Consent Preferences The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant (45) PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions – Scholar Idea

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland.

Miscellaneous•7903-01•50%Data Steward (ReMade@ARI), Science IT Infrastructure and Services Department 50%Read more

Diverses•9171-00•50%Mitarbeiter*in Rüst- und Abwaschküche 50%Read more

Engineering / Laboratory•8433-05•100%Engineer in Development and Design of Superconducting MagnetsRead more

Engineering / Laboratory•8433-04•100%Engineer in Design and Simulation of Superconducting MagnetsRead more

Technik/Labor•8433-03•100%Techniker*in supraleitende MagneteRead more

Doctoral•5506-00•100%PhD StudentRead more

Diverses•100%Wissenschaftliche*n Vermittler*in 80 %Read more18.07.2024•Diverses•9670-01•100%Sektionsleiter*in SicherheitRead more

Diverses•9620-01•80 – 100%Projektleiter*in, Physiker*in 80-100%Read more

Miscellaneous•1716-01•100%Medical PhysicistRead more

Doctoral•2211-01•100%PhD Student in Radiopharmaceutical SciencesRead more

Doctoral•5421-01•100%PhD Student in the field of membranes for next-generation water electrolysisRead more

Science•3302-01•100%Scientist in Neutron Spectroscopy (Tenure Track)Read more

Diverses•9221-01•100%Hausmeister*inRead more

Postdoctoral•3202-02•100%Postdoctoral fellow for particle physics research on the CMS experimentRead more

Doctoral•3703-00•100%PhD Student in search for 2D ferromagnetism at room temperatureRead more

Science•3301-02•100%Scientist in Neutron Diffraction (Tenure Track)Read more

Science•3502-00•100%Scientist in elemental analysisRead more

Administration•1712-00•100%Medizinische*r Sekretär*inRead more

Administration•5011-00•70 – 100%Assistent*in 70-100%Read more

Informatik•9142-00•100%SAP Technology ConsultantRead more

Diverses•1350-00•100%Leiter*in Bildungszentrum / «lead campus»Read more

Diverses•9670-00•100%Sicherungsbeauftragte*nRead more

Postdoctoral•5101-05•100%Postdoctoral FellowRead more

Postdoctoral•7902-00•100%Postdoctoral FellowRead more

Doctoral•3202-01•100%PhD Student for particle physics research on the CMS experimentRead more

Postdoctoral•5502-00•100%Postdoctoral Fellow in experimental research on atmospheric aerosolRead more

Doctoral•2411-00•100%PhD StudentRead more

Diverses•9620-00•100%Gruppenleiter*in SicherheitsanalysenRead more

Doctoral•9611-00•100%PhD Student in neutron reference fields for dosimetry and radiation protectionRead more

Postdoctoral•3206-01•100%Postdoctoral Fellow (Detector Physicist)Read more

Postdoctoral•3301-01•100%Postdoctoral Fellow in crystal growth and characterization of quantum spin ice materialsRead more

Postdoctoral•6516-00•100%Postdoctoral Fellow in Kagome Lattice based Quantum MaterialsRead more

Internship•8123-T1•100%Trainee in optimization of a Single-Electron AcceleratorOptimization of a Single-Electron AcceleratorRead more

Technik/Labor•6217-01•100%Techniker*in für die XIL-Strahllinie am SLS2 Swiss Light SourceRead more

Doctoral•4602-02•100%PhD Student Creep of zirconium based nuclear fuel claddingsRead more

Doctoral•4400-00•100%PhD Student on reactive transport experiments of iron transport in cementitious materialsRead more

Doctoral•4602-01•100%PhD Student on Hydrogen diffusion and precipitation along claddings of nuclear fuel rodsRead more

Informatik•9523-00•100%Windows System EngineerRead more

Doctoral•5101-01•100%PhD Student in Analytics of algal biomass conversion and bio‐oil compositionAnalytics of algal biomass conversion and bio‐oil compositionRead more

Engineering / Laboratory•7904-00•80 – 100%DevOps / Systems Engineer (80-100%)Read more

Postdoctoral•4602-00•100%Postdoctoral FellowRead more29.05.2024•Internship•8416-T1•100%TraineeRead more

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