Luxembourg Institute of Health invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, research center in Luxembourg for basic, pre-clinical and clinical research
Internship Position in Leukemia Research (Master students) – AL0124TSI – TUMOR STROMA INTERACTIONSINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Post-doctoral Fellow in Cancer MetabolismCMG – CANCER METABOLISM GROUPRESEARCHERFunded by the ERC CoGprogram, The Meiser lab (Department of Cancer Research) is seeking a dedicated Post-doctoral Fellow in Cancer Metabolism.
Biostatistics internship in neurophysiology of decision making – ERJ1223 (Master Students only)CCMS – COMPETENCE CENTER FOR METHODOLOGY AND STATISTICSINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Legal Internship Position (Master student) – LL1223GM LO – LEGAL OFFICEINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Postdoctoral position in Immune Ageing and Systems Immunology – FH1123DII ALL1 – ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGYRESEARCHERFunded by a FNR CORE grant, Dr. Feng Hefeng within the Department of Infection and Immunity of LIH, is seeking a dedicated Post-Doctoral fellow.
Post-doctoral fellow in Cancer Research – EM1123TSI – TUMOR STROMA INTERACTIONSRESEARCHERTo be part of the Tumor Stroma Interactions research group (Heads: Dr. Etienne Moussay and Dr. Jérôme Paggetti) within the Department of Cancer Research at the LIH, we are currently offering a post-doctoral position in Cancer Research.
Head of Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg – HT1023IBBL – INTEGRATED BIOBANK OF LUXEMBOURGThe Head of IBBL supports the development and implementation of organizational policies, contracts, and business relations to meet the strategic translational and financial goals of the Institute.
Information Security & IT Quality Officer – JYB1023DIA – DATA INTEGRATION AND ANALYSIS UNIT (DIA)RESEARCH SUPPORTWe are seeking an experienced and motivated Information Security and IT Quality Officer to join our team. This role involves planning, organization, implementation, and continuous improvement of the processes within DIA integrated into the institutional quality management strategy.
Internship in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (Master student) – TB1023NUTH – NUTRIHEALTHINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Postdoctoral Fellow in Nutrition/Public Health – TB1023NUTH – NUTRIHEALTHRESEARCHERFor a project related to cardiometabolic health and obesity prevention, we are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Fellow (m/f/d) to participate in scoping reviews related to biomarkers targeting obesity prevention on one hand, and on the other hand, aid in the conduction of intervention trials that target obesity prevention through a multi-portfolio approach, encompassing diet, physical activity and psychological aspects.
Internship Position in Health Data Science / Bioinformatics / Biostatistics (Master student) -GF0923DDP – DEEP DIGITAL PHENOTYPING RESEARCH UNITINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Internship Position in Nutrition Sciences (Master Student) – TB0923NUTH – NUTRIHEALTHINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Internship Position in Epidemiology/PublicHealth/Biostatistics (Master Student) – TB1023NUTH – NUTRIHEALTHINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Senior Post-doctoral Fellow in Immuno-Oncology Research – BJ0723TIME – TUMOR IMMUNOTHERAPY AND MICROENVIRONMENTRESEARCHERThe revolution of cancer immunotherapy based on Immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) is in the process of fundamentally reshaping the treatment of cancer. This enthusiastic vision has been seriously challenged by the clinical reality that only a few patients benefit from the remarkable clinical remissions whereas the majority have a short-term benefit or no benefit at all. To broaden the use of immunotherapy, immune-oncology research is now pushing towards rationally combining immunotherapy with other therapies.
Spontaneous Internship applications 2023INTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Spontaneous Summer Student Jobs 2023INTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
PhD student positions in Cancer Biology focusing on the Tumor Ecosystem – DTU Canbio2-SN1022PHD STUDENTCANBIO2, standing for doctoral training in “Cancer Biology 2, is the second edition of our competitive PhD training program, supported by the doctoral research funding scheme PRIDE of the Luxembourg National Research Fund(FNR). Focused on the multiple distinct facets of the tumour ecosystem, the scientific program comprises the following three aspects: (i) advanced cancer models, (ii) cancer metabolism and (iii) novel treatment strategies integrating various aspects of the tumour environment. CANBIO2 will make use of advanced high throughput technologies and apply systems biology approaches to unravel novel targets for treatment