFC og Missionssekretariatet, der er forankret på Aalborg Universitet (AAU). Stillingen indeholder både fagligt krævende opgaver og opgaver af mere praktisk karakter. Faste opgaver i stillingen er koordinering og planlægning af aktiviteter, mødeforberedelse, lokalebooking, håndtering af rejseaktivitet og andre klassiske sekretæropgaver. Derudover er der ad hoc-opgaver, der kan opstå med kort varsel. Afhængig af dine kompetencer og interesser forventes du også at indgå i forskellige tværgående aktiviteter. Du skal kunne veksle mellem de faste opgaver og opgaver, der kræver hurtig omstilling. Det er afgørende, at du har fokus på effektiv service, et højt kvalitetsniveau og at du kan etablere positive relationer internt og eksternt.AalborgForskningsserviceDeadline 1215669

HR konsulent til HR Partnerteamet på Aalborg UniversitetEr teamsamarbejde et nøgleord for dig? Trives du med at indgå i faglige fællesskaber, hvor du kan sætte din viden og dine kompetencer i spil? Sætter du pris på et arbejdsmiljø, hvor kollegafælleskab og trivsel er et fælles ansvar, som vi alle tager del i? Så er det dig, vi er på udkig efter! Vi søger en dygtig HR Konsulent, som skal indgå i HR Afdelingens partnerteam, der løser HR opgaver for hele Aalborg Universitet (AAU). Stillingen er på 37 timer ugentligt og til besættelse 1. januar 2024 eller snarest herefter.  AalborgHR-afdelingenDeadline 2023-224-05559

Digital læringsdesignerVed Aalborg Universitet (AAU) opslås en stilling som digital læringsdesigner til besættelse pr. 1. januar 2024 eller snarest derefter, til Center for Digitalt Understøttet Læring under Institute for Advanced Study in Problem Based LearningAalborgInstitute for Advanced Study in Problem Based LearningDeadline 2023-224-05545

Erfaren projektøkonom til sekretariatet hos Institut for Kemi og BiovidenskabMotiveres du af en dagligdag fyldt med spændende og mangeartede økonomiopgaver? Trives du med, at opgaverne er foranderlige og komplekse, og er du en team-player – og vil du samtidig være del af et institut, hvor vi er med til at løse store, aktuelle samfundsudfordringer. Så er du måske vores nye kollega. Stillingen er på 37 timer ugentligtAalborgInstitut for Kemi og Biovidenskab.Deadline 2023-224-05549

Spændende stilling hos Studieservice på Aalborg Universitet (barselsvikariat)Brænder du for et arbejde, der byder på alsidige arbejdsopgaver inden for det uddannelsesjuridiske felt, og er du drevet af at finde praktiske løsninger på juridiske problemstillinger, så har Uddannelsesjura og Sekretariat hos Studieservice på Aalborg Universitet en spændende og udfordrende stilling som AC-fuldmægtig til besættelse. Der er tale om en midlertidig stilling på 37 timer ugentligt i perioden 1. december 2023 (eller snarest derefter) til 30. september 2024.AalborgStudieserviceDeadline 1215969

Løsningsorienteret HR Partner til Aalborg UniversitetHar du brede HR-kompetencer og lyst til at være sparringspartner for vores ledere? Er du god til at etablere stærke og tillidsfulde relationer? Har du et forretningsorienteret fokus? Trives du i en hverdag hvor alle dage er forskellige? Så er du måske vores nye HR Partner. HR Afdelingen på Aalborg Universitet søger en dygtig HR Partner til en nyoprettet fuldtidsstilling med start 1. januar 2024 eller snarest derefter.AalborgHR-afdelingenDeadline 1215897

Administrativ medarbejder til AAU PH.D., Aalborg UniversitetForskningsservice på Aalborg Universitet søger en medarbejder til administrative opgaver inden for forskeruddannelse (ph.d.). Vil du, sammen med dedikerede kollegaer, være med til at levere god service, høj kvalitet og derigennem bidrage til at gøre hverdagen lettere for ph.d.-studerende på Aalborg Universitet? Kan du navigere i en spændende og forskelligartet opgaveportefølje, der stiller krav om en systematisk tilgang, selvstændighed og engelske sprogkundskaber, men som også byder på rutiner? Så er du måske en af vores nye kollegaer i AAU Ph.d. Stillingen er en fast fuldtidsstilling som er ledig til besættelse pr. 1. januar 2024.AalborgForskningsserviceDeadline 1215900

IT-supportelevHar du naturligt flair for at hjælpe studerende og ansatte med IT? Er du udadvendt, serviceorienteret og god til at møde brugeren i øjenhøjde med et smil? Ønsker du dig et behageligt arbejdsmiljø med ansvar, frihed, dygtige kolleger og spændende faglige udfordringer? Så er du måske ny IT-support-elev hos os i IT Support Aalborg.AalborgAAU It ServicesDeadline 1216055

Grafiker med erfaring indenfor formidling af forskning og forskningspubliceringerEr du motiveret af at formidle gennem digitale virkemidler og skabe synergi mellem forskningstekst og visuelt udtryk, og vil du være med til at skabe den grafiske formidling af Aalborg Universitetsbiblioteks nye indsats AAU OPEN? Så bliv en del af vores team, hvor du med dine grafiske kompetencer skal bidrage til arbejdet omkring formidling af forskning gennem visualisering og design af særligt Ph.d.-afhandlinger, men også logoer og andre grafiske formidlingsopgaver.AalborgAalborg UniversitetsbibliotekDeadline 1216073

Medarbejder til drift og vedligehold af bygninger på AAU (Esbjerg)Pr. 1. februar 2024 søger Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg en medarbejder med byggeteknisk baggrund, som kan sikre et højt niveau og overblik over vedligehold af bygninger på et af Europas førende universiteter. Der er tale om en fast fuldtidsstilling på 37 timer.AalborgAalborg Universitet EsbjergDeadline 1215901

Kommunikationsspecialist til gymnasier på Aalborg Universitet i KøbenhavnPå Aalborg Universitet (AAU) i København vil vi styrke vores brobygning til de sjællandske gymnasieelever og -lærere. Vi ønsker at skabe de bedste rammer for unges studievalg ved at tilbyde et indblik i universitetet allerede i gymnasietiden og årerne lige efter. Vi søger derfor en proaktiv kommunikationsspecialist, der kan kommunikere konkret om AAU’s brobygningstilbud og skabe indhold, som passer ind i undervisningsplaner og unges muligheder for at blive klogere på et studievalg. Stillingen er på 37 timer ugentligt med start den 1. januar 2024, eller snarest herefter.CopenhagenAAU KommunikationDeadline 2023-224-05581

Politisk konsulent til Aalborg UniversitetVil du være med til at betjene universitetets ledelse og understøtte, at Aalborg Universitet (AAU) kan være en vægtig stemme i udviklingen af universiteterne i Danmark i fremtiden? Har du interesse og forståelse for politik, og har du lyst til at arbejde med kommunikation, analyse og opbygning af relationer til mange forskellige interessenter i din dagligdag? Så er du måske den nye politiske konsulent i AAU Kommunikation og Public Affairs. Stillingen er på 37 timer om ugen, og du kan arbejde med base fra vores campus i Aalborg eller Københavns Sydhavn. Stillingen er med start den 1. januar 2024. Stillingen er nyoprettet.Other cityAAU KommunikationDeadline 1216072

Projektøkonom til Institut for Politik og SamfundTrives du med ansvar i et stærkt fagligt miljø med gode kolleger? Har du solide kompetencer inden for økonomi, projektkoordinering og er det dig, som kan understøtte vores forskere sikkert i eksternt finansierede forskningsprojekter? Så har vi en stilling til dig på Institut for Politik og Samfund (DPS), Aalborg Universitet, som ønskes besat hurtigst muligt og senest 1. januar 2024.AalborgInstitut for Politik og SamfundDeadline 2023-224-05576

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