The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland
Description | Code digit | Pensum |
ScientistTenure Track | 3303-00 | 100 |
Praktikum im Bereich Human Resources80 – 100 % | 1320-T2 | 100 |
PhD Student | 4400-00 | 100 |
Scientist in Quantum and DataProgram Manager at ESA Centre of Excellence | 1100-01 | 100 |
PhD StudentEnrollment at the University of Zurich | 3502-01 | 100 |
Assistenz des Direktors80 – 100 % | 1000-00 | 80 – 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowFinite Element Modeling of Residual Stress in Multiple Pass Dissimilar Metal Welding | 4603-02 | 100 |
Instrument Scientist (Tenure Track)Ultrafast atomic, molecular and non – linear science at the Maloja endstation | 6415-00 | 100 |
Techniker*in (HF) | 2414-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 4502-06 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowHolistic energy systems modelling of nuclear energy technologies | 4500-01 | 100 |
Schreiner*in | 9221-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowMuon-Induced X-rays Emission for elemental analysis | 3500-02 | 100 |
System- / Elektrotechniker*in80 – 100 % | 1715-01 | 80 – 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowProject ’Exploration of Magnetic Topologies by Neutron Scattering’ | 3301-01 | 100 |
Umweltwissenschaftler*inAls umweltbeauftragte Person für das Institut (40 %) kombiniert mit operativer Betreuung von atmosphärischen Langzeitmessreihen (40 % ‐ 60 %) | 5502-03 | 100 |
Doktorand*inNeue Eisen-ausgetauschte Zeolithe für die Reduktion von Stickoxiden in Abgasen | 5100-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowNeutron- and X-ray scattering on Topological Magnets | 3600-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 3604-02 | 100 |
PhD StudentProject ’Exploration of Magnetic Topologies by Neutron Scattering’ | 3301-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowData Science for synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopy | 6416-00 | 100 |
Konstrukteur*in Anlagenbau 80-100% | 8342 | 80 – 100 |
Fachspezialist*in für Kompressor-, Gassysteme und kryogene Kälteanlagen | 9372-02 | 100 |
PhD Studentin heterogeneous catalysis and in situ / operando spectroscopy | 5004-01 | 100 |
ScientistTenure Track | 4404-00 | 100 |
ScientistTenure Track | 3700-00 | 100 |
Safeguardsverantwortliche*n | 4309 | 100 |
Gruppenleiter*in Fertigungstechnik | 8321-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellowin fundamental physics with ultracold neutrons | 3204-00 | 100 |
TraineeHigh gradient RF guns for Future Particle Accelerators | 8414-T2 | 100 |
HTS magnetic shield for muons injection channel8431-T110028.11.2023
Polymechanikerin – Polymechaniker EFZ
Transverse timing-mode schemes for SLS 2.08121-T210023.11.2023
A study on: Filled wax systems as impregnation media for low temperature superconductive (LTS) magnets8433-T210022.11.2023
PhD Student
Investigation of two phase mass transport in porous transport layers of polymer electrolyte fuel cells using X‐ray micro tomography5422‐0410014.11.2023
PhD Student
Investigation of key electrocatalyst and electrochemical interfaces for the hydrogen cycle using operando spectroscopy tools5423-0310013.11.2023
Development of a low β RF cavity for the SLS linac8414-T110009.11.2023
Group Head in Energy Economics
Postdoctoral Fellow
Investigation of Chemical Processes Relevant for Liquid-Metal-Cooled GenIV-Nuclear Reactors4700-0010030.10.2023
Postdoctoral Fellow
on synchrotron studies of heterostructure quantum materials6516-0010004.10.2023