PhD Scholarships at Wageningen University & Research , a public university in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
PhD Researcher: Advancing Forest Inventories in Small EU Countries Using Field Data and Multi-Source Remote SensingDo you want to become part of one of the leading forest groups in Europe? Then this is a great opportunity to join our team and help us to further develop our forest resear…
PhD position: Evolution and innovation in eukaryotic genomesAre you fascinated by the complexity and diversity of eukaryotic cells? Are you excited by figuring out what innovates and shapes eukaryotic genomes? Are you pursuing a…
PhD Researcher Forest Spirituality in Eastern EuropeThe Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group (FNP) at Wageningen University is seeking a PhD candidate researcher who is passionate about social sciences and interdiscip…
PhD position: Modelling pollutant transport across the soil-atmosphere continuumAre you a highly motivated and curious researcher who is passionate about soil and air quality? Would you enjoy pursuing a PhD in modelling the transport of soil pollutants in t…
PhD position: Modelling the wind-driven emission and transport of microplastics in the atmosphereAre you a highly motivated and curious researcher who is excited about soil-atmosphere interactions? Would you enjoy pursuing a PhD in atmospheric modelling of microplastics? Ar…
PhD Researcher – Understanding farmer decision making to reduce risks from pesticidesAre you passionate about shaping the future of agriculture? Do you want to explore innovative approaches to reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture while ensuring farm…
PhD vacature: Circulaire Praktijken om het gebruik van wegwerpmaterialen in Ziekenhuizen te voorkomenVoor een door NWA gefinancierd onderzoeksproject naar circulariteit in ziekenhuizen zijn we op zoek naar een gemotiveerde PhD-kandidaat per 1 oktober 2024.
PhD on Economic resilience of regenerative agricultureAre you interested in the economic aspects of regenerative agriculture? In this PhD project you will be working with pioneer regenerative farmers across the Netherlands…
PhD on Animal Health and Welfare in Regenerative AgricultureAre you interested in studying animal welfare implications of regenerative agriculture? The aim of this PhD is to better understand the interaction of regenerative farm…
PhD on Nutrient Dynamics from Field to Landscape in Regenerative AgricultureAre you interested in a PhD focusing on the nutrient dynamics from field to landscape in Regenerative Agriculture? Working with pioneer regenerative farmers across the …
PhD on Soil Microbiome in Regenerative AgricultureAre you interested in a PhD focusing on the role of the soil microbiome in Regenerative Agriculture? Working with pioneer regenerative farmers across the Netherlands, t…
PhD on Understanding Land Management and Intensity from field to landscape scaleAre you interested in a PhD focusing on the effects of land management practices and intensity on ecosystem functioning of the agricultural land itself and on the surroundi…
PhD position – Genetic and spatial biology of viruses in plant-feeding nematodesDo you have a keen interest in interactions between hosts and parasites? Would you enjoy to pursue PhD in molecular biology? Are you enthusiastic about combining experi…
PhD position: Inter- and intra-specific crop flower variation for pollinator-friendly farming systemsAre you interested in how plants attract pollinators? Are passionate about pollinators and the crop pollination services they provide? Do you want to contribute to the bree…
PhD in Innovative pathways for water pollution in the Mediterranean Agro-Hydro-SystemAre you passionate about improving water quality in the Mediterranean Agro-Hydro-System? Do…
PhD position – Climate resilience and conservation of species interactions in a changing worldAre you a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual with a strong background in plant ecology, biotic interactions (especially plant-mycorrhizal fungi), and conservation? Do …
PhD position – Optimizing lactation length for dairy cowsDo you have a strong affinity with health and lactation managemen…
PhD student GreenTEAre you an enthusiastic plant scientist who wants to study the communication of cells during seed germination, then we are looking for you!This PhD project is pa…
PhD position- Innovative spatial planning mechanisms to control nutrient emissions in the NetherlandsAre you interested in securing biodiversity while allowing farmers to continue farming? Would you like to explore how spatial planning mechanisms can ensure that farmin…
PhD position- Economic value of pollination in crop value chainsWhat role do pollinators play in different value chains? What is the economic value of pollination services in these value chains? What value chains are vulnerable towards polli…
PhD student computational pangenomicsAre you looking for a PhD position and interested in algorithm development for genomics? Do you want to innovate methods for computational pangenomics and mine massive amounts o…
PhD position in lipid metabolism engineering in microalgaeAs a part of a European project, we are seeking a highly motivated and skilled early-stage scientist to join our highly dynamic team as a PhD candidate. The successful …
PhD position – Quantifying the dependence of natural ecosystems on pollinatorsDo you have a passion for plants and pollinators? Are you concerned about the consequences of pollinator decline for plant biodiversity? Do you want to understand how plants and…
PhD position – Optimizing nutrient budgets for zero water pollution in EuropeAre you passionate about nutrient pollution issues in Europe? Do you want to pursue an interdisciplinary PhD research project in which you will optimize nutrient budgets fo…
PhD position in spatiotemporal diversity of phagesDo you want to pursue a PhD in computational biology? Are you interested in the genome diversity of bacteriophages across space and time? Do you want to combine bioinfo…
PhD student – Sweet spot: spot-on usage of non-nutritive sweetenersAre you looking for a position as a PhD student? Do you want to set up and run a clinical trial to discover how non-nutritive sweeteners affect physiology, metabolism a…
PhD Position: AI-powered identification of anomalies and manipulation in electricity marketsHave you ever wondered how electricity markets can be manipulated and how to effectively identify anomalies and market abuse from electricity markets data? Are you interested…
Phd in Diet, faecal microbiota and chemotherapy in patients with colon cancerThe impact of nutrition on cancer treatment fascinates us. Are you interested in working with us on an exciting project focussing on the intersection between nutrition,…
PhD researcher – Empowering optimal design for greater resilience of the electricity gridWe are looking for an enthusiastic PhD researcher to conduct cutting-edge research at the interface of resilience and the electricity grid, combining socioeconomic, spat…
PhD in Microbiota and CRC treatmentWe are looking for an ambitious PhD candidate with a great interest in the ecology of intestinal microbes for a project that is on the intersection between microb…
PhD Researcher in land change monitoring for tree diversityAre you a motivated and curious individual with a strong interest in remote sensing, plant ecology, land change monitoring, vegetation dynamics and tree diversity? Do you h…