The Miami University John E. Dolibois European Center in Luxembourg invites application for vacant Faculty Positions, is an overseas campus of Miami University based in Differdange, Luxembourg.
Visiting Faculty
Job Number: 503217
Department: Nursing – Hamilton Campus
Location: Hamilton, OH
Visiting Faculty to teach undergraduate nursing courses and clinicals, as needed, on a per-course basis during the Fall 2024 semester. Clinicals may be taught in a variety of settings. Courses may be taught face-to-face or online depending on need.
Visiting Faculty – ICS
Job Number: 503214
Department: Interdisc & Comm Studies -Hamilton Campus
Location: Hamilton, OH
Visiting Faculty to teach liberal studies, integrative studies, women’s studies, communication studies, or critical race studies, on a per-course basis during the fall 2024 semester. Course assignments are made on a semester basis. Ability to teach online limited to specific states.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 503188
Department: Farmer School of Business
Location: Oxford, OH
Farmer School of Business: Visiting Assistant Professor or Instructor to teach multiple sections of BUS 101: Foundations of Business. Appointment begins August 19, 2024. Multiple positions may be available.
Visiting Assistant Professor/ Instructor – Medieval & Early Modern Europe
Job Number: 503194
Department: History
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor to teach full load of undergraduate courses in the history of Medieval and Early Modern Europe; teaching responsibilities include a survey on Medieval History, survey on Early Modern European History, and upper-level courses in these fields. One-year appointment beginning August 19, 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 503183
Department: Languages, Literatures & Writing – Hamilton Campus
Location: Hamilton, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor to teach Professional and/or Technical Writing courses and advise students beginning Fall, 2024. Teaching may include online and face-to-face sections of Workplace Writing, Grant Writing, Technical Writing, Medical Writing, First-Year Composition, Advanced Composition, Exploring Genre, and Integrative Writing in Global Contexts.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 503189
Department: Entrepreneurship
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor or Instructor to teach multiple sections of ESP 103: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Thinking. This position is a full-time, benefits-eligible position. Start date for this position is August 19, 2024. Multiple positions may be available.
Visiting Assistant Professors/Instructors (HCML)
Job Number: 503177
Department: Management
Location: Oxford, OH
The Department of Management at the Farmer School of Business at Miami University is recruiting multiple full-time Visiting Assistant Professors/Instructors to teach the introduction to management and leadership (i.e., organizational behavior).
Visiting Assistant Professors/Instructors (SCOM)
Job Number: 503176
Department: Management
Location: Oxford, OH
The Department of Management at the Farmer School of Business at Miami University is recruiting one full-time Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor to teach the introduction to supply chain and operations management. Appointment to start Fall Semester 2024.
Assistant Lecturer
Job Number: 503016
Department: Western Program
Location: Oxford, OH
Assistant Lecturer (non-tenure-track) in Individualized Studies to teach courses in social justice, journalism, and individualized studies. The Assistant Lecturer Position will also lead client-based projects primarily in the non-profit sector, and assist co-curricular activities and student organizations as part of their service to the University, and advise students. Appointment begins Fall 2024.
Assistant Teaching Professor – PA Program
Job Number: 503145
Department: Arts & Science College
Location: Oxford, OH
Assistant Teaching Professor to support the Physician Associate Studies Program by providing lecture and lab instruction, academic advising, serving on program and university committees; and participation in local, state, regional and national professional activities in support of the program and the profession.
Visiting Assistant Professor – Multiethnic Literatures
Job Number: 503161
Department: English
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor in English to teach courses in Multiethnic Literatures. Position begins August 19, 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor in Entrepreneurship
Job Number: 503137
Department: Entrepreneurship
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor in Entrepreneurship to teach a full-time load in the Farmer School of Business’s Entrepreneurship degree program. This Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor in Entrepreneurship is responsible for applying a practitioner’s perspective with solid academic foundations to courses in the Entrepreneurship core. Position start date is August 19, 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor
Job Number: 503102
Department: Philosophy
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor in Philosophy to teach courses in Political Philosophy. Position begins August 19, 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 503074
Department: Educational Psychology
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor to teach undergraduate and graduate courses. Responsibilities include teaching courses in our Undergraduate Inclusive Special Education (ISE), Primary Dual Licensure Program (PK-5 general and PK-5 special education) and Graduate Special Education (GSEP) Programs. Courses will be taught in-person on both Oxford and regional campuses and in online formats. The start date is August 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor – International Studies
Job Number: 503069
Department: Global and Intercultural Studies
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor or Instructor in International Studies to teach a full load of courses, including multiple sections of Introduction to International Studies. Appointment begins August 19, 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 503024
Department: Mathematics
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor in Mathematics to teach courses in Mathematics at the undergraduate level.
Assistant Clinical Lecturer
Job Number: 502949
Department: Nursing – Hamilton Campus
Location: Hamilton, OH
The Nursing Department at Miami University seeks candidates for an Assistant Clinical Lecturer to teach, advise students, and provide service to the institution and the discipline. Position is not eligible for tenure and begins August 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor – Medical Anthropology
Job Number: 503023
Department: Anthropology
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor in Anthropology specializing in medical anthropology to teach an upper division introduction to medical anthropology course and multiple sections of a lower-level course on sociocultural diversity in the U.S.
Associate/Full Professor – Ohio Eminent Scholar in Ecology
Job Number: 503026
Department: Biology
Location: Oxford, OH
Ohio Eminent Scholar of Ecology with a strong track record of extramurally funded research in ecosystem ecology or related fields. Study areas may include, but are not limited to, the effects and consequences of global change on ecological systems (e.g., effects of climate change, biodiversity loss, or habitat degradation); ecosystem processes (e.g., primary production, energy flow in food webs, carbon and nutrient cycling); coupled natural-human systems; and macrosystems ecology. The successful candidate is expected to maintain an internationally renowned, externally funded research program; provide leadership on large, collaborative research projects; effectively teach graduate and/or undergraduate courses as assigned; and participate in advising and service. The successful candidate will not currently have primary employment within the state of Ohio. Appointment begins August 2025.
Visiting Faculty – Political Science
Job Number: 503032
Department: Social & Behavioral Sciences – Hamilton Campus
Location: Hamilton, OH
Visiting Faculty to teach undergraduate Political Science courses as needed on a per-course basis during the fall semester 2024. Courses may be taught face-to-face. Course assignments are made on a semester basis.
Chair & Associate or Full Professor
Job Number: 503029
Department: Media, Journalism & Film
Location: Oxford, OH
Department Chair and Associate or Full Professor to be the academic and administrative leader and to manage the work of the Department of Media, Journalism, and Film. Position to begin July 1, 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 502999
Department: Media, Journalism & Film
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor to teach Intercultural Communication, Communication Technologies, and other public relations, media and communication courses. Appointment begins August 19, 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 502982
Department: Media, Journalism & Film
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor to teach foundational production and Media analysis courses. This position will be teaching sections of our required Foundations of Production seminar course, which introduces students to sound design, camera, writing, and basics of editing in documentary, experimental, and narrative fiction workflows. There may also be opportunities for this individual to teach courses in screenwriting, studio TV, or narrative fiction. Appointment begins August 19, 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 502973
Department: Information Systems & Analytics
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/ Instructor position to teach a full-time load of Introductory Information Systems or Introductory Programming/Computational Thinking courses. Appointment will start Fall of 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 502946
Department: Information Systems & Analytics
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor positions to teach a full-time load of introductory Business Analytics courses. Hiring is to support a rapidly growing Business Analytics major and a minor in Business Analytics. Appointment will start Fall of 2024.
Assistant Professor – Gerontology, Public Health & Data Analytics
Job Number: 502926
Department: Sociology & Gerontology
Location: Oxford, OH
Assistant Professor (tenure-track) position to teach at the graduate and undergraduate level in Gerontology, Public Health, and Data Analytics, advise students, provide service to the institution and have current externally funded research with an expectation of continued support. The Assistant Professor will support programs in Gerontology, Public Health, and Data Analytics to continue Miami’s rich tradition of teaching and externally-funded research that addresses critical issues facing individuals, families, communities, and local, state and national governments.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 502978
Department: Justice & Community Studies – Hamilton Campus
Location: Hamilton, OH, Middletown, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor in criminal justice to teach various undergraduate face-to-face and/or online courses, including surveys of criminal justice, law and courts, policing and corrections. Additional duties include general advising of undergraduates. The position will serve the Regional locations (Hamilton, and Middletown) with the possibility of teaching on the Oxford campus. Appointment begins August, 2024.
Chair & Associate Professor/Professor
Job Number: 502947
Department: Engineering Technology – Hamilton Campus
Location: Hamilton, OH, Middletown, OH
Miami University’s College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (Regional Campuses in Hamilton and Middletown, OH) is seeking applicants for a Department Chair & Associate Professor or Full Professor position for the Engineering Technology department to provide academic and administrative leadership and to manage the work of the Department.
Assistant Teaching Professor
Job Number: 502944
Department: Architecture & Interior Design
Location: Oxford, OH
Assistant Teaching Professor to teach Architecture and Interior Design related studio and support courses, advise students, and provide service to the department, division, and institution. A typical semester course load includes one (1) design studio and two (2) seminar/lecture format support courses. Appointment begins August 2024.
Chair & Associate Professor or Professor
Job Number: 502786
Department: Teaching, Curriculum, & Educational Inquiry
Location: Oxford, OH
Chair and Associate or full Professor level who is committed to building a culture of excellence and collaboration through consultative decision-making. The Chair is expected to foster exemplary teaching, research (including the pursuit of external funding), and creativity while promoting diversity, global awareness, and social responsibility throughout teaching, curriculum and educational inquiry curricula. Primary department budget responsibilities reside with the Chair. Other duties include recruiting an active, culturally and academically diverse faculty, skilled in the scholarship of teaching, discovery, application, and integration of knowledge; mentoring and evaluation of faculty; participating in strategy to recruit and retain a culturally diverse student body; building partnerships designed to achieve professional impact; working with alumni; course scheduling and developing and expanding on-line and hybrid course offerings; overseeing internal program assessments and supporting external assessments through CAEP; and helping to elaborate and implement a vision for the department and the department’s future directions.
Visiting Faculty – Arabic Language
Job Number: 502932
Department: German Russian Asian Middle East Languages & Cultu
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Faculty to teach on a per-course basis one to two courses in Arabic Language in Fall Semester 2024. Courses to be taught face-to-face or online depending on need and availability. Ability to teach online is limited to specific states. Course assignments are made on a semester basis.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 502883
Department: Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Location: Oxford, OH
The Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering is seeking to fill the position of Visiting Faculty to teach undergraduate (Masters degree or higher required to teach), and graduate (Ph.D. required to teach) courses in the mechanical engineering major during the 2024-2025 academic year. Typical teaching load for this position is three courses per semester, but that may be adjusted for courses with a significant lab component. In addition to the instructional responsibilities, visiting faculty are expected to participate in regular departmental service activities.
Chair & Associate Professor/Professor
Job Number: 502889
Department: Mathematical & Physical Science – Hamilton Campus
Location: Hamilton, OH, Middletown, OH
The regional campuses seek a Department Chair for the Commerce department to provide academic and administrative leadership and to manage the work of the Department. The department chair leads the strategic initiatives of the department. In addition to teaching, specific duties and responsibilities include: budget oversight; curriculum development and implementation; recruitment, professional development, and evaluation of faculty; hiring, mentoring and supervision of faculty and staff; scheduling; communication of University and divisional policies and practices to the Department; representation of the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science to the University and broader public. Additional chair responsibilities are outlined in the Miami University Policy Library.
Chair & Associate Professor/Professor
Job Number: 502888
Department: Commerce – Hamilton Campus
Location: Hamilton, OH, Middletown, OH
Hamilton, OH and Middletown, OH The regional campuses seek a Department Chair for the Commerce department to provide academic and administrative leadership and to manage the work of the Department. The department chair leads the strategic initiatives of the department. In addition to teaching, specific duties and responsibilities include: budget oversight; curriculum development and implementation; recruitment, professional development, and evaluation of faculty; hiring, mentoring and supervision of faculty and staff; scheduling; communication of University and divisional policies and practices to the Department; representation of the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science to the University and broader public. Additional chair responsibilities are outlined in the Miami University Policy Library.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 502875
Department: Kinesiology, Nutrition, & Health
Location: Oxford, OH
The Department of Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health within Miami University’s College of Education, Health, and Society is seeking applicants for a nine-month, non-tenure track position as a Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor beginning fall semester of the 2024-2025 academic year to teach undergraduate courses in Kinesiology and graduate courses in Athletic Training while providing service to the institution. Appointments are for August 2024-May 2025 with the possibility of renewal depending on available funding and job performance. Faculty in the Department of Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health provide a quality learning experience for students, supervise student research projects, serve on institutional committees, and are committed to diversity and inclusive excellence.
Assistant Teaching Professor
Job Number: 502850
Department: Teaching, Curriculum, & Educational Inquiry
Location: Oxford, OH
Assistant Teaching Professor in the field of teacher education, specifically in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). Successful applicants will be expected to teach undergraduate and/or graduate courses (4/4 load), supervise clinically-based program experiences, supervise graduate projects, assist with student advising, and provide service to the department and institution. This position is eligible for promotion, but not tenure, and begins in August of 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 502841
Department: Computer Science & Software Engineering
Location: Oxford, OH
Multiple Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor positions for the 2024-2025 academic year to teach a full load of undergraduate courses, advise students and provide service to the department and institution. Courses will likely be at the lower level of the following areas: software engineering, systems, databases, programming, and other computer science topics.
Visiting Faculty
Job Number: 502845
Department: Computer Science & Software Engineering
Location: Oxford, OH
Computer Science & Software Engineering: Visiting Faculty (part-time) to teach Business Computing (CSE 148) on a per-course basis. Appointment will start Fall 2024. Course assignments are made on a semester basis. Course may be taught face-to-face or online depending on need. Ability to teach online limited to specific states. CSE 148 is an introduction to business-oriented computer skills using Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and SQL (structured query language). Extensive hands-on use of electronic spreadsheets and database software by students. Examples and exercises will stress problem-solving in a business context.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 502771
Department: Family Science & Social Work
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor to teach undergraduate and/or graduate courses in social work, family science, and/or child life depending upon expertise and department need in the Department of Family Science and Social Work. Appointment begins August 19, 2024 with the possibility of renewal for up to five years contingent on performance and funding.
Assistant Professor
Job Number: 502544
Department: Art
Location: Oxford, OH
Assistant Professor (tenure-track) of Communication Design to teach graphic design, communication design, and/or art, conduct research, advise, and provide service to the department, profession, and university. Appointment begins August 2024.
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor
Job Number: 502721
Department: Marketing
Location: Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor (multiple positions) to teach a full-time load of Marketing courses (12 credit hours per semester). Appointment to start Fall Semester 2024.
Chair & Professor
Job Number: 502675
Department: Computer Science & Software Engineering
Location: Oxford, OH
Computer Science and Software Engineering: Chair & Professor to be the academic and administrative leader of the department. The department chair will serve as a member of the Leadership Council of the College of Engineering and Computing and will report to the Dean of the College.
Assistant/Associate Professor of Music (Tenure-Track)
Job Number: 502474
Department: Music
Location: Oxford, OH
Assistant/Associate Professor (Tenure-Track) to serve as the Director of Bands. Responsibilities include conducting the Miami University Wind Ensemble, a flagship ensemble within the Department of Music; teaching undergraduate conducting (first and second semester courses), Lab Band, and student teacher supervision. Additional course teaching assignments are dependent upon the qualifications of the candidate and departmental needs. The candidate is expected to maintain a regional and national profile via performances with the Wind Ensemble and through guest conducting, adjudication, and other creative and scholarly activities; work closely with the Director of Athletic Bands to implement appropriate activities and goals for the total university band program; work with the applied faculty and Department Chair to recruit music majors; other duties as assigned; service and committee work is expected.
Assistant Teaching Professor/Assistant Lecturer
Job Number: 502252
Department: Emerging Technology in Business & Design
Location: Oxford, OH
The Department of Emerging Technology in Business and Design (ETBD) seeks candidates for Assistant Teaching Professor/Assistant Lecturer with expertise in Game Design. The candidate will join a department that focuses on the undergraduate experience by integrating technology and design across a variety of media. In particular, the games program integrates expertise across games, simulation, gamification, and entertainment. Curriculum includes game programming, game art, game technology, the business of games, game studies, and game design. Faculty will work with an active student community in curricular and extracurricular endeavors.
Assistant/Associate Professor
Job Number: 502360
Department: Computer Science & Software Engineering
Location: Oxford, OH
The College of Engineering and Computing is looking to fill multiple Assistant/Associate Professor tenure-track positions to teach undergraduate and graduate students; establish and maintain a strong research program; advise students and supervise graduate research; provide service to the institution. Expected start date: Fall 2024.
Assistant/Associate Professor
Job Number: 502372
Department: Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Location: Oxford, OH
The Mechanical and Manufacturing Department seeks multiple Assistant/Associate Professor (tenure track) positions for its growing engineering programs, including Mechanical and Smart Manufacturing, to teach undergraduate and master’s level engineering courses; advise students; maintain an active research agenda, and provide service to the department and university. The start date is August 2024.
Lance and Diane White Assistant Professorship in Entrepreneurship
Job Number: 502400
Department: Entrepreneurship
Location: Oxford, OH
The Department of Entrepreneurship in the Farmer School of Business at Miami University invite applications for the Lance and Diane White Assistant Professorship in Entrepreneurship (tenure track) to teach entrepreneurship; maintain an active research program and publish in highly regarded management and entrepreneurship journals; advise students; and provide service to the institution. Appointment begins Spring 2024.