Newcastle University in United Kingdom invites application for vacant Research and Academic Positions, a UK public research university based in Newcastle upon Tyne, North East England.
Research Integrity Project OfficerNewcastle, GB Senior RA/RA in Rotordynamics Newcastle, GB Senior Research Associate – Behavioural and Social Science Newcastle, GB Accountancy Assistant (Project Support) Newcastle, GB Research Project Coordinator Newcastle, GB Project Assistant Newcastle, GB eLearning & Student Digital Skills Officer Newcastle, GB Research Assistant/Associate in Biomedical Engineering Newcastle, GB Postdoctoral Research Associate in Astrophysics and Cosmology Newcastle, GB Assistant Research Engineer Newcastle, GB International Recruitment Officer Newcastle, GB Research Assistant/Associate in Statistics Newcastle, GB Research Manager (School of Computing & Mathematics,Statistics & Physics) Newcastle, GB Research associate in quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of Strawberries Newcastle, GB Research Assistant in Construction Materials Newcastle, GB PA to Head of School and School Manager Newcastle, GB Marketing Manager (Student Recruitment) Newcastle, GB Research associate in Urban Analytics and Modelling Newcastle, GB Research Finance Manager Newcastle, GB Research Assistant/Associate: Music, Heritage, Place Newcastle, GB Research Associate (Poultry Welfare Informatics) Newcastle, GB Education Assistant Newcastle, GB Education Support Assistant Newcastle, GB Postdoctoral Research Associate in Chemistry Newcastle, GB Media Relations Manager Newcastle, GB
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