Erasmus University Rotterdam in Netherlands invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, a public university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Open academic vacancies
Assistant Professor in Finance (Tenure Track) Opens externalAre you ready for a role that will help to create the future of finance? You’ll join a dynamic and international department of dedicated educators and ambitious academics in a department that engages in top quality research and hosts specialised conferences and seminars. Research and education …
Assistant professor position in accounting Opens externalRotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) is looking for a new colleague to strengthen its department of Accounting and Control. We invite you to send in your application for the position of assistant professor in all areas of accounting.RSM’s department of Accounting and Control …
Assistant Professor in Tenure Track Applied Economics Opens externalAt the department of Applied Economics at the strategy economics research group of the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) in Rotterdam, we are committed to fostering innovation, advancing knowledge, and making a positive impact on society. We believe that excellence in teaching and research is only …
De responsiviteit van regionale interbestuurlijke samenwerkingen Opens externalLokale overheden werken vaak samen in regionale interbestuurlijke samenwerkingen om op efficiënte wijze openbare diensten te verlenen en maatschappelijke uitdagingen effectief aan te pakken. Zo wordt er samengewerkt bij het implementeren van de energietransitie, het bevorderen van klimaat …
Postdoctoral researcher Contesting implementation Opens externalAre you looking for an exciting opportunity to contribute to research on citizen responses to government implementation of supranational policies? You will contribute to developing and testing fresh perspectives on the linkages between European policies, national policy implementation, and citizen …
The responsiveness of regional intergovernmental collaborations Opens externalLocal governments often collaborate in regional intergovernmental cooperations in order to efficiently provide public services and effectively tackle societal challenges. Regional intergovernmental cooperations are used to implement the energy transition, create climate adaptability, provide …
PhD student veerkracht en houdbaarheid van de zorg Opens externalHeb jij (bijna) een master in de sociale of gezondheidswetenschappen afgerond? En zou je graag willen promoveren op het gebied van bestuur en organisatie in de gezondheidszorg op een plek waar alle actuele zorgvraagstukken samenkomen? Bij de afdeling Healthcare Governance (HCG) van Erasmus School …
Onderzoeksmedewerker Opens externalErasmus School of Economics zoekt een onderzoeksmedewerker die Universitair Docent Bastian Ravesteijn ondersteunt bij het doen van kwantitatieve analyses met microdata van het CBS. Het gaat om onderzoek naar kansengelijkheid in Nederland.Functie-omschrijving Projectwerkzaamheden: Het produceren …
PhD student Netwerkvorming en concentratie van zorg Opens externalHeb jij (bijna) een master in de sociale of gezondheidswetenschappen afgerond? Of een master geneeskunde en heb je belangstelling voor bestuur en beleid? En zou je graag willen promoveren op het gebied van bestuur en organisatie in de gezondheidszorg op een plek waar alle actuele zorgvraagstukken …
Part-time Lecturer in Finance Opens externalAre you ready for a role that will help to create the future of finance? You’ll join a dynamic and international department of dedicated educators and ambitious academics that engage in top quality research and host specialised conferences and seminars. The education and research focus is on …
Postdoctoraal onderzoeker over Brede Welvaart Opens externalGenereer nieuwe inzichten en kennis op het gebied van Brede Welvaart op lokaal niveau, waarbij je maatschappelijke problemen en de implicaties op welzijn, beleidsinterventies en lokaal bestuur onderzoekt.“Brede Welvaart” betekent dat we het welzijn en de welvaart in onze huidige samenleving veel …
Postdoc – Project CUES (1.0 FTE) Opens externalWe are looking for a highly motivated Postdoc who wishes to conduct research in the context of a new Horizon Europe project called CUES. The CUES project (Consumers’ Understanding of Eating Sustainably) is awarded with 6.5 million euros from the Horizon Europe programme by the European Commission. …
PhD candidate – Project CUES (1.0 FTE) Opens externalWe are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate who wishes to conduct a PhD research in the context of a new Horizon Europe project called CUES. The CUES project (Consumers’ Understanding of Eating Sustainably) is awarded with 6.5 million euros from the Horizon Europe programme by the European …
PhD position: Explaining labour market integration of migrants. Between populism and productivity (0.8-1 fte) Opens externalWhat are you going to do? Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to contribute to research on populism and labour market integration of migrants? In order to address the long-term challenge of intensifying labour shortages and rising pressure on the welfare state, many countries in the EU …
PhD Position (1.0 FTE) in Digitalization and Responsible Business Opens externalThe successful candidate will be based at the Department of Media and Communication of the ESHCC and will carry out the following tasks: Research (0.8 fte) Conducting PhD research. Publishing and presenting research results in the form of articles in international peer reviewed journals and papers …
Two PhD positions for NWO Vidi Project ‘URBan migration infrastructures for Irregular Migrant Mobility’ (URBIMM) Opens externalIrregular migration has become a political priority in Europe. While European and national policies criminalize migrants who are on the move to a further destination, cities and local actors are taking a more inclusive stance. However, local responses to ‘transit migration’ tend to …
Assistant Professor Work and Organizational Psychology Opens externalBackground This vacancy falls within the new interdisciplinary EUR-broad SSH-program “The influence of digitalization on work, prosperity and entrepreneurship”. For this program, a new Assistant Professor is recruited at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies, to …
Industrial Doctorate Opportunities at FLSmidth and Partners / IHS BV Opens externalFLSmidth, along with other industrial and academic partners, is seeking highly motivated graduate students to enrol in our newly funded Industrial Doctorate. The project consists of an international, industrial, doctoral training network entitled “Data Enabling Transformation and Optimisation …
Full Professor: chair Behavioural and Experimental Economics, 1.0 fte (fulltime) Opens externalAt the department of Applied Economics, section Behavioural Economics (BE) of the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) in Rotterdam, we are committed to fostering innovation, advancing knowledge, and making a positive impact on society. We believe that excellence in teaching and research is only …
Promovendus ‘Perfect Parents’ Opens externalEen kind opvoeden is mooi en zwaar tegelijk. Veel ouders zijn erg moe en vermoeidheid is een voorloper van burnout bij ouders. Maatschappelijke trends kunnen ouders het idee geven dat opvoeding iets is dat je perfect moet doen en iets dat je zonder hulp moet kunnen. Paradoxaal genoeg draagt …
Tenure-track assistant professor in Supply Chain Management Opens externalRoleAs a tenure-track assistant professor of supply chain management (SCM) in the department of Technology and Operations Management (TOM) at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), you’ll be working in a research-led business school. The expertise of our SCM section is broad yet …