Dresden University of Technology invites application for vacant Research Positions, a public research university, the largest institute of higher education in the city of Dresden, Germany.

Extended University Executive Board

Projektmitarbeiter:in Exzellenzuniversität (m/w/d)    (E 11 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Sachgebiet Strategie
Application deadline: August 7th, 2024

Sicherheitsingenieur:in mit Schwerpunkt Elektrotechnik (m/w/d)    (E 10 TV-L*, Full time, Permanent)
Sachgebiet Arbeitssicherheit
Application deadline: August 7th, 2024

stud. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (mind. 8 h bis max. 12 h/Woche)
Team Technologieplattformen
Application deadline: July 31th, 2024

Central Administrative Departments

Sachbearbeiter:in Gebäudedatenmanagement (m/w/d)    (E 9b TV-L*, Part time, Permanent)
Sachgebiet Baumanagement
Application deadline: August 26th, 2024

Referent:in Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement (m/w/d)    (E 14 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat 9 Universitätskultur
Application deadline: August 9th, 2024

stud. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (max. 12h/Woche)
Sachgebiet Marketing und Beziehungsmanagement
Application deadline: August 12th, 2024

Teamassistent:in inklusive Veranstaltungsmanagement (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Full time, Permanent)
Sachgebiet Marketing und Beziehungsmanagement
Application deadline: August 2nd, 2024

Gebäudemanager:in (m/w/d)    (E 9a TV-L*, Full time, Permanent)
Sachgebiet Infrastrukturelles Gebäudemanagement
Application deadline: August 12th, 2024

wiss. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (19h/Woche)
Sachgebiet Marketing und Beziehungsarbeit
Application deadline: July 31th, 2024

Beschäftigte:r für Kommunikation im Team Strategie und Internationalisierung (m/w/d)    (E 11 TV-L*, Part time, Permanent)
Sachgebiet International Office
Application deadline: July 31th, 2024

mehrere Mitarbeiter:innen Studieninformation (m/w/d)    (E 3 TV-L*, Part time, Permanent)
ServiceCenterStudium (SCS)
Application deadline: July 22th, 2024

Technische:r Angestellte:r (m/w/d)    (E 11 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Sachgebiet Baumanagement
Application deadline: August 8th, 2024

Facharbeiter:in für Heizungs-, Lüftungs- und Kältetechnik (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Full time, Permanent)
Sachgebiet Technisches Gebäudemanagement
Application deadline: July 29th, 2024

Central Units

Research Associate / Postdoc (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Center for Synergy of Systems (SynoSys)
Application deadline: August 16th, 2024

Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI Dresden)
Application deadline: August 14th, 2024

Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Center for Synergy of Systems (SynoSys)
Application deadline: August 16th, 2024

Mitarbeiter:in im Prüfungsamt (m/w/d)    (E 9a TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung (ZLSB)
Application deadline: August 9th, 2024

5 Student Assistants (m/f/x) (max. 8 hrs./week)
Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI Dresden)
Application deadline: August 8th, 2024

Student Assistant (m/f/x) (max. 19 hrs./week)
Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI Dresden)
Application deadline: August 8th, 2024

2 stud. Hilfskräfte (m/w/d) (max. 19h/Woche)
Zentrum für Qualitätsanalyse
Application deadline: August 8th, 2024

Rechtsreferent:in für Intellectual Property und Transferverträge (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Permanent)
TUD|Excellence Center for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship (TUD|excite)
Application deadline: August 7th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in für Forschungsdaten- und Informationsinfrastrukturen (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Application deadline: August 7th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in für Forschungsdaten- und Informationsinfrastrukturen (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences (CIDS)
Application deadline: August 7th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)
für Forschungsdaten- und Informationsinfrastrukturen
    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Department Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen (ZIH)
Application deadline: July 29th, 2024

Controlling / Business Development Officer (m/w/d)    (E 11 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
DRESDEN-concept Genome Center (DcGC)
Application deadline: July 22th, 2024

Cluster of Excellence

Küchenhilfskraft (m/w/d)    (E 1 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Exzellenzcluster “Zentrum für taktiles Internet” (CeTI)
Application deadline: July 29th, 2024

Joint Appointments

Chair (W3) of Surface and Coating Technology
to be exercised in conjunction with
Position as Head of Department at Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS
    (W3*, Full time, Permanent)
Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Application deadline: September 16th, 2024

Faculty of Mathematics

Fremdsprachensekretär:in (m/w/d)    (E 7 TV-L*, Part time, Permanent)
Institut für Numerische Mathematik
Application deadline: August 19th, 2024

Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Institute of Analysis
Application deadline: August 2nd, 2024

Research Associate / Postdoc (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Chair of Algebra with a Focus on Group Theory
Application deadline: August 1st, 2024

Faculty of Physics

Hochschulsekretär:in / Verwaltungsangestellte:r (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik
Application deadline: July 23th, 2024

Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry

Hochschulsekretär:in (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Permanent)
Professur für Makromolekulare Chemie
Application deadline: July 31th, 2024

Research Associate / Postdoc (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Chair of Inorganic Molecular Chemistry
Application deadline: July 31th, 2024

Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Chair of Inorganic Molecular Chemistry
Application deadline: July 31th, 2024

Faculty of Psychology

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Behaviorale Epidemiologie
Application deadline: August 23th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time)
Professur für Psychologie des Lehrens und Lernens
Application deadline: July 22th, 2024

stud. Hilfskraft / Tutor:in (m/w/d) (6h/Woche)
Professur Psychologie des Lehrens und Lernens
Application deadline: August 15th, 2024

4 Research Associates / PhD Students (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Chair of Clinical Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience
Application deadline: August 1st, 2024

Hochschulsekretär:in (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Part time, Permanent)
Professur für Biopsychologie
Application deadline: July 23th, 2024

Faculty of Biology

Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Chair of Botany
Application deadline: August 2nd, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Angewandte Zoologie
Application deadline: August 23th, 2024

Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (LfbA) (m/w/d)    (E 13 RL d. TdL*, Part time, Permanent)
Professur für Didaktik der Biologie
Application deadline: August 19th, 2024

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Permanent)
Institut für Katholische Theologie
Application deadline: August 5th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Politikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte
Application deadline: August 30th, 2024

Faculty of Literature, Linguistics and Cultural Studies

Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (m/w/d)    (E 13 RL d. TdL*, Part time, Permanent)
Professur für Medienwissenschaft und Neuere Deutsche Literatur
Application deadline: August 12th, 2024

Faculty of Computer Science

stud. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (5h/Woche)
AG Services Behinderung und Studium
Application deadline: August 8th, 2024

stud. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (8h/Woche)
AG Services Behinderung und Studium
Application deadline: July 31th, 2024

Chair (W2) of Emerging Computing Technologies    (W2*, Full time, Permanent)
Institute of Computer Engineering
Application deadline: August 9th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
der Professur für Rechnerarchitektur
Application deadline: July 25th, 2024

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Associate (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Chair of Acoustics and Haptics
Application deadline: August 8th, 2024

Projektassistenz (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik
Application deadline: August 2nd, 2024

Laboringenieur:in (m/w/d)    (E 11 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Institut für Biomedizinische Technik
Application deadline: July 26th, 2024

Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Wasserstoff- und Kernenergietechnik
Application deadline: August 13th, 2024

stud. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (max. 15 h/Woche)
Professur für Raumfahrtsysteme
Application deadline: August 5th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Magnetofluiddynamik, Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Application deadline: August 5th, 2024

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Fremdsprachenassistenz (m/w/d)    (E 7 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Institut für Baustoffe
Application deadline: August 5th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in(m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio (SFB/TRR) 280
Application deadline: July 29th, 2024

Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Chair of Structural Analysis
Application deadline: July 23th, 2024

Faculty of Architecture

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Denkmalpflege und Entwerfen
Application deadline: August 7th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Denkmalpflege und Entwerfen
Application deadline: July 22th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Tragwerksplanung
Application deadline: July 31th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Darstellungslehre
Application deadline: September 25th, 2024

“Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

Hochschulsekretär:in (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Permanent)
Professur für Informationstechnik für Verkehrssysteme
Application deadline: August 7th, 2024

Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Projektassistenz (m/w/d)    (E 8 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Limnologie
Application deadline: August 7th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d)
mit dem Schwerpunkt: Kreislaufführung und Recycling von Fasern
    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Professur für Abfall- und Kreislaufwirtschaft
Application deadline: July 31th, 2024

Research Associate (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Institute of Groundwater Mangement
Application deadline: July 29th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Modellbasierte Landschaftsökologie
Application deadline: July 25th, 2024

Chair (W3) of Computational Landscape Ecology    (W3*, Full time, Permanent)
Institute of Geography
Application deadline: July 25th, 2024

Faculty of Business and Economics

Research Associate (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Chair of Economics, esp. International Monetary Economics
Application deadline: July 31th, 2024

Vocational Training

Produktionsmechaniker:in (Textil) (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Textillaborant:in (Schwerpunkt Textiltechnik) (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Textillaborant:in (Schwerpunkt Textilchemie) (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Gärtner:in (FR Baumschule) (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Gärtner:in (FR Zierpflanzenbau) (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Elektroniker:in für Geräte und Systeme (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Industriemechaniker:in (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Verwaltungsfachangestellte:r (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Fachinformatiker:in (FR Anwendungsentwicklung) (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Mikrotechnolog:in (FR Mikrosystemtechnik) (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Fachinformatiker:in (FR Systemintegration) (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

Mechatroniker:in (m/w/d)    (Vergütung nach TVA-L BBiG*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat Personal
Application deadline: October 15th, 2024

German Center for Astrophysics

Research Associate/PhD-Student (m/f/x) Cutting Edge Method Developments in Radio Astronomy    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
German Center for Astrophysics (DZA)
Application deadline: August 1st, 2024

Research Associate (m/f/x)
within Pilot Team for Cutting Edge Method Developments in Radio Astronomy
    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Deutsches Zentrum für Astrophysik (DZA)
Application deadline: August 1st, 2024

Research Associate / Postdoc (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
German Center for Astrophysics (DZA)
Application deadline: July 25th, 2024

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