Consent Preferences 60 Postdoctoral and Research Positions in The National University of Singapore – Scholar Idea

Postdoctoral and Research Positions in The National University of Singapore, a national research university in Singapore.

Postdoctoral Fellow – Governance of AI (Case Research, Online Experiments and Delphi)Research TeamLee Kuan Yew School of Public PolicyRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow (Maritime Economics)Centre for Maritime StudiesCentre for Maritime StudiesRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow in Chinese StudiesChinese StudiesArts & Social SciencesRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow (iHealthtech)Inst for Health Innovation & TechnologyInst for Health Innovation & TechnologyRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow (Cancer Science Institute)ResearchCancer Science Institute of SingaporeRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow (iHealthtech)Inst for Health Innovation & TechnologyInst for Health Innovation & TechnologyRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow (iHealthtech)Inst for Health Innovation & TechnologyInst for Health Innovation & TechnologyRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow (Health Outcomes Measurement)Saw Swee Hock School of Public HealthSaw Swee Hock School of Public HealthRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Dept of Medicine – CVRI)MedicineYong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Management and OrganisationManagement And OrganisationSchool of BusinessRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Environment & Sustainability)Institute for Environment and SustainabilityLee Kuan Yew School of Public PolicyRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow in HistoryHistoryArts & Social SciencesRegular Full-Time
Professor, Social WorkSocial WorkArts & Social SciencesRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Nanocatalysis and imaging) 1Materials Science and EngineeringCollege of Design and EngineeringRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Nanocatalysis and imaging) 2Materials Science and EngineeringCollege of Design and EngineeringRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Materials Science) 1Materials Science and EngineeringCollege of Design and EngineeringRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Materials Science) 2Materials Science and EngineeringCollege of Design and EngineeringRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Nanocatalysis and imaging) 3Materials Science and EngineeringCollege of Design and EngineeringRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Nanocatalysis and imaging) 1Materials Science and EngineeringCollege of Design and EngineeringRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Nanocatalysis and imaging) 2Materials Science and EngineeringCollege of Design and EngineeringRegular Full-Time
Professor (Social Work, Director of Social Service Research Centre)Social WorkArts & Social SciencesRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (New Paradigm for Quantum Resources in Strong-Kerr-resonator-based Microsystems)Exploratory Initiatives GroupCentre for Quantum TechnologiesRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Pharmacy)Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesScienceRegular Full-Time
Senior Research Fellow (Chemistry)ChemistryScienceRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Neurobiology Program)AnatomyYong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time

Research Fellow (Biological Sciences)
Biological SciencesScienceRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Mechanobiology Institute)ResearchMechanobiology InstituteRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Chemistry)ChemistryScienceRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Biological Sciences)Biological SciencesScienceRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (AI & Structural Bioinformatics)ResearchCancer Science Institute of SingaporeRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Mechanobiology Institute)ResearchMechanobiology InstituteRegular Full-Time
RF / SRF (Head & Neck Surgery)OtolaryngologyYong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Mechanobiology Institute)ResearchMechanobiology InstituteRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Bioelectronics)Biomedical EngineeringCollege of Design and EngineeringRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow (Environment / Ecological Economics)Institute for Environment and SustainabilityLee Kuan Yew School of Public PolicyRegular Full-Time
Postdoctoral Fellow (Policy Governance)Institute for Environment and SustainabilityLee Kuan Yew School of Public PolicyRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Mechanobiology Institute)ResearchMechanobiology InstituteRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (CO2 Conversion/Bioelectrochemistry) 1Materials Science and EngineeringCollege of Design and EngineeringRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Mechanobiology Institute)ResearchMechanobiology InstituteRegular Full-Time
Postdoc Research Fellow – VR/AR and Large Language Model for Pilot Simulation TrainingInst of Operations Research & AnalyticsInst of Operations Research & AnalyticsRegular Full-Time
Assistant ProfessorBiochemistryYong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Information Theory)PhysicsScienceRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Mechanobiology Institute)Mechanobiology InstituteMechanobiology InstituteRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Psychology)ResearchGlobal Asia InstituteRegular Full-Time
Research FellowResearchCancer Science Institute of SingaporeRegular Full-Time
Senior Research Scientist (Cancer Science Institute) (JR:17824)ResearchCancer Science Institute of SingaporeRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (AI Ethics in Healthcare)Dean-Med-Centre for Biomedical EthicsYong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time
Research Assistant (Centre for Trusted Internet & Community)NUS Centre for Trusted Internet & CommunityNUS Centre for Trusted Internet & CommunityRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Centre for Trusted Internet & Community)NUS Centre for Trusted Internet & CommunityNUS Centre for Trusted Internet & CommunityRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Mechanobiology Institute)ResearchMechanobiology InstituteRegular Full-Time

Research Fellow (Electron Transport in Multilayer vdWs Heteostructures)
Research GroupsInstitute for Functional Intelligent MaterialsRegular Full-Time
Lecturer / Senior LecturerCommunications And New MediaArts & Social SciencesRegular Full-Time
Senior Research FellowMicrobiology And ImmunologyYong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time
Asst Professor in Cultural Studies (PYP)Communications And New MediaArts & Social SciencesRegular Full-Time
Assistant Professor (Communications and New Media)Communications And New MediaArts & Social SciencesRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (Dept of Ophthalmology)OphthalmologyYong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time
Professor / Associate/ Assistant Professor (BISI)Dean’s Office (Medicine)Yong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time
Associate Professor PositionObstetrics & GynaecologyYong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time
Assistant Professor PositionObstetrics & GynaecologyYong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time
Research Fellow (CBmE)Dean-Med-Centre for Biomedical EthicsYong Loo Lin School of MedicineRegular Full-Time

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