Postdoctoral Scholarships at Zurich University, located in the city of Zürich, is the largest university in Switzerland.
Funktion | Anstellung % | Institut / Bereich |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Communication at the University of Zurich (3+1 years) | 80 % | IKMZ – Department of Communication and Media Research |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Evolutionary Genetics | 80 % | Department of Evolutionary Anthropology |
PostDoc in Health AI | 100 % | Department of Quantitative Biomedicine, Medical Informatics |
Two ERC-funded postdoc positions in computational psychiatry | 80 -100 % | Department of Adult Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Zurich |
Postdoc position in English historical linguistics (focus Middle English) | 80 % | English Department |
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (Post-Doktorand*in, 3 Jahre) im SNF-Projekt «Alternative Medien, Alternative Normen?» (Dr. Sarah Geber) | 100 % | IKMZ – Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung |
Postdoc in population genomics and bioinformatics on language evolution | 70 -80 % | Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies |
Data Scientist position | 60 % | University Hospital Zürich, Department of Ophthalmology, Research |
Projektmanager*in Lehrangebot “Urbane Krisenkompetenz: eine Kooperation von UZH und Stadt Zürich” | 25 % | UZH Center for Crisis Competence (CCC) |
Assistant/Senior Assistant | 100 % | Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Vetsuisse Faculty of the University of Zurich |
Assistent*in / Oberassistent*in | 100 % | Institut für Veterinäranatomie |
Research Fellow | 20 % | Center for Dental Medicine |
Post-Doc position in the field of lymphedema pathobiology, T cell Immunology, lymphatic vascular biology & drug re-purposing | 100 % | Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery University Hospital Zurich (USZ) |
Head of Research Area “Politics of Contemporary China” | 80 -100 % | Department of Political Science |
Postdoc Position in Synthetic Organic Materials | 80 -90 % | Department of Chemistry |
Postdoctoral Researcher – Data scientist in remote sensing and photogrammetry | 80 % | Department of Geography |
Postdoctoral research position, immunogenic cell death in acute leukemia | 100 % | Kinderspital Zürich |
Postdoctoral researcher in Organofluorine Chemistry and Catalysis | 40 % | Department of Chemistry |
Senior Research and Teaching Associate / Postdoc Position, Media & Internet Governance Division, IKMZ | 80 % | IKMZ – Department of Communication and Media Research; Media & Internet Governance Division |
Oberassistent:in / Postdoc in der Abteilung Medien & Internet Governance des IKMZ | 80 % | IKMZ – Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung; Abteilung Medien & Internet Governance |
Postdoctoral Researcher – image analysis/bioinformatics – Spatio-temporal genome and oncogene organization in cancer | 80 -100 % | Sarcoma and Anesthetics Research Department, Balgrist University Hospital |
Post-doctoral position in cilia biology | 100 % | Department of Molecular Life Sciences |