The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland
ScientistNuclear Reactor Core Simulations | 4102-01 |
PhD Studentin fundamental muon physics to work on the search for a muon electric dipole moment | 3203-03 |
PhD StudentModeling of proton RBE variations in patients | 1723‐00 |
ICT Supporter*in | 9510-00 |
Dipl. Systemtechniker*in HF oder Äquivalent | 3603-01 |
Assistent*in30% | 9600-01 |
Elektroinstallateur*in | 9330-02 |
Ingenieur*in (FH) / Techniker*in (HF)Anlagenbau (Gassysteme), Entwicklung | 3602-01 |
PhD Studentin heterogeneous catalysis and in situ / operando spectroscopy | 5004-01 |
PhD StudentIn atmospheric science | 5504-00 |
PhD StudentOn bioaerosol identification and quantification using mass spectrometric techniques | 5506‐00 |
PhD StudentElectron and Spin in low dimensional materials on surfaces | 6215-00 |
Kontrollraum Techniker*in 80-100 % | 8111-01 |
Postdoctoral Fellow Ultrafast Processes in Laser Manufacturing 80-100% | 8123-00 |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 3604-02 |
Chemielaborant*in80 – 100 % | 9622‐01 |
Assistant of the SLS 2.0 Project 50% | 8400-00 |
Postdoctoral Fellowon Net-Zero GHG emission target, life cycle and externalities assessment | 4501-03 |
Aktivtechnik-Operateur*in | 8334-00 |
Automatiker*in für Betrieb und Unterhalt in der PSI Leistungselektronik 80-100% | 8421-00 |
Postdoctoral FellowProperties of liquids under high gas pressures | 3304-00 |
PhD StudentFlexoelectric thin films for energy storage and conversion | 3702-00 |
Windows System Engineer | 9523-00 |
Postdoctoral Fellowon synchrotron studies of heterostructure quantum materials | 6516-00 |
Techniker*in HF/TSChemie | 5700-01 |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 7100-00 |
Postdoctoral FellowInvestigation of the stress corrosion cracking and environmental-assisted fatigue behaviour of stainless steels in primary pressurized water reactor environment | 4603-01 |
PhD StudentAdvanced iron-zeolites for NOx control in exhaust gases | 5100-00 |
Technische*n Fachspezialist*in50 % | 9672-00 |
Gruppenleiter*in | 9642-05 |
Doktorand*in | 5102-01 |
PhD StudentEnrollment at the University of Zurich | 3502-01 |
Miterzieher*in (Springer*in)60 – 100 % | 1302-08 |
Postdoctoral FellowPrecision calculations for lepton scattering | 3201‐00 |
Postdoctoral FellowData Science for synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopy | 6416-00 |
PhD Student | 2411-00 |
Polymechanikerin – Polymechaniker EFZ | – |
Fachfrau – Fachmann Betreuung EFZ,Fachrichtung Kinder | – |
Laborantin – Laborant EFZFachrichtung Chemie | – |
Fachfrau – Fachmann Betriebsunterhalt EFZ,Fachrichtung Hausdienst | – |