Ref REF 2023-0570
Information about the division and the department
Research at the Department of Space, Earth and Environment (SEE) addresses fundamental scientific topics. On the one hand, we focus on basic science related to the origins of universe, of our planet and of life. On the other, we observe what is happening on Earth today and develop methods, tools and models that enable us to look towards the future and find solutions to global challenges about resources, energy supply and environmental impact. The research in the division of Astronomy and Plasma Physics (AoP) covers a wide range of topics, including evolved stars, interstellar medium, astrochemistry, star and planet formation, exoplanets, observational cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution and galaxy clusters. The activities of AoP are situated at the main Johanneberg Campus and at the Onsala Space Observatory (OSO), which is the Swedish national facility for Radio Astronomy. The observatory operates telescopes in Sweden, shares in the APEX telescope in Chile, and hosts the Nordic ALMA Regional Center (ARC).
Applications are invited for one postdoctoral position linked to the research project “HIDDeN- Exploring the Hidden Dusty Nuclei”, funded by the European Research Council, (PI: S. Aalto). In the HIDDeN project we use multi-wavelength techniques, including recently developed mm and submm observational methods, to reach behind the curtain of dust in the most obscured centers of U/LIRGs, allowing us to undertake ground-breaking studies of heretofore hidden rapid evolutionary phases of nearby and distant galaxy nuclei. We are seeking an ambitious, highly-qualified postdoctoral researcher with experience in any of the following areas:
1- mm/submm/radio interferometric studies of nearby and/or distant galaxies, AGNs and starbursts
2- molecular astrochemistry, radiative transfer modelling, cosmic rays, high energy astrophysics
3- galactic dynamics studies, outflows and feedback;
4- experience with numerical techniques for modeling galaxy evolution and/or machine learning and AI techniques .
The research team is part of the growing and vibrant research environment encompassing the Chalmers Division for Astronomy and Plasma Physics and the Onsala Space Observatory – host of the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy which is also the location of the Nordic ALMA Regional Center Node. Our team is also active in a number of international collaborations.
Major responsibilities
Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your research in the research group of S. Aalto and collaborators. The position might also include opportunities for small fractions of time teaching on undergraduate and master’s levels as well as supervising master’s and/or PhD students. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.
To qualify for these postdoc positions, you must have a Ph.D. in astronomy or a relevant field and a demonstrated potential for research. You must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers).
The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.
Contract terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years with possible extension.
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Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.
Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20230595 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.
CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
• Two references that we can contact.
Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:• Introduce yourself• Describe your previous research fields and main research results• Describe your future goals and future research focus
Other documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.
Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
Application deadline: 2023-12-31
For questions, please contact:
Prof. Susanne Aalto, Astronomy & Plasma Physics; Space, Earth and Environments,
susanne.aalto@chalmers.se, +46 31 7726693
*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***
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