ETH Zurich in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, one of the leading universities for technology and the natural sciences in Switzerland.
Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) Sicherheitsdienst mit Einsatzerfahrung in einer Alarmzentrale100%, Zürich, unbefristet07.05.2024 | Abteilung Facility Services der ETH Zürich
PhD Position in Digital Health Technologies for Combined TMS-NIRI Neurotherapy in Stroke Rehabilitation100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.05.2024 | Department of Health Sciences and Technology, D-HEST
PhD position in Mechanobiology on the role of the extracellular matrix in signal transduction100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.05.2024 | D-MAVT
System Engineer for ETH Biomedical Research IT Platform Leonhard Med80%-100%, Zurich, permanent07.05.2024 | IT Services
Mitarbeiter:in Kommunikation & Eventorganisation im Projektteam Medizin (w/m/d)50%, Zürich, unbefristet06.05.2024 | D-HEST, Medizin
Energie Ingenieur:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet06.05.2024 | Vizepräsidium für Infrastruktur | Engineering & Systeme
Mitarbeiter:in Disziplinar- und Beschwerdewesen (m/w/d)60%-80%, Zürich, befristet06.05.2024 | Akademische Dienste
Mitarbeiter:in Rechtsetzung Lehre (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, befristet06.05.2024 | Akademische Dienste
Postdoktorand:in im Bereich Risikokommunikation (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, befristet06.05.2024 | Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich
Doctoral (PhD) student in Integrated planning and operation of energy systems100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.05.2024 | Automatic Control Laboratory, Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
PhD Position in Machine Learning Seismology100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.05.2024 | Swiss Seismological Service
Hilfsassistent:in für Erstellen von Statistikpodcasts (m/w/d)20%-40%, Zürich, befristet02.05.2024 | Lehr- und Lernforschung, DGESS
Head of Windows Services (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet02.05.2024 | Informatikdienste
Quality Engineer80%-100%, Zurich, permanent02.05.2024 | Nanoflex Robotics Project – Wyss Zurich
Postdoctoral Researcher – Molecular and Systems Biology & Toxicology100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.05.2024 | Laboratory of Toxicology, D-HEST, ETH Zürich
Trainee IT-Infrastruktur mit Fokus auf Cloud & Automation (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet30.04.2024 | Informatikdienste
Embedded/System Engineer100%, Zurich, fixed-term30.04.2024 | MYNERVA
Business Developer100%, Zurich, permanent30.04.2024 | MYNERVA
Storage Engineer (Systems Engineering)80%-100%, Lugano, permanent30.04.2024 | CSCS
Leiter:in Digitaler Lehrbetrieb (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet30.04.2024 | Akademische Dienste
Internship Strategic Foresight Hub80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term30.04.2024 | Office of the President / Foresight
Robotics Engineer for Construction Mobile Robot at Gramazio Kohler Research60%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term30.04.2024 | Institute of Technology in Architecture
Postdoctoral Researcher – Public Economics: International Taxation/ Local Public Finance/ Urban Economics100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.04.2024 | D-MTEC, Chair of Public Economics PEC
Postdoctoral Researcher – Public Economics: Digital Economics and Public Policy100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.04.2024 | Chair of Public Economics PEC
Digitalization, Software Development and IT staff member60%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.04.2024 | ETH Student Project House
PhD student in Physiological Sensing/BioEng100%, Zurich, fixed-term25.04.2024 | Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab | Institute of Intelligent Interactive Systems | Department of Computer Science
ICT-Infrastruktur Architekt:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet23.04.2024 | Informatikdienste, IT Infrastructure
Teamleiter:in Automationstechnik (m/d/w)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet23.04.2024 | Engineering und Systeme
SAP FI Spezialist:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet23.04.2024 | Competence Center SAP
Techniker:in im Labor Support Team des Physikdepartements (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet22.04.2024 | Laborsupportgruppe(LSG) – Departement Physik
Staff Bioinformatician/Computational Biologist100%, Zurich, fixed-term22.04.2024 | Institute of Microbiology
Quality Specialist80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term22.04.2024 | Wyss Zurich
Informatikkoordinator:in (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, unbefristet22.04.2024 | Laboratorium für Anorganische Chemie
Fundraising Lead60%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term22.04.2024 | Global Ecosystem Ecology Lab; ETH Zurich
Fachperson für Finanzen und Buchhaltung (m/w/d)60%, Zürich, unbefristet22.04.2024 | Wyss Zurich (ETH Zurich / University of Zurich)
Departements-Controller:in (m/w/d)60%-80%, Zürich, unbefristet22.04.2024 | Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie, D-HEST
Junior Researcher in Economic and Social Policy Evaluation80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.04.2024 | KOF Swiss Economic Institute
Internship in Sustainable Robotic Fabrication and Additive Manufacturing100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.04.2024 | Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication
Doctoral Student in Environmental Politics100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.04.2024 | International Political Economy and Environmental Politics Group
Junior IT-Supporter:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet18.04.2024 | Informatiksupportgruppe – Departement für Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie
Postdoctoral Scholar in Dairy Food Quality100%, Zurich, fixed-term18.04.2024 | Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Postdoctoral position in Systems or Hardware Security100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.04.2024 | Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Stv. Leiterin der Abteilung für Lehre und Lernen (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet17.04.2024 | Abteilung für Lehre und Lernen (bisher Abteilung Lehrentwicklung und -technologie & Stabsbereich Strategische Initiativen)
Python Developer and Geodata Processing Engineer80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.04.2024 | Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation
PhD and Postdoc Positions in European Politics100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.04.2024 | Center for Comparative and International Studies, European Politics Research Group, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Postdoc on resilience of forests to air pollution and climate extremes100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.04.2024 | Department of Environmental Systems Science
PhD Position: Nanotechnology for Gas Sensing100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.04.2024 | Department of Mechnical and Process Engineering
PhD Position: Molecular sensor system engineering for food applications100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.04.2024 | Department of Mechnical and Process Engineering
PhD Position in Solid-State NMR100%, Zurich, fixed-term16.04.2024 | Departement of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
Postdoctoral Researcher in Solid-State NMR and DNP100%, Zurich, fixed-term16.04.2024 | Departement of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
Postdoc positions in Experimental Quantum Engineering Group100%, Zurich, fixed-term16.04.2024 | The Experimental Quantum Engineering (EQE)
Two Postdoctoral positions in the Electrochemical Energy Systems Laboratory100%, Zurich, fixed-term16.04.2024 | Electrochemical Energy Systems Laboratory
Group Leader Biomedical Data Management80%-100%, Zurich, permanent15.04.2024 | NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies
PhD position: Development of catalysts to convert CO2 into alcohols100%, Zurich, fixed-term15.04.2024 | Laboratory of Energy Science and Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of 3D magnetization nano-tomography100%, fixed-term15.04.2024 | Laboratory for Mesocopic Systems (D-MATL)
PhD Position in Robotic System Integration for Musculoskeletal Robotic Hands100%, Zurich, fixed-term15.04.2024 | Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
Doctoral researcher in Dynamic stochastic learning of train dynamics as enabler to highly automated train operation100%, Zurich, fixed-term15.04.2024 | Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT) at Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
Research assistant with possibility for PhD – Optimization of Railway using Artificial Intelligence with Physical Models100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.04.2024 | Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing (IWF)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Generative AI for Mechanism Design100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.04.2024 | Biomechanics, Assistive Device Design, Deep Learning, Explainable AI, automation
Research Assistant in Generative AI for Morphology Optimization of Assistive Devices80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.04.2024 | Topological design, deep learning, generative models, databases,
Postdoctoral Position at the Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.04.2024 | D-BAUG – IBI – CEA
Laboratory Technician60%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.04.2024 | Laboratory of Food Biochemistry, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health
PhD Position at the Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation (SMI)100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.04.2024 | D-MTEC, Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation (SMI)
Doctoral Student, Food Chemistry and Biochemistry100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.04.2024 | Laboratory of Food Biochemistry, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health
PhD Position: Personalized Prediction and Prevention of Dropouts in Digital Biomarker Studies100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.04.2024 | CSS Health Lab
Teaching and Research Assistant at the Institute of Design and Architecture50%, Zurich, fixed-term09.04.2024 | Department of Architecture, Institute of Design and Architecture
Research Assistance in Wearables API for Android App Development20%-60%, Zurich, fixed-term09.04.2024 | App development, wearable technology, medical sensory system
Traineeship «Real Estate Management» (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet08.04.2024 | Hier Abteilung oder Institut eingeben
Research Assistant Position: Development of Rail Roughness Measuring Technique and Big Data Analysis100%, Zurich, fixed-term08.04.2024 | Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing
PhD candidate for developing physics-based loss models of advanced magnetic devices for future highly efficient drive and converter systems100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.04.2024 | Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems
AI Engineer for Manufacturing100%, Lugano, permanent05.04.2024 | Partnerinserat | inspire AG
Researcher – Sea-City Interface Research Project (C3183)100%, Singapore, fixed-term04.04.2024 | Singapore-ETH Centre
Co-Projektleitung: Focus Sustainability (m/w/d)80%, unbefristet04.04.2024 | Partnerinserat | Focus Sustainability
Postdoc position in experiment-guided computational neuroscience100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.04.2024 | Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics (LBB)
PhD Positions on the Application of Generative AI in Customer Service100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.04.2024 | Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Fachperson für Assessment und Accessibility (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, unbefristet03.04.2024 | Abteilung für Lehre und Lernen (UTL)
PhD position in Computer Science for Circular Construction100%, Zurich, fixed-term27.03.2024 | D-BAUG – IBI – CEA
Research Technician – Cell and Molecular Biology100%, Zurich, fixed-term26.03.2024 | Genome Engineering and Measurement Lab
Labortechniker:in / Manager:in für Soft- und Biohybrid Robotik Forschung (m/w/d)50%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet26.03.2024 | MAVT – Soft Robotics Lab
Multiple PhD positions on “Single Cell Proteome Profiling”100%, Zurich, fixed-term26.03.2024 | Institute for Biomedical Engineering (D-ITET)
PhD student in nonlinear optics for analog computing100%, Zurich, fixed-term22.03.2024 | Optical Nanomaterial Laboratory in the Physics Department at ETH Zurich
Post-Doctoral Researcher / Senior Assistant in Energy Systems Analysis100%, Zurich, fixed-term20.03.2024 | D-MAVT
System/DevOps Engineering (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, befristet19.03.2024 | Departement Informatik
Coordinator and tutor of the MAS ETH Architecture and digital fabrication80%, Zurich, fixed-term19.03.2024 | Please enter the institute or the departement
Student Assistant at KOF Swiss Economic Institute10%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term19.03.2024 | KOF Swiss Economic Institute
Eiermann Postdoctoral Fellowship100%, Zurich, fixed-term18.03.2024 | The Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta)
Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Microscale Robots100%, Zurich, fixed-term15.03.2024 | Laboratory for Mesocopic Systems
Design++ Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.03.2024 | Center for Augmented Computational Design in Architecture, Engineering and Construction
PhD position: Development of an in vitro platform to investigate glioma – neuron interactions100%, Basel, fixed-term29.02.2024 | Bio Engineering Laboratory
Applikationssupport (m/w/d)50%, Zürich, unbefristet26.02.2024 | Informatikdienste
Postdoctoral position for research in antenna design for e-textiles80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term16.02.2024 | Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Maturand:in für ein Praktikum im Bereich Administration (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, befristet07.02.2024 | Collegium Helveticum
PhD in Electrochemical and materials engineering for nerve regeneration100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.01.2024 | Electrochemical Systems Engineering
PhD position in Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion100%, Zurich, fixed-term20.10.2023 | Electrochemical Energy Systems Laboratory
PhD Position in Self-assembled Colloidal Micromachines100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.10.2023 | Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems
PhD Position in Digital Identities for Regenerative Materials100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.09.2023 | D-BAUG – Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management – Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture
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