ETH Zurich in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, one of the leading universities for technology and the natural sciences in Switzerland
Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Microscale Robots100%, Zurich, fixed-term15.03.2024 | Laboratory for Mesocopic Systems
Doctoral researcher (PhD Position) in Computer Science: Mental Resilience in the Digital Age100%, Zurich, fixed-term14.03.2024 | Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
PhD position in Electrohydraulic Actuators for Robotic Systems100%, Zurich, fixed-term14.03.2024 | Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
Doctoral researcher (PhD Position) in Behavioural Science / Psychology: Mental Resilience in the Digital Age100%, Zurich, fixed-term14.03.2024 | Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Doctoral researcher (PhD Position) in Data Science: Mental Resilience in the Digital Age100%, Zurich, fixed-term14.03.2024 | Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Mitarbeiter:in Campus Info (m/w/d)60%-80%, Zürich, befristet14.03.2024 | Campus Services
Doktorierende in Baugeschichte/Bauforschung (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, befristet13.03.2024 | Professur Bauforschung und Konstruktionsgeschichte
PostDoc in Baugeschichte/Bauforschung (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, befristet13.03.2024 | Professur Bauforschung und Konstruktionsgeschichte
Creative Media Production Manager and Script Writer for Scientific-Educational Content40%-80%, Zurich, fixed-term12.03.2024 | EduMedia – Unit for Teaching and Learning (Former LET)
ESA BIC Switzerland Programm & Start-up Manager:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet12.03.2024 | Vizepräsidium für Wissenstransfer und Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (VPWW)
Postdoctoral position for research in mobile/wearable cardiac solutions and signals80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.03.2024 | Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Technologie-Manager:in Engineering/Informatik mit Berufserfahrung (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet12.03.2024 | ETH transfer – IP und Lizenzen
Administrative:r Mitarbeiter:in für die Raum- und Stundenplanung (m/w/d)60%, Zürich, unbefristet12.03.2024 | Akademische Dienste, Planung und Prozesse Lehrbetrieb
Researcher – Circular BIM and Temporary Works100%, Singapore, fixed-term11.03.2024 | Singapore-ETH Centre
Content-Marketing-Spezialist:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet11.03.2024 | ETH-Bibliothek
Administrative Assistenz (w/m/d) am Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme40%-50%, Zürich, unbefristet11.03.2024 | D-BAUG; Inst. f. Verkehrspl. u. Transportsyst.
PhD position: Study the cellular infection biology of Salmonella diarrhea with an in vivo-like tissue culture model100%, Zurich, fixed-term11.03.2024 | Institute of Microbiology
Social Media Manager:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet08.03.2024 | Departement Umweltsystemwissenschaften
Hilfsassistent:in für Projektmitarbeit (m/w/d)20%-40%, Zürich, befristet08.03.2024 | Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
PhD position on climate modelling of aerosol-cloud interactions90%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term08.03.2024 | Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science in the Departement of Environmental Systems Science
Student Assistant for Website and Social Media10%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term07.03.2024 | International Political Economy and Environmental Politics
Design++ Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.03.2024 | Center for Augmented Computational Design in Architecture, Engineering and Construction
Postdoc position in political science100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.03.2024 | Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-GESS)
Two PhD positions in political science100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.03.2024 | Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-GESS)
Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in mit Fokus „Schweizer Aussen-, Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik“ (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet06.03.2024 | Center for Security Studies
Postdoctoral or PhD Researcher in Applied Macroeconomics and/or Political Economy100%, Zurich, fixed-term06.03.2024 | KOF, Chair of Applied Macroeconomics
Business Controller:in (m/w/d)70%, Zürich, unbefristet06.03.2024 | ETH-Bibliothek
Post-Doctoral Researcher – Innovative Meat Substitutes to Support Human Nutrition and Health100%, Zurich, fixed-term06.03.2024 | Laboratory of Sustainable Food Processing, Laboratory of Nutrition and Metabolic Epigenetics, and ETH Laboratory of Translational Nutrition Biology
Software Engineer with Experience in Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling – EXCLAIM Project80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.03.2024 | Center for Climate Systems Modeling
PhD student in Transportation and Mobility Planning100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.03.2024 | D-BAUG; Inst. f. Verkehrspl. u. Transportsyst.
Postdoctoral researcher in Transport and Mobility Planning100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.03.2024 | D-BAUG; Inst. f. Verkehrspl. u. Transportsyst.
2 PhD positions: Real structure of materials with local lattice instabilities100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.03.2024 | Department of Materials
Care and Complaint Officer30%-40%, Zurich, fixed-term04.03.2024 | Department Architectur (D-ARCH)
PhD Position on “Secure Machine Learning on RISC-V Servers and Accelerators”100%, Zurich, fixed-term04.03.2024 | Digital Circuits and Systems Group
PhD Position in Chemical Toxicology100%, Zurich, fixed-term04.03.2024 | Laboratory of Toxicology, D-HEST, ETH Zürich
IT Officer für ENHANCE & Digital Campus (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet04.03.2024 | Abteilung Akademische Dienste
Postdoctoral Researcher in Explainable Machine Learning for Health Status Monitoring and Modelling80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term04.03.2024 | SCAI Lab
PhD position: Development of an in vitro platform to investigate glioma – neuron interactions100%, Basel, fixed-term29.02.2024 | Bio Engineering Laboratory
PhD student in Multi-modal Input Decoding from Wearable Sensors (Human-Computer Interaction, Augmented Reality)100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.02.2024 | Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab | Institute of Intelligent Interactive Systems | Department of Computer Science
PhD position “Near-net shape spark plasma sintering of self-healing ceramic sealings for hydrogen compressors”100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.02.2024 | Department of Mechanical Engineering
Postdoctoral position in Systems or Hardware Security100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.02.2024 | Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Trainee Position in Architectural Modeling with Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.02.2024 | ITA
ICT System Spezialist:in (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet28.02.2024 | Informatikdienste
Elektronik-Ingenieur:in Mikrowellenspektroskopie (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet27.02.2024 | Institut für Molekulare Physikalische Wissenschaft (IMPS), D-CHAB
Postdoctoral Position in Hydrological Modelling and Analysis100%, Zurich, fixed-term27.02.2024 | Chair of Hydrology and Water Resources Management (HYD)
Linux System-Administrator:in (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, unbefristet27.02.2024 | Sektion Applications, Gruppe Hosting
Elektronik-Ingenieur:in: Mikrowellenspektroskopie (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet27.02.2024 | Institut für Molekulare Physikalische Wissenschaft (IMPS), D-CHAB
PhD position: Computational mechanics100%, Zurich, fixed-term27.02.2024 | D-MAVT
PhD position: In vivo gene editing and functional genomics to interrogate brain development and function100%, Basel, fixed-term27.02.2024 | Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering
Robotics Engineer for Construction Mobile Robot at Gramazio Kohler Research60%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term27.02.2024 | Institute of Technology in Architecture
Applikationssupport (m/w/d)50%, Zürich, unbefristet26.02.2024 | Informatikdienste
Digitalisierungsexpert:innen (HiWi) (m/w/d)10%-20%, Zürich, befristet23.02.2024 | Tierphysiologie
Lab Automation Scientist80%-100%, Zurich, permanent23.02.2024 | NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies
Laboratory Technician/Manager for Soft and Biohybrid Robotics Research50%-100%, Zurich, permanent23.02.2024 | MAVT – Soft Robotics Lab
Postdoctoral Researcher – Public Economics: International Taxation/ Local Public Finance/ Urban Economics100%, Zurich, fixed-term23.02.2024 | D-MTEC, Chair of Public Economics PEC
Doctoral student – optimisation of biogas production and effluent quality100%, Zurich, fixed-term22.02.2024 | Global Health Engineering (GHE)
Haustechniker:in – HLK Gebäudebereich HC (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet21.02.2024 | Abteilung Facility Services
Koordinator:in für Digitales Grants Management (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet21.02.2024 | Grants Office
Programmer in Educational Technology60%, Zurich, fixed-term21.02.2024 | Unit for Educational Development and Technology (LET)
Postdoctoral Position in Computational Astrophysics – Black Hole Disks100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.02.2024 | Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Department of Physics
Optical Engineer / Experimental Physicist100%, Zurich, fixed-term20.02.2024 | Exoplanets and Habitability
Data Manager at the BedrettoLab80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term20.02.2024 | BedrettoLab (Earth Science Department)
Postdoctoral researcher: microbiome bioinformatics and metagenomics100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.02.2024 | Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Postdoctoral position for research in antenna design for e-textiles80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term16.02.2024 | Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Postdoctoral position for research in functional materials for sensing technology in e-textiles80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term16.02.2024 | Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Studentische Botschafter:in für Focus Sustainability (m/w/d)10%, Zürich, befristet16.02.2024 | Partnerinserat | Focus Sustainability
Coordination Doctoral Program in Plant Sciences at Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center50%-60%, Zurich, fixed-term15.02.2024 | Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center
Internship Industrial Robotics Research100%, Zurich, fixed-term15.02.2024 | Partnerinserat | Industrial Robotics Lab Zürich (IRZ)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Controls for Robotic Machining100%, Zurich, fixed-term15.02.2024 | Partnerinserat | Industrial Robotics Lab Zürich (IRZ)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Industrial Robotics100%, Zurich, fixed-term15.02.2024 | Partnerinserat | Industrial Robotics Lab Zürich (IRZ)
Leading Research Engineer Software in Industrial Robotics100%, Zurich, permanent15.02.2024 | Partnerinserat | Industrial Robotics Lab Zürich (IRZ)
PhD position in ultrafast imaging on ferroic materials100%, Zurich, fixed-term14.02.2024 | Department of Materials
PhD Position for Synthetic Biology-Inspired Therapies100%, Basel, fixed-term13.02.2024 | Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering
Doctoral Student in Development Economics100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.02.2024 | ETH Zurich – Development Economics Group (ETH-DEC)
Teamleiter:in Immobilienbewirtschaftung (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet12.02.2024 | Abteilung Immobilien
Research Associate – Development of processing strategies for ceramic-metal additive manufacturing100%, Zurich, permanent12.02.2024 | Partnerinserat |
PhD position in the field of design automation for additive manufacturing100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.02.2024 | Partnerinserat | Inspire AG
PhD Position in Ocean Microbial Population Genomics100%, Zurich, fixed-term09.02.2024 | Department of Biology – Institute of Microbiology
Konstrukteur:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2024Zürich, Lehrstelle09.02.2024 | Berufsbildung
Techniker:in Elektronik, Mechanik (w/m/d)80%-100%, unbefristet09.02.2024 | Partnerinserat | PMOD/WRC
PhD position in nonlinear laser spectroscopy on altermagnets100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.02.2024 | Department of Materials
PhD position in Terahertz dynamics on strongly correlated materials100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.02.2024 | Department of Materials
Postdoctoral position in Terahertz dynamics on strongly correlated materials100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.02.2024 | Department of Materials
Post-doctoral Position in Machine Learning for Engineering Design100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.02.2024 | Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
Engineering Postdoc Opening for Development of a High-density CMOS Microelectrode Array Setup for Use with Retinal Preparations and Optogenetics100%, Basel, fixed-term07.02.2024 | Bio Engineering Laboratory
Maturand:in für ein Praktikum im Bereich Administration (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, befristet07.02.2024 | Collegium Helveticum
System Spezialist:in für grosse Speicherumgebungen und Datensicherung (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet07.02.2024 | Informatikdienste
Praktikant:in Kulturgüterschutz (m/w/d)50%, Zürich, befristet06.02.2024 | ETH-Bibliothek
Praktikant:in Konservierung und Restaurierung (m/w/d)50%, Zürich, befristet06.02.2024 | ETH-Bibliothek
Praktikant:in Ausstellungsszenografie (m/w/d)60%, Zürich, befristet06.02.2024 | ETH-Bibliothek
Praktikant:in Ausstellungsmanagement (m/w/d)60%, Zürich, befristet06.02.2024 | ETH-Bibliothek
Praktikant:in für die Erschliessung (m/w/d)50%-80%, Zürich, befristet06.02.2024 | ETH-Bibliothek
PhD position in Molecular Pharmacology100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.02.2024 | Molecular Pharmacology
PhD position in Stretchable Optical Skin (O-Skin)100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.02.2024 | Material science, Robotics
Head of Windows Services (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet01.02.2024 | Informatikdienste
Postdoc Position on Genome Assembly at the Population Scale100%, Zurich, fixed-term01.02.2024 | Animal Genomics Group
HPC Systems Platform Engineer80%-100%, Lugano, permanent31.01.2024 | CSCS
Postdoctoral Fellowship Position on Educational Approaches to Misinformation100%, Zurich, fixed-term30.01.2024 | D-GESS | Professorship for Learning and Instruction
Postdoc position in the professorship of history and philosophy of mathematical sciences100%, Zurich, fixed-term26.01.2024 | Professorship for history and philosophy of mathematical sciences
Internships at CSCS – the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre 2024100%, Lugano, fixed-term15.01.2024 | CSCS in Lugano or Zürich
Postdoctoral Position in Circular Construction100%, Zurich, fixed-term20.12.2023 | D-BAUG – IBI – CEA
Doctoral Fellowship in Landscape and Urban Studies100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.12.2023 | Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS), D-ARCH
Postdoctoral Researcher – Public Economics: Digital Economics and Public Policy100%, Zurich, fixed-term04.12.2023 | Chair of Public Economics PEC
PhD and Scientific Assistant positions in Digital Product Passports and Digital Tools for Circular Construction100%, Zurich, fixed-term06.11.2023 | D-BAUG – Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management – Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture
Postdoctoral position in Digital Technologies for Circular Construction100%, Zurich, fixed-term06.11.2023 | D-BAUG – Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management – Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture
PhD position in Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion100%, Zurich, fixed-term20.10.2023 | Electrochemical Energy Systems Laboratory
PhD Position in Self-assembled Colloidal Micromachines100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.10.2023 | Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems
PhD position in Matchmaking for Circular Construction100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.10.2023 | D-BAUG – Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management – Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture
PhD Position in Digital Identities for Regenerative Materials100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.09.2023 | D-BAUG – Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management – Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture
Fachperson Betriebsunterhalt EFZ (m/w/d) 2024 – Hausdienst – ZürichZürich, Lehrstelle01.09.2023 | Berufsbildung
Postdoctoral Position in Computer Vision for Circular Construction100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.06.2023 | D-BAUG – Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management – Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture
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