Consent Preferences The University of Antwerp in Belgium invites application for vacant (39) PhD and Postdoc Positions – Scholar Idea
Antwerp, Belgium - April 28, 2019 - The University of Antwerp (Universiteit Antwerpen) is one of the major Belgian universities located in the city of Antwerp, Belgium.

The University of Antwerp in Belgium invites application for vacant PhD and Postdoc Positions, one of the major Belgian universities located in the city of Antwerp, Belgium

Central Departments & Services

Predoctoral level

Valorisation manager for the Valorisation domain Metopolitanism, Smart Cities, Mobility & Logistics.

Faculty Social Sciences

Postdoctoral level

Senior academic staff law

Faculty of Applied Engineering

Postdoctoral level

Senior researcher “Thermal imaging for autonomous shipping”

Junior research professor (tenure track ZAPBOF) power-to-X-to-power

Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Postdoctoral level

Junior or senior professor of French and Francophone literature and culture

Junior or senior professor of modern German literature and culture

Junior or senior professor in interpreting studies (French-Dutch)

Junior or senior professor of the history of political philosophy

Junior or senior professor of contemporary Anglophone literature of North America

Junior or senior professor of literature in Spanish outside Spain

Junior or senior professor of synchronic French linguistics

Junior or senior professor translation studies and Hispanic culture

Faculty of Business and Economics

Predoctoral level

Graduate teaching & research assistant accountancy

Graduate teaching & research assistant entrepreneurial finance

Doctoral scholarship holder financial reporting

Faculty of Design Sciences

Predoctoral level

Doctoral scholarship holder in the interdisciplinary field of heritage studies

Doctoral scholarship holder who would like to work on improving spatial relations between in- and outside environments in care contexts

Postdoctoral level

Senior academic staff (i.e. assistant professor, associate professor, professor or full professor)Theory and history of the interior

Postdoctoral researcher Adaptive Human Operator Interaction with Autonomous Systems (AHOI) project

Faculty of Law

Predoctoral level

Doctoral scholarship holder the law of the European Union, with particular attention for the rule of law, mutual trust and the area of freedom, security and justice

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Predoctoral level

PhD fellow viral hepatitis and disease modelling

Doctoral scholarship holder to study the epigenetic landscapes of histopathological growth patterns in colorectal cancer liver metastasis

Postdoctoral level

Postdoctoral researcher nanoparticle-based radioligands for theranostic oncology applications

Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences

Predoctoral level

Doctoral scholarship holder molecular and computational neurogenomics

Doctoral scholarship Application of ion mobility mass spectrometry for increasing confidence in the identification and assessment of contaminants of emerging concern in indoor environment and humans

Doctoral scholarship holder in vivo MR Imaging of animal models for neurodegeneration, neuroplasticity and neuromodulation

Postdoctoral level

Postdoctoral researcher molecular neurobiology and induced pluripotent stem cell research and development

Faculty of Science

Predoctoral level

Collaborator local VSC Tier-2 support team

Collaborators VSC’s Tier-0 support team and the upcoming EuroHPC EPICURE project

Doctoral scholarship holder Singlet oxygen photosensitizer dye synthesis, functionalization and characterization for biomedical applications

PhD positions quantitative in situ electron microscopy of metal halide perovskite materials

PhD researcher to join a research project on the use of “low-dose electron microscopy techniques for the investigation of graphene-related materials”

Graduate teaching & research assistant analysis and/or geometry

PhD scholarship holder Carbon dynamics of coastal wetland ecosystems

Postdoctoral level

Postdoctoral researcher biogenic terrestrial carbon fluxes modelling

Postdoctoral candidates with research proposals that tackle the “Chiral nanomaterials challenge”

Postdoctoral researcher bio-electrochemistry

Postdoctoral researcher Carbon dynamics of coastal wetland ecosystems

Institute of Development Policy (IOB)

Predoctoral level

Graduate teaching & research assistant Peace, institutional design and ethnicity in Africa

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