Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden invites application for vacant Academic, PhD and Postdoc Scholarships, a Swedish university located in Gothenburg, Sweden.
20240380Postdoc position on Ultra-low-noise HEMT amplifiers30/10/202420240440
Postdoc position in Improved qubit coherence by materials modeling and process development30/09/202420240433
Postdoc in space geodesy and geodynamics with focus on GNSS30/09/202420240390
HPC Systems Technician to Chalmers e-Commons23/09/202420240442
PhD student position in multi-modal AI for biomolecular engineering23/09/202420240441
PhD Student in entrepreneurship17/09/202420230381
Bli digital Mattecoach – hjälp andra med matten!16/09/202420240388
Postdoc position on total scattering analysis in energy materials15/09/202420240389Postdoc position on the synthesis of layered solid catalysts15/09/202420240423
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics or Mathematical Statistics with a focus on collaboration15/09/202420240391
Postdoc position in AI-driven control and management of confluent wireless-wireline networks15/09/202420240393
PhD student position in AI/ML for Intelligent Optical Network Management15/09/202420240366
Postdoc position in big data analytics in freight transport15/09/202420230393
Do you want to work as a tutor?13/09/202420230393
Pluggstöd – läxhjälp för grundskoleelever13/09/202420240444
PhD student position in Oxide Film Deposition as Isotope Absorption Control10/09/202420240443
PhD student position in analytical chemistry applied to cancer biology09/09/202420240438
Postdoc in Emerging activities of amyloid fibers03/09/202420230520
PhD position in New Materials Concepts for Stable Organic Solar Cells03/09/202420240422
PhD student position in Advanced receiver topology and circuit design01/09/202420240345
Assistant professor/Associate professor – Physics of Life01/09/202420240293
PhD student position in Urban Freight Management01/09/202420240374
PhD student position in Humanoid Locomanipulation31/08/202420240437
PhD position on superconducting quantum computer technology31/08/202420240432
Postdoc position in spectroscopic characterization of nanocellulose for optoelectronics31/08/202420240228
PhD student position in Materials Physics31/08/202420240415
PhD student position in localization and sensing for 6G31/08/202420240371
Postdoc position in the Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning31/08/202420240292
PhD student position in Software Performance Engineering31/08/202420240379
Postdoc in Software Engineering – Human-AI Interaction31/08/202420240322
Post-doc position on modelling of impaired micromobility riding31/08/202420230786
PhD positions in Quantum Nanophotonics30/08/202420230787
Postdoctoral positions in Quantum Nanophotonics30/08/202420240431
Two postdocs in terahertz electronics30/08/202420240434
PhD position in Inverse design in photonics30/08/202420240409
PhD student position on the biaxial thermo-mechanical fatigue resistance of superalloys30/08/202420240287
Postdoc position in environmental assessment of electric aviation30/08/202420240430
PhD student position in Machining of Cast Components for Next Generation Powertrains26/08/202420240394
PhD student position in Sustainable sinter-based multi-material additive manufacturing25/08/202420220675
Assistant Professor in Fundamental Characterization and Modelling of Biomass23/08/202420240435
Postdoctoral Researcher in Distributed Machine Learning20/08/202420240406
Project assistant on biopolymers extraction and characterization19/08/202420240405
PhD student position on Biotechnology solutions for fungal infections19/08/202420240373
Postdoctoral fellow in machine learning for medical image analysis18/08/202420240304
PhD student position in geometric deep learning18/08/202420240315
Postdoc Position in Quantum Computing15/08/
student position in microwave hyperthermia cancer treatment15/08/202420240414
Postdoc position in diagnostics of fuel cells and electrolysers15/08/202420240395
Postdoc position in Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology15/08/202420240377
Postdoc position within WWSC: enzymatic functionalization of wood15/08/202420240383
Post doctoral position within cell wall accessibility characterization15/08/202420240369
Postdoc position: High temperature fuel cell modeling for aircraft propulsion15/08/
position in fatigue of steel structures15/08/202420240342
Postdoc position in Human Body Modelling for Injury Prevention15/08/202420240312
Postdoctoral position in optomechanical spin sensing15/08/202420240311
Postdoctoral position in hybrid quantum systems15/08/202420240321
Post-doc in sensor perception modeling15/08/202420240361
Postdoc in Electrochemistry and Organic Electronics14/08/2024