Swedish Defence University in Sweden invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, situated on Drottning Kristinas väg 37 in Östermalm, Stockholm City Centre, next to the campus of the Royal Institute of Technology.
Handläggare till prefekt och proprefekter sökes till FörsvarshögskolanStockholmLast application day: 2023-12-27Full time – Permanent positionRead more and apply
Verksamhetskoordinator sökes till FörsvarshögskolanStockholmLast application day: 2024-01-10Full time – Temporary positionRead more and apply
Associate Senior Lecturer in Political Science with a focus on Crisis Management and Security and specialization on ClimateStockholmLast application day: 2023-12-22Full time – Temporary positionRead more and apply
Utbildningskoordinater sökes till FörsvarshögskolanStockholmLast application day: 2024-01-04Full time – Permanent positionRead more and apply
University lecturer in international and operational lawStockholmLast application day: 2024-01-15Full time – Permanent positionRead more and apply
Universitetsadjunkt i försvarssystem med inriktning samverkan till FörsvarshögskolanStockholmLast application day: 2023-12-22Full time – Permanent positionRead more and apply
Postdoc focusing on modelling and simulation of energy network vulnerabilitiesStockholmLast application day: 2024-01-08Full time – Temporary positionRead more and apply
Research assistant in International and operational law at SDUStockholmLast application day: 2023-12-31Full time – Temporary positionRead more and apply
Postdoc focusing on the development of a data science labStockholmLast application day: 2024-01-08Full time – Temporary positionRead more and apply
Doktorand i offentlig rätt med inriktning mot krisberedskap och totalförsvar vid Centrum för operativ juridik och folkrätt vid Försvarshögskolan i samarbete med Uppsala universitetStockholmLast application day: 2024-03-01Full time – Temporary positionRead more and apply