Antwerp, Belgium - April 28, 2019 - The University of Antwerp (Universiteit Antwerpen) is one of the major Belgian universities located in the city of Antwerp, Belgium.
The University of Antwerp in Belgium invites application for vacant PhD and Postdoc Positions, one of the major Belgian universities located in the city of Antwerp, Belgium.
Faculty Social Sciences
Predoctoral level
Doctoral scholarship holder social policy
Doctoral scholarship holder active labour market policy
Doctoral scholarship holder international relations
Doctoral scholarship holder international relations and international security
Faculty of Applied Engineering
Predoctoral level
Doctoral scholarship holder artificial intelligence for renewable energy
Graduate teaching & research assistant road engineering
Doctoral scholarship holder objective and subjective assessments of the urban soundscape
Postdoctoral level
Faculty of Arts & Humanities
Predoctoral level
Doctoral scholarship holder linguistics
Faculty of Business and Economics
Predoctoral level
Postdoctoral level
Faculty of Design Sciences
Predoctoral level
Doctoral scholarship holder digital heritage
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Predoctoral level
Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences
Predoctoral level
Postdoctoral level
Senior academic staff (professor, ZAP) forensic toxicology
Faculty of Science
Predoctoral level
Graduate teaching & research assistant analysis and/or geometry
Doctoral scholarship holder in vivo microstructure imaging with MRI
Doctoral scholarship holder medical image processing and analysis using deep learning
Doctoral scholarship holder ecotoxicology exploring phytoremediation for PFAS cleanup
Postdoctoral level
Postdoc position electrochemistry and data analysis
Senior researcher in vivo microstructure imaging with magnetic resonance imaging
Postdoctoral position ecology of infections