Consent Preferences Technical University of Denmark in Denmark invites application for vacant (140) PhD and Postdocs Positions – Scholar Idea

Technical University of Denmark in Denmark invites application for vacant PhD and Postdocs Positions, a university in Kongens Lyngby, among Europe’s leading engineering institutions.

Sekretær til spændende forskningsinstitut – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023Er du drevet af at løse administrative opgaver, så vores forskere og undervisere kan koncentrere sig om det, de er allerbedst til? Så er det måske dig, vi har brug for på DTU Management, Institut for Teknologi, Økonomi og Ledelse, hvor vi søger en erfaren sekretær. Vi forsker i, hvordan teknologisk udvikling kan forbedre samfundet. 

Specialkonsulent med erfaring inden for forskning og udvikling – DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023Institut for Miljø- og Ressourceteknologi (DTU Sustain) på DTU søger en specialkonsulent med erfaring inden for forskning og udvikling, som har miljøteknologisk forståelse, erfaring med avancerede dataopsamlingssystemer, feltarbejde, miljødatabaser, kodning og statistik, såvel som rapportering og samarbejde med eksterne parter.

Kontormedarbejder – DTU Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023Har du tilpas solid erfaring med administration samt motiveres af at deltage i spændende administrative opgaver og projekter? Vil du derudover gerne have et liv i sund balance mellem arbejde og fritid? Samtidig med at du kan møde på arbejde i et positivt og samarbejdsorienteret miljø med høj trivsel og arbejdsglæde? I dette job kan du få hele pakken og mere til som administrativ medarbejder hos DTU Campus Service.

PhD scholarship in Molecular Infection Biology – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023Seeking a motivated and highly qualified candidate to contribute to our research project with the overarching goal of investigating influenza virus infections in individuals living with obesity. This project aims to gain valuable insights into the susceptibility to viral infections in this population and address the pressing need for new models.

Sektionsleder til ambitiøs bygherreorganisation – DTU Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023Vil du være Bygherre og skabe fremtidens bæredygtige uddannelses- og forskningsfaciliteter på DTU?

PostDoc in Medicinal Chemistry – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023A 12-month postdoctoral position is available in organic synthesis and drug development at the Department of Chemistry, starting from January 2024. The project will be supervised by Associate Professor Katrine Qvortrup and is funded by the LeoFoundation. The project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between DTU and the University of Copenhagen and aims to develop a novel antimicrobial drug for treatment of Atopic dermatitis.

Forskningslaborant til analytisk kemi – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023Vi søger en ny kollega til at udarbejde kemiske analyser af fødevarer, med fokus på analyse af lave indhold af procesforureninger ved hjælp af GC-MS. Kan du se dig selv som en del af vores forskningsgruppe? Så hører vi meget gerne fra dig.

Laborant til mikrobiologisk og molekylærbiologisk arbejde – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023Vi søger en engageret og dygtig laborant med interesse for antibiotikaresistens til at styrke vores laborantgruppe i forskningsgruppen for Global Kapacitetsopbygning. Som vores kollega, vil du blive en del af et antal projekter, der arbejder med kapacitetsopbygning ift. global overvågning af antibiotikaresistens.

Experienced project manager for Fleming Fund, Regional Grant, EQAsia – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023The National Food Institute at DTU is looking for an experienced project manager for the capacity building project EQAsia, funded by the Fleming Fund. You will become part of a team addressing the regional challenges related to ensuring continuous quality diagnostics for AMR surveillance in Asia across the One Health (OH) sectors.

Laborantpraktikant med interesse for fødevarekemi og –teknologi – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023Er du vores nye laborantpraktikant? I din praktikperiode vil du opnå brede kompetencer inden for kemisk laboratoriearbejde og vil blive tilknyttet spændende forskningsprojekter i Forskningsgruppen for Bioaktivestoffer – Analyse og Anvendelse.

Studentermedhjælper til administrative opgaver – DTU Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/17/2023Er du klar til at blive vores administrative studentermedhjælper ninja som har lyst til at være med til at understøtte vores transformation fra administration til en administration i fuld fart mod nye digitale højder. Vi leder efter en studentermedhjælper med flair for det digitale, der vil være med til at forme fremtiden for vores digitale administrative arbejde. Hvis du brænder for ’at have orden i penalhuset’ og har en nysgerrig digital sjæl, så er dette jobbet hvor du kan få hele pakken og mere til.

PhD student in AptWind: Modeling Tropical Cyclones for Safer Farm Design and Operations – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark  Posted on 10/16/2023Are you establishing your career as scientist within Wind Energy and looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions? It is right here in front of you. In a collaboration between DTU Wind and Energy Systems Department and Ørsted Wind Power, you will have the opportunity to break new ground at the absolute forefront of what is possible within Offshore Wind Energy. We have a PhD position which might be for you, who wishes to do researches on tropical cyclones (TC), one of the most powerful types of weather systems that exist, that will lead to safer farm design and operations.

PhD scholarship – Tackling Biofouling through Coatings Coupled with Underwater Cleaning – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/16/2023Would you like to use your chemical engineering skills to save the ocean from pollution and to safeguard biodiversity by minimizing invasive species, as well as improving the protective efficiency of marine and offshore structures from fouling settlement?

Projektkoordinator til komplekse forskningsprojekter – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/16/2023Har du en kandidatgrad eller lignende, der har givet dig et solidt analytisk og metodemæssigt fundament? Kan du samtidig lide at finde svar på komplekse spørgsmål og drive ting fremad som koordinatoren, der både har overblikket og styr på detaljerne? Hvis du også kunne tænke dig et ikke helt normalt job, hvor du dels opbygger din egen faglighed som ekspert, dels gør en meget synlig og stor forskel med dit arbejde, ja så har vi det helt rigtige job klar til dig. 

Administrativ ledelsessupport – DTU Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/16/2023Har du tilpas solid erfaring med administration og ledelsessupport samt flair for at tage styring i spændende administrative opgaver og projekter? Vil du derudover gerne have et liv i sund balance mellem arbejde og fritid? Samtidig med at du kan møde på arbejde i et positivt og samarbejdsorienteret miljø med høj trivsel og arbejdsglæde? I dette job kan du få hele pakken og mere til som administrativ ledelsessupport hos DTU Campus Service.

Postdoc in Health Data Science for Wearable Computing Technology – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/16/2023We are looking for a junior academic with research interests at the intersection of wearable computing, digital health technology, and health data science, with a strong dedication to working closely with the clinic and patients. We offer you the opportunity to establish your early career as a researcher in both a technical and a clinical setting. 

Erfaren projektleder på DTU’s deltagelse i Digital Tech Summit (projektansættelse) – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/16/2023Vi søger en dygtig, selvstændig og energisk projektleder (projektansættelse), der skal være med til at udvikle, koordinere og afholde DTU’s aktiviteter på DTS samt understøtte aktiviteter på tværs af universiteterne. 

Laborantpraktikant – Sektion for Akvakultur, DTU Aqua (Hirtshals)Hirtshals, Denmark  Posted on 10/16/2023Har du lyst til et spændende praktikforløb som laborantelev, hvor du kan gøre en forskel og bidrage med en bæredygtigt udvikling af fiskeopdræt, forbedre teknologier og nedbringe forureningen? Trives du med at arbejde med forskellige typer af analyser og være i et forskningsmiljø, hvor der laves anvendt forskning? Og er du frisk og parat til at flytte til Hirtshals, så er du måske vores nye kollega, for vi søger nu en ny laborantpraktikant!

Teamleder for IT-Support – Afd. for IT Service (AIT)Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023Vi søger en erfaren og hands-on support teamleder, som kan drive og videreudvikle vores IT-Support-afdeling. 

IT-supporter til DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023Vil du være en del af et ambitiøst institut med stort hjemtag af ekstern finansiering og masser af forskningsinfrastruktur. Og motiveres du af at yde IT-support på højt niveau, og af at din indsats hjælper andre? Drives du af at yde IT-support på højt niveau og motiveres du af at din indsats hjælper andre? Så er du måske vores nye kollega!

Akademisk medarbejder til forskningsprojekt om børns søde vaner – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023Vil du være en del af et stort forskningsprojekt, der handler om at ændre indskolingsbørns søde vaner i 11 kommuner? Forskningsgruppen Ernæring, Bæredygtighed og Sundhedsfremme søger en person med stort kendskab til og interesse for børns kost og ernæring på forskningsprojektet ”Er du for sød? udbredelsesprojekt”.

Industritekniker, finmekaniker e. lign. til værksted i kreativt iværksætter-miljø – DTU SkylabKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023Vi leder efter dig, der er uddannet industritekniker/finmekaniker e. lign, og som brænder for at hjælpe studerende, forskere og startups fra DTU med at udvikle deres ideer og prototyper. DTU Skylab er DTU’s hub for innovation & entreprenørskab, som i dag huser et pulserende miljø med aktiviteter såsom events, kurser og startupsupport. Hos DTU Skylab arbejder vi både med startups og nye tekniske løsninger, og samtidig er vi et læringsmiljø, hvor vi uddanner dygtige ingeniører med skabertrang og lyst til iværksætteri.

PhD Scholarship or Postdoc in Radioanalytical Chemistry – DTU SustainRoskilde, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023Radiochemical analysis for difficult-to- measure radionuclides is highly demanded in many nuclear research disciplines including environmental monitoring, emergency preparedness, nuclear decommissioning, radioecology and tracer studies, yet acquiring specific expertise and work experience. Here is your chance to get ahead of the competition and kick-start a career in radioanalytical chemistry!

Postdoc in Sustainable Maritime Logistics and Management, in particular, Decarbonisation – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023This post-doctoral position focuses on sustainable and smart maritime logistics, e.g., decarbonisation covering ports and shipping. You will investigate and assess complex decision problems by computational intelligence approaches, data analytics, modelling and related methods.

Studentermedhjælper til Management Science – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023Er du god til at have mange bolde i luften? Synes du det er spændende at arbejde på en international arbejdsplads? Så er du måske vores nye kollega i administrationen på DTU Management.

Undervisnings- og udviklingsorienteret multimediemedarbejder – DTU BibliotekKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023DTU Media Lab – er en efterspurgt service fra DTU Bibliotek. Vi udvider derfor i første omgang med én kollega. Vi søger en engageret og teknisk orienteret kollega til mange varierede multimedieproduktioner. Du bliver en del af et team, som står for forsknings- og undervisningsrettede videoproduktioner fra start til slut, live-produktioner til events samt bidrage til faciliteringen af universitetets videoplatform – Panopto.

Postdoc in Optimization-based Nonlinear Solvers for Finite Element Analysis – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023Passionate about optimization and sustainable construction? Come work with a collaborative team, leveraging math and tech to transform engineering practices. Experience in numerical linear algebra, finite element analysis, and programming? Explore this opportunity with DTU and Optum CE.

DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Advanced Magnetometry and Condensed Matter Physics in 2D Materials – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023We are seeking an excellent candidate for a DTU Tenure Track Researcher position within advanced magnetometry and condensed matter physics in 2D materials and devices. The position will be part of the Nanoscale Materials and Devices section (NANOMADE) at DTU Physics.

PhD scholarship in Memristive Devices based on Phase Changing 2D Materials – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/13/2023We seek an excellent candidate for Ph.D. position within 2D materials engineering, more specifically study of phase-transitions in 2D materials and their alloys, device fabrication and electrical characterisation as well as terahertz characterisation. The objective is to develop memristive devices and study their DC as well ultrafast/high-frequency switching properties.

Laborantpraktikant med interesse for mikrobiologi og mad – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/12/2023DTU Fødevareinstituttet, Forskningsgruppen for Fødevaremikrobiologi og Hygiejne søger en laborantpraktikant med interesse for mikrobiologi og mad.

Postdoc in Acceptance of Low Carbon Technologies – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/12/2023The Division for Climate and Energy Policy at DTU Management offers one Postdoc position for a two-year period in the Climate Economics and Risk Management section. The candidate will participate in cutting-edge research on the acceptance of and the preferences for low-carbon technologies. 

Professor in Food Allergy – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/12/2023Are you the talented and passionate candidate who can strengthen and consolidate our research in food allergy at DTU? We invite highly qualified applicants with extensive research experience in the areas of prevention and treatment of food allergies.

Postdoc in Offshore Energy Hubs – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark  Posted on 10/11/2023We seek a talented and engaged postdoc willing to be part of a world-leading research environment and contribute to establishing a solid foundation for the operation of offshore energy hubs and wind power plants.

Studentermedhjælper med flair for kommunikation – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/11/2023Vil du arbejde med sociale medier og video primært til studerende?

Postdoc in Machine Learning for Stem Cell Research – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/11/2023Join us building novel machine learning methods for a digital stem cell workbench. Our dream is to perform faster and better discoveries for cell-based therapies by addressing several grand challenges within cell data-science.

Postdoc in Stem Cell Research and Data Science – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/11/2023Join us building data science frameworks for a digital stem cell workbench. Our dream is to perform faster and better discoveries for cell-based therapies by addressing several grand challenges within cell data-science.

Postdoc(s) for Electrochemical Gas Cleaning Group – DTU Chemical EngineeringDenmark  Posted on 10/11/2023We are looking for 1-2 skilled postdoc(s) for our electrochemical gas cleaning group. Power-to-X will play important roles in the green energy transition. As postdoc at CERE you will support the development of these technologies. Specifically, CERE is working on projects that uses electrical power to capture CO2 and cleaning gasses for impurities. CERE studies and develops the next generation gas cleaning, are working together with national and international project partners.

Studievejleder (AC) – Afd. for Uddannelse og StuderendeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/11/2023Brænder du for at levere faglig kompetent vejledning i en dynamisk organisation, hvor din personlige indsats gør en mærkbar forskel? Så er du måske vores nye kollega i Studievejledningen ved Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU).

PhD scholarship in microbial bioinformatics and functional genomics – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/11/2023Your main responsibility will be to analyze different metagenomics datasets, identify genes and bacterial strains of interest and further confirm and investigate them using laboratory experiments, including functional cloning.

PhD scholarship in Healthcare Scheduling – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/11/2023Do you want to shape the future of healthcare in the era of digitalization with a focus on scientific research? Then we have the right opportunity for you. The Department of Technology, Management and Economics (DTU Management) at Technical University of Denmark invites applications for a 3-year PhD position in the area of Healthcare Scheduling.

PhD in Wind Farm Modeling for Enhanced Performance – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark  Posted on 10/11/2023DTU Wind and Vestas Wind Systems invite applications for a position as a PhD student in wind farm modelling within the AptWind Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network. The position is focused on a combination of observational datasets that are rarely available for research opportunities. It is an industrial doctorate where you will spend 50% of the time at DTU Wind and Energy Systems and 50% of the time at Vestas Wind Systems, both in Denmark.

PhD in Design Under Uncertainty Applied to Wind Farm Design and Control – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark  Posted on 10/11/2023If you are hoping for a career in industrial R&D or academia, and you are interested in the production of low carbon energy, in particular wind energy, and its modeling challenges, then his subject may interest you.

Laborantpraktikant til immunologiske, kemiske og molekylære analyser – DTU SundhedsteknologiKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/10/2023I tilknytning til DTU Sund SundCore Facility søges en laborantpraktikant. Sund Core Facility arbejder på tværs af de forskellige afdelinger på instituttet. Dels i forbindelse med instituttets infrastruktur inden for Histologi, Cellekulturer, Flowcytometri og Next generation sequencing (NGS) herunder også forskellige PCR-tekniker; genotypening m.m. Dels i forbindelse instituttets forskellige forskningsgrupper inden for immunologi, cancer terapi og livstilssygdomme med flere.

Postdoctoral opportunity to explore engineered symbiosis – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/10/2023While symbiotic relationships are prevalent in nature, engineered symbionts have increasingly emerged in literature. In this project we aim to program synergies between eukaryotic organisms.

Postdoctoral opportunity at the intersection of yeast synthetic biology and neuroethology – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/10/2023Honeybees are essential to maintaining biological diversity and food supply chains. This interdisciplinary project gathers large data sets to investigate links in olfactory receptor signalling, neuronal activation, and social immunity in honeybees.

PhD scholarship in High-resolution marine geodesy from satellite – DTU SpaceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/10/2023Sea level rise will pose an increasing hazard to society in the future, and accurate global geodetic reference surfaces are paramount for predicting and referencing future sea level rise. DTU Space is seeking a candidate for a 3-year fully funded PhD position in the development of the next generation of high-resolution global geodetic reference models for the mean sea surface as well as the gravity field.

PhD candidate in Novel wind lidar configurations for wind energy applications – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark  Posted on 10/10/2023If you are hoping for a career in industrial R&D or academia where you can contribute to the production of low carbon energy and explore laser-based atmospheric measurement techniques for wind energy applications, then this subject may interest you.

PhD scholarship in Atmospheric Urban Greenhouse Gas Research – DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023If you took the decision to go for an academic career in science and engineering and you want to develop and apply micrometeorological theory and methods and at the same time solve a severe environmental problem, you might be interested in joining the project “Greenhouse Gas Observation network for Denmark” as one of our new PhD students at DTU Sustain.

Senior Researcher or Tenure Track Researcher in crustacean diseases and diagnostics – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023The EU reference laboratory is looking for a new expert in crustacean diseases. We are looking for someone who would like to work with and conduct research on the diagnosis, identification and characterization of crustacean pathogens with special focus on molecular diagnostics. The selected candidate will be responsible for the EU reference lab for crustacean diseases, and be part of our extensive scientific network within fish and shellfish disease experts. We invite you to take part in our mission to promote a healthy and sustainable farming of crustaceans and other aquatic animals.

Project Assistant (part-time) – DTU SkylabKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023Do you want to be part of Denmark’s most ambitious ClimateTech initiative? As a Project Assistant, you will be a part of an exciting and dynamic environment where the focus on new technologies, startups, and cultivating a valuable community is paramount. You will be part of a new, ambitious, and lasting initiative to increase the number of university startups within climate technologies.

PhD project on Integrated 1D Optical Phased Array for Solid-State Beam Steering – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023DTU Electro at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking a candidate for a PhD position to research a 2D solid-state beam steering mechanism based on integrated 1D optical phased array (OPA), which will be used for the next-generation semiconductor chips based LiDAR system. The PhD student will participate in an international team in an EU-funded Doctoral Network project called NiteLiDAR. The project consists of 10 Ph.D. students at 3 universities, an international R&D organization, and a company.

PhD project on Integrated 2D Optical Phased Array for Solid-State Beam Steering – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023DTU Electro at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking a candidate for a PhD position to research a 2D solid-state beam steering mechanism based on integrated 2D optical phased array (OPA), which will be used for the next-generation semiconductor chips based LiDAR system. The PhD student will participate in an international team in an EU-funded Doctoral Network project called NiteLiDAR. The project consists of 10 Ph.D. students at 3 universities, an international R&D organization, and a company.

PhD project in Broadband Silicon Carbide Microcombs for Communications and 3D Imaging – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023This PhD project is part of EU ITN (International Training Network) project MicroCombSys, which focuses on generating optical frequency combs using microring-resonators. Broadband frequency combs are critical tools for applications such as high-precision spectroscopy, metrology, and telecommunication. Nonlinear materials exhibiting both χ(2) and χ(3) effects offer a unique advantage to materialize critical nonlinear components like microcombs and frequency doublers in the same platform, which simplifies the co-integration of nonlinear components made from different materials.

PhD scholarship in Optical Frequency Combs for Communications – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023This PhD project is part of EU ITN (International Training Network) project MicroCombSys, which focuses on generating optical frequency combs using microring-resonators. The goal of this PhD project is to investigate optical frequency combs for data transmission using both spatial- and wavelength multiplexing.

Postdoc in Nonlinear Quantum Optics for Frequency Conversion using On-Chip LiNbO3 – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023This postdoc position is part of the NNF (Novo Nordisk Fonden) Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP), which aims to develop fault-tolerant quantum computers, or at least key components for such computers. The postdoc will develop thin-film LiNbO3 on-insulator photonic integrated circuits in order to perform frequency conversion to interface quantum dots emitting single photons at 1 mm with telecom platforms operating at 1.5 mm.

Postdoc in Photonic Quantum Computing Systems and their Requirements to Photonic Component Specs – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023This postdoc position is part of the NNF (Novo Nordisk Fonden) Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP), which aims to develop fault-tolerant quantum computers, or at least key components for such computers. The postdoc will analyse photonic quantum computing systems with regard to deriving required specs to in particular LiNbO3 integrated photonic components.

Postdoc in Low-Carbon Cement – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral researcher on low-carbon cement characterization to join our group in the section of Digital Building Technology at DTU Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department. This position is a part of the granted Independent Research Fund Denmark – DFF-Project 1, “A novel ternary blended cement with low-grade clay”.

Mechanical Engineer Specialist in relation to the Coating Industry – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023The Hempel Foundation Coatings Science and Technology Centre (CoaST), DTU Chemical Engineering is presently seeking a skilled and experienced mechanical engineer specialist who will support research of coatings by development, construction and use of new equipment and facilities in our laboratories, pilot plants and test stations.

Postdoc in Biotechnology and Nanomedicine – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023DTU Health Tech invites applications for a postdoc position in biotechnology and nanomedicine, focusing on bioengineering of immune cells. The successful candidate will join our interdisciplinary team comprising of excellent material scientists, immunologists and molecular biologists.

Medarbejder (AC) til forskningsdatamanagement – DTU BibliotekKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023Brænder du for forskningsdatamanagement og Open Science? Har du desuden interesse for og meget gerne også erfaring fra universitetsverdenen, så kan vi tilbyde et spændende job på DTU Bibliotek, som er en del af DTU’s Afdeling for Forskning, Rådgivning og Innovation. Du kommer til at arbejde med forskningsdatamanagement i bred forstand med fokus på formidling og på at hjælpe DTU’s forskere i henhold til DTU’s politik samt nationale og internationale strømninger.

PhD scholarship in Optical Communication Systems using Data Distribution – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023This PhD project is part of the IFD (Innovation Fund Denmark) project GreenCOM, which focuses on developing energy-efficient communication technologies. The goal of this PhD project is to investigate spatial data distribution as a means to reduce the number of optical amplifiers in optical terrestrial fibre links. The PhD student will derive optimised scenarios for optical networks in terms of reduced number of amplifiers and hence repeater huts, which can create energy savings in optical networks. 

PhD scholarship in Diversifying Heuristics for Stochastic Optimization Problems – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023We are looking for an ambitious candidate for a PhD project to focus on development of heuristics for stochastic optimization. You will be responsible for developing fast heuristics or MIP-models for solving two-stage optimization problems, such that many alternatives can be investigated. You should be an experienced programmer, knowing how to write efficient algorithms.

Postdoc in Deep Generative Models for Stochastic Optimization – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/09/2023We are looking for an ambitious candidate for a PostDoc project to focus on deep generative models used in stochastic optimization. You will be responsible for developing Deep Generative Models (DGMs) based on Variational Autoencoders, Normalized Flows, etc, that are able to generate realistic scenarios to be used in stochastic optimization.

PhD scholarship in Combustion Modelling – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023Are you passionate about revolutionizing the future of energy and sustainability? Are you excited about harnessing the power of computational fluid dynamics to drive innovation in alternative fuel combustion? If so, this position offers opportunities to study both the chemistry and physics of modelling the combustion process of methane in a constant volume chamber, as well as the multiphase spray flow that occurs when using diesel as a pilot fuel. 

Coordinator to projects on climate risk management – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023We seek an experienced coordinator with broad skills to support ongoing and upcoming international projects on climate risk management.

VVS tekniker – DTU Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023Vi har travlt i DTU´s drift og søger derfor en kompetent VVS-tekniker, som kan indgå i VVS teamet på Lyngby Campus i Campus Service’ HVAC-sektion. Dine arbejdsopgaver bliver alsidige, men vil primært være inden for VVS faget.

Ingeniør med speciale i VVS – DTU Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023Vi har travlt i DTU’s drift og søger derfor en kompetent VVS-ingeniør, som kan indgå i VVS-teamet på Lyngby Campus i Campus Service’ HVAC-sektion. Dine arbejdsopgaver bliver alsidige, men vil primært være inden for VVS-faget.

Alliance PhD opportunity on governance of major infrastructure projects (in collaboration between DTU, NTNU, and the national road authorities in Denmark and Norway) – DTU Engineering TechnologyBallerup, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023Are you a passionate PhD candidate looking to improve our abilities to deliver projects successfully? Join our project and contribute to the development and implementation of state-of-the-art governance practices in major infrastructure projects. With the alliance collaboration between DTU, NTNU, and the road authorities in Norway and Denmark, this is a unique opportunity to work on cutting-edge governance practices based on in real-world settings. Don’t miss out on this chance to transform how we deliver projects.

PhD scholarship in investigating and modelling PFAS leaching from landfills to groundwater and surface water – DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023If you want to contribute to a better understanding and quantifiability of the risk of some of the most widespread threats to our groundwater and surface water resources, then DTU Sustain offers you the opportunity to work on the scientific challenge to investigate PFAS leaching from landfills. At DTU Sustain and in the framework of the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC, a university partnership between Denmark and China), you will shed light on the fate of PFAS in the subsurface below landfills based on laboratory and field data, data analyses, and the results of advanced numerical modeling in a unique international framework.

Senior Scientific Consultant for Ingestible Medical Devices – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023In the IDUN section at DTU Health Tech we are currently looking for a senior scientific consultant for ingestible devices aimed at enabling targeted drug delivery and sampling in the gastrointestinal tract. Within the framework of our ERC grant “Foldable, REconfigurable & Jagged devices for enhanced drug Absorption/seeding” (FREJA) and Novo Nordisk Challenge grant “Energy Materials for the GUT” (EMGUT), the overall ambition is to design, produce and characterize new medical devices comprising biocompatible and ingestible components for drug delivery, energy harvesting and gut sampling purposes.

Laborantpraktikant til Afdeling for Global Kapacitets Opbygning – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023Afdelingen for Global kapacitetsopbygning arbejder på at udvikle og implementere metoder og vejledninger, der kan understøtte kapacitetsopbygningen af den globale overvågning af antibiotikaresistens samt højne kvaliteten af overvågningsdata.

Forskningslaborant med erfaring i mikrobiologi og molekylærbiologi – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023Du skal have erfaring med mikrobiologi og molekylærbiologi.

Akademisk medarbejder til planlægning og eksekvering af High-Level Visits – Afd. for Policy og Relationer (barselsvikariat)Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023Brænder du for at arbejde med programlægning og koordinering af High-Level Visits? Så er du måske vores nye kollega i Kontoret for Stakeholder Management, Afdelingen for Policy og Relationer.

Administrativ studiekoordinator – DTU Aqua (deltidsstilling)Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023Er du administrativt robust og elsker du at koordinere og planlægge? Kan du bevare overblikket trods travlhed og skarpe deadlines og sætter du pris på kollegialt samarbejde? Så er det måske lige netop dig, vi står og mangler!

Laborantpraktikant ved Sektion for Syntetisk Biologi – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023Sektion for Syntetisk Biologi under DTU Bioengineering søger to laborantpraktikanter, hvor vi tilbyder en spændende og udviklende stilling med laboratoriedrift og forskning på et dynamisk universitet. Vi forsker blandt andet i at skabe cellefabrikker til at løse en række problemstillinger der i sidste ende skal komme samfundet til gavn. Du vil eksempelvis blive oplært i teknologier, som spænder fra den klassiske molekylærbiologi og genetik til CRISPR/Cas drevet stammeudvikling. Derudover vil denne uddannelsesperiode give dig et godt indblik i hvad færdiguddannede laboranter kan arbejde med i det fremtidige jobmarked.

Part-time lecturer in Front End Web Technology on DTU’s BEng study lines – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023DTU Compute is currently looking for a part-time lecturer for three years for teaching the course Front End Web Technology (02363) on the DTU Bachelor of Engineering (diplom) study lines starting in January 2024.

Projektleder til organisatorisk implementering Nyt SIS DTU – Afd. for Uddannelse og StuderendeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023Brænder du for at facilitere processer og motivere mennesker? Har du erfaring med at arbejde i komplekse forandringsprojekter? Og har du lyst til at stå i spidsen for en vigtig digital transformation af det studieadministrative område? Så er du måske vores nye projektleder i Nyt SIS Programmet på DTU.

Postdoc in quantitative mechanistic modelling of the Warburg effect in mammalian cells – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/06/2023We are seeking to hire a postdoc with specific knowledge of modelling the Warburg effect in mammalian cell lines by combining realistic kinetic models with the results of multi-omics experiments in a Bayesian statistical framework. If this matches your experience please apply!

DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Silicon Carbide Nanophotonics and Quantum Photonics – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023We are in search of a self-motivated tenure-track Assistant Professor to enhance our expanding research initiatives in SiC nanophotonics and quantum photonics. We anticipate that your contributions will further amplify the significant impact of our work

Chemical Engineer – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023Do you want to be part of an entrepreneurial journey together with a great team? Do you want to play a key role in making the world a more colorful and sustainable place? We are looking for a creative self-driven chemical engineer to develop downstream processing for biotechnological manufacturing of natural colors.

Senior Project Developer for wind farm modeling tool chain – (Py)WAsP-TOPFARM-PyWake-HyDesign-CorRES – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023The Department of Wind Energy has a vacancy for a Senior Project Developer for WES modeling tool chain position in the Wind Energy Systems Division at DTU Risø Campus in Denmark. DTU Wind Energy is a mission driven university department with a vision to support the global wind energy sector to achieve 100% green energy globally.

Laborantpraktikanter til Section for Protein Science and Biotherapeutics – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023Vi søger to laborantpraktikanter med start 1. februar 2024, til forskning i biologiske og molekylære systemer, der anvendes i bioteknologi og biomedicin for bedre at forstå bla. immunforsvaret, livsstilssygdomme og samspillet mellem vært og patogen.

Laborantpraktikanter til Sektionen Protein Chemistry & Enzyme Technology – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023Kunne du tænke dig at blive en del af et internationalt forskningsinstitut? Sektionen Protein Chemistry & Enzyme Technology på Instituttet DTU Bioengineering på Lyngby Campus søger 2 laborantpraktikanter med start 1/2-2024. Sektionen består af 7 forskningsgrupper, som både forsker og underviser inden for molekylærbiologi, biokemi, mikrobiologi, kemi, fysik, matematik, bioinformatik og kemisk biologi.

Laborantpraktikant til Sektion for Materialer og holdbarhed – DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023DTU Sustain forsker og underviser inde for en lang række bygningsrelaterede områder. I sektionen for Materialer og holdbarhed er fokus på udvikling af bæredygtig teknologi. Laborantpraktikanten vil indgå aktivt i eksperimentelt arbejde i forskningsgruppens projekter.

PhD in Characterization of operating gusts and turbulence for large wind turbines – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023DTU Wind and Vestas Wind Systems invite applications for a position as an industrial PhD student in wind energy as a part of the AptWind Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network. It is an industrial doctorate where you will spend 50 % of the time at DTU Wind and Energy Systems and 50 % of the time at Vestas Wind Systems, both in Denmark.

Fundraising og support til forskningsprojekter – DTU KemiKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023Har du lyst til at understøtte vores forskere med hjemtag af bevillinger og med at følge op på projekter? Leder du efter et job, hvor du kan bidrage til at skabe grundlaget for, at Danmark fortsat kan levere en stærk forskningsindsats på kemiområdet inden for vigtige emner som fx medicin, fødevarer, materialer, energi og miljø? Så er det måske dig vi søger!

Laborantpraktikant i fælleslaboratorier på DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023Som laborantpraktikant vil du få mulighed for at arbejde med mange forskellige analyseteknik­­ker og feltopgaver relateret til vores aktuelle forsknings- og undervisningsopgaver. Du vil også skulle hjælpe til ved forberedelse og udførelse af eksperimentelle kurser for instituttets studerende.

Laboratory Technician – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023The center Applied Thermodynamics – Center for Chemical Resources Engineering at DTU Chemical Engineering invites applications for a position as Laboratory technician. The Center’s work relies on laboratory experiments in a wide variety of areas, but with a focus on high pressure equipment and applications in the area of carbon capture and storage.

Studentermedarbejder (koordinator) til Roskilde Festival – Powered by DTU StudentsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/05/2023Er du den ene af to nye koordinatorer for DTU’s uddannelsessamarbejde med Roskilde Festival?

PhD scholarship in Silicon Carbide Quantum Photonics – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/04/2023We are seeking a self-motivated PhD candidate to make a valuable contribution to our new project titled ‘Silicon Carbide-Based Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuit (SiC-Q-PIC)’, funded by DFF RP2. As pioneers in the field of SiC nanophotonics and quantum photonics, we anticipate that your involvement will significantly impact our research outcomes.

PhD position in Computational Electrocatalysis – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/04/2023We are seeking an outstanding PhD candidate in the field of computational electrocatalysis. The PhD project aims to use state-of-the-art quantum simulation techniques, Density-Functional-Theory (DFT), statistical, and machine learning tools to develop theoretical electrocatalytic frameworks. Hereby, the project will challenge existing research on catalysis, move the boundary of fundamental catalysis, and approach the next generation of selective renewable reactions. 

International koordinator – Afd. for Forskning, Rådgivning og InnovationKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/04/2023Vil du være med til at styrke DTU’s internationale relationer? Som international koordinator skal du understøtte og videreudvikle DTU’s strategiske samarbejde med internationale partnere. Du bliver ansvarlig for vores samarbejde med tre af vores allianceuniversiteter, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) i Sydkorea, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) i Singapore og University of Queensland (UQ). Herudover vil der være opgaver relateret til EuroTech Universities. 

Academic Employee in Fuzzing Unsafe Software Libraries (part-time) – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/04/2023Your main task will be to support the local team of project Sb3D in research-based activities in the area of verification & fuzzing for unsafe software libraries. You will be contributing to the finalization of partially developed prototype, to its application to project-relevant case studies and to the preparation of dissemination material such as an academic paper.

Innovationskonsulent til virksomhedssamarbejde på DTU – Afd. for Forskning, Rådgivning og InnovationKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/04/2023Danmarks Tekniske Universitet søger en handlekraftig innovationskonsulent, der kan udvikle universitetets samarbejde med erhvervslivet. Vi leder efter en kandidat, der kan facilitere partnerskaber med store virksomheder og sætte samarbejdet effektivt i spil på DTU.

Vil du medvirke til at øge succesraten af forskningsbevillinger og styre forskningsprojekter godt i mål som vores nye forskningsrådgiver og projektkoordinator inden for grøn energi? – DTU EnergiKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/03/2023Elsker du at dykke ned i komplekst stof og på den måde opbygge og udvide din egen viden og faglige specialisering? Motiveres du af stor frihed til at tilrettelægge dit eget arbejde og ikke mindst af at være omgivet af dygtige og kompetente kolleger? Trives du med at have en bred kontaktflade og samarbejde med forskningsledere, bevillingsgivere og andre interessenter? Kan du drive ting fremad som koordinatoren, der både har overblikket og styr på detaljerne? Så har vi det helt rigtige job til dig!

Chef til kvanteområdet i DeiCDenmark  Posted on 10/03/2023DeiC – det nationale samarbejde mellem universiteterne om digital forskningsinfrastruktur søger en chef til vores nye aktiviteter indenfor kvantecomputing, som en del af den nationale kvantestrategi del 1. Ledelseserfaring og fokus på bredt samarbejde og koordinerings ønskes.

Biologoverassistent / Fiskeritekniker til laboratorie arbejde – DTU AquaHirtshals, Denmark  Posted on 10/03/2023DTU Aqua, Sektion for Monitering og Data i Hirtshals søger en biologoverassisten-ter/fiskeriteknikere til dataindsamling i havnene og på vores egne forskningsskibe, samt oparbejdning af prøver i land.

Scanning Probe Microscopy Expert (Postdoctoral Fellow)Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/03/2023Scanning Probe Microscopy Expert (Postdoctoral Fellow): CO2 conversion to solids: Increase sustainability by transforming waste building materials to new, valuable products Technical University of Denmark

Projektkoordinator til Research Support på DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/03/2023Har du lyst til at understøtte DTU Sustains forskere med hjemtag af bevillinger og med at følge op på projekter indenfor miljø- og ressourceteknologi? Så søger vi en ny kollega til at være Projektkoordinator i vores Research Support.

Proteomics Expert – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/03/2023Do you have a solid experience in proteomics analyses using modern LC-MS equipment? Do you enjoy setting up new proteomics methods and workflows and improving existing workflows? Then you might be the perfect candidate for the role as Proteomics Expert within the Biofoundry at DTU Biosustain.

Microbiologist/Project Manager to support reference laboratory functions for antimicrobial resistance – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/03/2023You will be taking part in both scientific work and administrational tasks (project management) affiliated with different projects, focusing on antimicrobial susceptibility testing and development and testing of protocols for whole genome sequencing (Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT).

Postdoc in Theoretical (Electro-)Catalysis – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/03/2023We are seeking an outstanding postdoctoral candidate in the field of theoretical catalysis. The postdoc will be a member of the Catalysis Theory Center (Cattheory) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) located at the outskirts of Copenhagen. Cattheory spans two departments at DTU, the Department of Physics, and the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage. 

Administrativ generalist gerne med HR-kompetencer og procesforståelse – Koncern HRKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/02/2023Er du administrativ generalist med procesforståelse og viden inden for HR? Så kan du blive en del af vores team med mange kompetente kollegaer, der servicerer alle DTU’s institutter og enheder inden for de personaleadministrative processer i forbindelse med og i en medarbejders ansættelse

PhD scholarship in Decentralized treatment of household wastewater using membrane based technologies – DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/02/2023Decentralized wastewater treatment is needed for areas with low population density and subjected to strong seasonality, such as holiday areas. This PhD will explore membrane technology for decentralized household sewage treatment and resource recovery and assess the sustainability of the process.

Postdoc in Investigating Light-Induced Processes in the Electron Microscope – DTU NanolabKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 10/02/2023The project aims to use various advanced microscopy techniques to image charge carrier accumulation at specific semiconductor nanoparticle crystal facets with atomic resolution. A successful implementation will require integrating a light source in our state-of-the-art electron microscope.

PhD in Streptomyces systems biology and fermentation – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/28/2023Streptomyces contain a rich source of natural products for various applications, including food and agriculture. Our groups have previously developed heterologous Streptomyces chassis for producing different classes of compounds.

Projektleder inden for vej-, afløbs- samt anlægsopgaver – DTU Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/27/2023Campus Service søger en projektleder, som har en baggrund inden for vej-, afløbs- og anlægsopgaver. Vi søger en projektleder, der ønsker at tage del i den fortsatte udvikling og tilpasning af anlæg og infrastruktur på DTU’s campusser.

Bygningskonstruktør med projektleder erfaring – DTU Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/27/2023Campus Service (CAS) på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), søger en projektleder, der har en byggeteknisk baggrund som bygningskonstruktør eller tilsvarende. Vi søger en kompetent medarbejder, som kan se sig selv gennemføre en bred vifte af projekter i tæt samarbejde med nogen af landets dygtigste forskere, gode kolleger og eksterne rådgivere.

Maskinmester med projektleder erfaring – DTU’s Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/27/2023Campus Service (CAS) på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), søger en projektleder, gerne med en Maskinmester baggrund eller tilsvarende tekniske kompetencer. Vi søger en kompetent medarbejder, som kan se sig selv gennemføre en bred vifte af projekter i tæt samarbejde med nogen af landets dygtigste forskere, gode kolleger og eksterne rådgivere.

Postdoc in solid state electrochemical TEM – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/26/2023The project combines transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electrochemistry. Experiments are performed inside a TEM to characterize an important degradation mechanism in electrolysis cells. Understanding of this mechanism is mandatory for the further development of Power2X technology.

PhD Scholarship in Multi-Qubit Quantum Photonic Devices – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/26/2023Are you a talented and ambitious researcher? Are you excited about quantum science and technology? Do you enjoy finding working solutions to great challenges? You are then welcome to apply for an open Ph.D position on “Multi-Qubit Quantum Photonic Devices” in our group at DTU Electro, supported by ERC Consolidator grant (M€ 2.6) from the European Research Council (EU).

Postdoc in Multi-Qubit Quantum Photonic Devices – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/26/2023Are you a talented and ambitious researcher? Are you excited about quantum science and technology? Do you enjoy finding working solutions to great challenges? You are then welcome to apply for an open Postdoc position on “Multi-Qubit Quantum Photonic Devices” in our group at DTU Electro, supported by ERC Consolidator grant (M€ 2.6) from the European Research Council (EU).

Systemadministrator (High Performance Computing) – IT Service (AIT)Roskilde, Denmark  Posted on 09/26/2023Vil du være med til at levere state of the art IT til forskning og undervisning og har du erfaring med Linux baserede HPC løsninger?

Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Data Science for Energy Systems and Markets – DTU WindKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/25/2023If you are keen on contributing to the green transition, envisioning the planet running entirely on renewable energy, and looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you.

Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Software/Systems Development or Software Engineering – DTU Engineering TechnologyBallerup, Denmark  Posted on 09/22/2023Are you passionate about software and/or systems development? Do you thrive with teaching and supervision of students? Do you enjoy collaborating with colleagues, students, and industrial partners? And are you ready to contribute to funding applications and research projects? Then you may be the assistant or associate professor we are looking for.

Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Software Development – DTU Engineering TechnologyBallerup, Denmark  Posted on 09/22/2023Are you passionate about software and/or systems development? Do you have a profound interest in research within the domain, and are you ready to contribute to funding applications and research projects? Do you also thrive with teaching and supervision of students, and do you enjoy collaborating with colleagues, students, and industrial partners? Then you may be the assistant or associate professor we are looking for.

Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Software Development – DTU Engineering TechnologyBallerup, Denmark  Posted on 09/22/2023Are you passionate about software and/or systems development? Do you have a profound interest in research within the domain, and are you ready to contribute to funding applications and research projects? Do you also thrive with teaching and supervision of students, and do you enjoy collaborating with colleagues, students, and industrial partners? Then you may be the assistant or associate professor we are looking for.

Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Mobile Software Development – DTU Engineering TechnologyBallerup, Denmark  Posted on 09/22/2023Are you passionate about software and/or systems development? Do you have a profound interest in research within the domain, and are you ready to contribute to funding applications and research projects? Do you also thrive with teaching and supervision of students, and do you enjoy collaborating with colleagues, students, and industrial partners? Then you may be the assistant or associate professor we are looking for.

Two PhD scholarships in analysis of aquatic eDNA – DTU AquaSilkeborg, Denmark  Posted on 09/19/2023Two PhD Scholarships in analysis of aquatic eDNA are available at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua), Denmark, with starting date January 2024 (or earlier).

Professor in Modern Statistical Methods – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/19/2023Do you want to take a leading role in developing the research community related to Modern Statistical Methods and be instrumental in educating engineers and researchers in this field?

DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Gas Hydrate Science and Technology – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/19/2023AT DTU Chemical Engineering, we are in the forefront of gas hydrate science and technology to solve societal problems such as climate change, energy supply, clean water and food processing. You are an experienced researcher in the area of gas hydrate science and technology with a track record of publication in high level journals and supervision of young researchers at bachelor and master level.

PhD Scholarship in Atomic Scale Modeling of Catalysts for Electrochemical Production of Hydrogen Peroxide – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/18/2023Are you enthusiastic about electrocatalysis and Power-to-X technologies? Do you enjoy working closely with experimental partners to validate your theoretical findings? This PhD position is for you.

PhD scholarship in Physical Chemistry and Bioscience – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/18/2023A 3-year PhD scholarship in the area of Physical Chemistry and Bioscience is available at the Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in close collaboration with Novozymes and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Michigan State University. The scope of the project is to map the behaviour of enzymes at gas-liquid interfaces (bubbles) employing computer simulation techniques.

Centeradministrator – DTU EntrepreneurshipKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/18/2023På DTU Entrepreneurship søger vi en dynamisk og vidtfavnende administrator med stort ”A”. Du vil blive en del af Ledelsessekretariatet, som består af to teams med i alt ca. 10 medarbejdere med forskellige arbejdsopgaver og kompetencer. Sekretariatet er et centralt knudepunkt og arbejder tæt sammen med alle centerets medarbejdere. Godt humør og en positiv tilgang til arbejdsopgaver er en naturlig del af hverdagen.

Postdoc in Algorithms – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/15/2023We invite you to apply for a postdoc in algorithms. The postdoc takes place at the AlgoLoG section, DTU Compute; a section devoted to the study of theoretical computer science and graph theory. 

Postdoc in supply chain and local economic impacts of offshore wind – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark  Posted on 09/14/2023In the Section for Society, Market and Policy (SMP) at DTU Wind and Energy Systems, we are seeking a candidate for a two-year Postdoc position to work with research projects on the supply chain and the socio-economic impacts of offshore wind power. If you want to strengthen your developing career path in the intersection between economic geography, innovation studies and regional studies, and would like to contribute to our interdisciplinary endeavor of supporting the green transition of society, then we offer a vibrant and inspiring research community for you to fulfill your ambitions.

DTU Tenure Track Researcher or Senior Researcher in renewable energy value chains and local industrial development – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark  Posted on 09/14/2023In the Section for Society, Market and Policy (SMP) at DTU Wind and Energy Systems, we are now seeking candidates to join our research section as researcher or senior researcher. If you want to strengthen your developing career path in the intersection between economic geography, development studies, innovation studies or regional studies, and would like to contribute to our interdisciplinary endeavor of supporting the green transition of society, then we offer a vibrant and inspiring research community for you to fulfill your ambitions.

Postdoc in Electron Microscopy on Single-Molecule Processes – DTU NanolabKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/14/2023The newly established group “Nano-Micro-Macro. Structure in Materials” at DTU Nanolab is seeking a post-doctoral research scientist to study the (self-)assembly and functionalization of organic nanostructures by means of state-of-the-art electron microscopy. 

Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in AI – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/13/2023systems within the Danish Pioneer Centre for AI? DTU Compute has an attractive group leader opening as Tenure Track Assistant / Associate Professors in AI. The position is initially funded by the Pioneer Centre for AI (see

Postdoc in stem cell manufacturing – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/10/2023Well-funded 3-year postdoc on establishing scalable production of stem cell derived NK cells.

Postdoctoral researcher in marine sensing systems and autonomy – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/10/2023DTU seeks a postdoctoral researcher in marine sensing systems and autonomy for a two-year period. This role focuses on automatic and autonomous data collection and perception technology within the marine environment. The researcher will be part of our Observation Technology group, with emphasis on the Danish, Faroese, and Greenlandic marine environments.

PhD scholarship in Environmental effects of maritime activities – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/07/2023A 3-year PhD fellowship in environmental effects of maritime activities is offered by the National Institute for Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) at the Technical University of Denmark.

PhD scholarship in Functional Cementitious Composites for Structural Health Monitoring – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/07/2023DTU, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering seek a talented and engaged PhD student willing to be part of our research group and contribute to the development of functional cementitious composites for structural health monitoring applications. The PhD research is part of the granted Villum Young Investigator project, ‘‘Alive Concrete’’.

DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor/Associate Professor in waste management, resource engineering and circularity – DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/07/2023If you want to boost your career as a researcher and educator in waste management, resource engineering and circularity, here is your chance! We offer two opportunities to join faculty in one of the world’s leading university departments in environmental engineering.

Associate Professors or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professors in Experimental Electrochemistry – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 09/06/2023Do you want to work on the electrochemical science and technologies that we need for the green transition, in a collaborative, diverse, dynamic, and family-friendly organization? Then this position could be for you!

PhD scholarships on “Live” Visualizations of Single Nanoparticle Catalysts at the Atomic-Scale – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 08/30/2023Could you envision “seeing” chemical reactions being catalyzed at the atomic-scale? Two or more PhD scholarships are now open for experimental research in nanoparticle catalysis using advanced operando electron microscopy at the Center for Visualizing Catalytic Processes (VISION). 

PostDoc positions on “Live” Visualizations of Single Nanoparticle Catalysts at the Atomic-Scale – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 08/30/2023Could you envision “seeing” chemical reactions being catalyzed at the atomic-scale? Two or more PostDoc positions are now open for experimental research in nanoparticle catalysis using advanced operando electron microscopy at the Center for Visualizing Catalytic Processes (VISION). 

Postdoc in Atmospheric Electricity – DTU SpaceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 08/29/2023We offer a 2.5-year Postdoc position to develop a novel high-performance computer code to study the emission of relativistic electrons and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs), bursts of energetic X- and gamma-rays from thunderstorms, in the atmosphere of Primordial Earth and investigate their role in the formation of amino and carbon acids.

Postdoc in Recombinant Production of Growth Factors to Improve the Cost and Environmental Impact of Growth Media in Cellular Agriculture – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark  Posted on 07/21/2023Help bring cellular agriculture one step closer to reality. While cellular production of meat and milk results both from a flavour and nutrition perspective in the most convincing alternatives to animal products, their production is currently hampered by expensive and unsustainable growth media. In this project you will be part of a large network effort to address this issue and to create sustainable, affordable and reusable growth media for cellular agriculture.

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