RWTH Aachen University in Germany invites application for vacant Academic and Students assistant Positions, a German public research university located in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Job DescriptionEmploying InstitutionDeadline

Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – Department of Automation and System Control. Industrial Internet of Things Research Group [V000007867]
[published 31/05/2024]Chair of Machine Tools [417310]31/10/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) for High Voltage Technology [V000007387]
[published 22/03/2024]High Voltage Technology Teaching and Research Unit [614220]30/09/2024

Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – Functional development in the field of Battery Management System [V000007825]
[published 29/05/2024]Mechatronics in Mobile Propulsion Teaching and Research Area [422320]30/09/2024

Research Assistant/Associate – Doctoral Candidate (f/m/d) in the field of “Components and Operating Strategies of the Electric Powertrain” [V000006107]
[published 25/09/2023]Mechatronics in Mobile Propulsion Teaching and Research Area [422320]06/09/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000007853]
[published 31/05/2024]Department of Engineering Hydrology [314520]15/08/2024

Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – Modelling, Simulation und Control of District Energy Systems [V000007921]
[published 12/06/2024]Institute of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Building [312410]13/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – In the field of battery and fuel cell system design and construction [V000007287]
[published 26/02/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]06/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000007518]
PhD position in the field of SOFC fuel cells/systems (TME-No.: 176_240300)
[published 05/04/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]06/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000007519]
PhD position in the field of PEM fuel cells/systems (TME 177_240300)
[published 05/04/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]06/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000007520]
PhD position in the field of PEM fuel cells/systems (TME 178_240300)
[published 05/04/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]06/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate – PhD students (f/m/d) for “Hybrid Powertrains” [V000007789]
[published 24/05/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]06/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000007814]
PhD students for “Research and Development in the Field of Optical Flow Diagnostics” (TME 129_240500)
[published 31/05/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]06/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000007815]
PhD students for “Research and Development in the Field of Combustion Systems with Optical Flow Diagnostics” (TME 130_240500)
[published 31/05/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]06/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000007816]
PhD position in the field of electrolysis and green hydrogen (TME 180_240500)
[published 31/05/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]06/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000007817]
PhD position in the field of electrolysis and green hydrogen (TME 181_240500)
[published 31/05/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]06/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000007852]
PhD students for Molecularly Controlled Combustion System Development (FSC 152_240500)
[published 31/05/2024]The Fuel Science Center [080066]06/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – Bioeconomy in the Rhenish mining area [V000007607]
PhD on the bioeconomy in the Rhenish mining area
[published 22/04/2024]Chair of Process Systems Engineering [416710]02/08/2024

Research Assistant/Associate – Doctoral Candidate (f/m/d) in the Field of „Function Development for Electrified Powertrains” [V000006608]
[published 10/11/2023]Mechatronics in Mobile Propulsion Teaching and Research Area [422320]31/07/2024

Research Assistant with Bachelor’s degree (f/m/d) – Simulation in Additive Manufacturing [V000007562]
[published 26/04/2024]Chair for Digital Additive Production [421510]31/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) in the field of control engineering – Application-oriented research of intelligent and learning control methods [V000007753]
[published 17/05/2024]Chair and Institute of Automatic Control [416610]31/07/2024

Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – Ventilation Simulation [V000007896]
[published 26/06/2024]Chair and Institute for Advanced Mining Technologies [513310]31/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – High Voltage Technology – Model-based and data-driven protection and control analysis for interoperable HVDC networks (MSCA EU project “inter-oPEn”) [V000007969]
[published 21/06/2024]High Voltage Technology Teaching and Research Unit [614220]31/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate – Doctoral candidate (f/m/d) – predictions of noise and friction based on pavement macrotexture [V000007988]
[published 28/06/2024]Chair and Institute of Highway Engineering [313410]31/07/2024

Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – Production ramp-up planning and control [V000007122]
Focus on simulation and interface development
[published 23/02/2024]Chair of Intelligence in Quality Sensing [417510]30/07/2024

Research Assistant (f/m/d) – Adversarial Data in Energy Systems [V000007800]
Ph.D. student – Adversarial data in energy systems
[published 31/05/2024]Chair of Process Systems Engineering [416710]22/07/2024

Research Assistant (f/m/d) – PhD – Metabolic and bioprocess modeling [V000007906]
Computational microbial strain and process design for the production of carbon-negative products
[published 14/06/2024]Chair of Applied Microbiology [161710]19/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate – Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/d) in Machine Learning and/or Digital Twins for Pavement Infrastructure [V000007913]
[published 14/06/2024]Chair and Institute of Highway Engineering [313410]18/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – Project Coordination Einstein-Teleskop [V000007945]
[published 28/06/2024]Chair of Experimental Physics III B [133510]18/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – Einstein Telescope infrastruktur development [V000007946]

[published 28/06/2024]Chair of Experimental Physics III B [133510]18/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate – Computing Expert Einstein Telescope (f/m/d) [V000007948]
[published 28/06/2024]Chair of Experimental Physics III B [133510]18/07/2024

Student Assistant (f/m/d) [V000007734]
Student Assistant (f/m/d)
[published 08/05/2024]Junior Professor for Machine Learning on Graphs [126030]14/07/2024

Research Assistant with bachelor’s degree (f/m/d) [V000007736]
[published 17/05/2024]Junior Professor for Machine Learning on Graphs [126030]14/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate – PostDoc (f/m/d) – Catalaix – Chemical recycling of polymers – Recycling loop [V000007776]
[published 24/05/2024]Chair of Process Systems Engineering [416710]12/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) for MSCA-DN network in “AIM-NEXT” – Lifetime prediction under corrosion and oxidation damage in service-like conditions [V000007343]
[published 08/03/2024]Chair and Institute for Materials Applications in Mechanical Engineering [418110]10/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate – Postdoc (f/m/d) [V000007747]
[published 17/05/2024]Chair of Developmental Biology [165010]08/07/2024

Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – Circular economy in thermoprocess technology [V000007883]
Recovery of valuable materials from metal-containing production residues by means of agglomeration
[published 07/06/2024]Chair of Sustainable Thermal Processing Technology and Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering [525110]07/07/2024

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