Consent Preferences The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant (39) PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions – Scholar Idea

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland.

Wissenschaft•9611-01•100%Physiker*in / Naturwissenschaftler*inRead more

Informatik•9142-00•100%SAP Technology ConsultantRead more

Diverses•9670-02•80 – 100%Fachspezialist*in Sicherheit und BrandschutzRead more

Doctoral•6313-02•100%PhD student for Ni-based model catalysts for dry methane reformingRead more

Diverses•9671-00•100%Mitarbeitende*n im Sicherheits- und ZugangskontrolldienstRead more

Internship•5422-T3•100%Trainee in electrocatalysts preparation and characterizationRead more

Administration•9200-00•80 – 100%Projektassistenz / Abteilungsassistenz 40-100%Read more

Postdoctoral•6111-00•100%Process Engineer / Postdoctoral Fellow in silicon microfabricationRead more

Praktika•9151-T1•60 – 100%Praktikum im Bereich Controlling 60-100%Read more

Doctoral•9622-02•100%PhD Student on electrochemical approaches in radioanalyticsRead more

Technik/Labor•6217-01•100%Techniker*in für die XIL-Strahllinie am SLS2 Swiss Light SourceRead more

Postdoctoral•4500-01•100%Postdoctoral Fellow Holistic energy systems modelling of nuclear energy technologiesRead more

Postdoctoral•6516-00•100%Postdoctoral Fellow in Kagome Lattice based Quantum MaterialsRead more

Doctoral•5422-01•100%PhD Student in microstructural analysis of the catalyst layer of polymer electrolyte fuel cells using scattering techniquesRead more

Postdoctoral•5101-03•100%Postdoctoral FellowRead more

Lehrstellen•100%Elektronikerin – Elektroniker EFZWeiterlesen

Lehrstellen•100%Elektroinstallateurin – Elektroinstallateur EFZRead more

Lehrstellen•100%Informatikerin – Informatiker EFZ, PlattformentwicklungRead more

Lehrstellen•100%Physiklaborantin – Physiklaborant EFZUntertitelWeiterlesen

Lehrstellen•100%Köchin – Koch EFZRead more

Lehrstellen•100%Fachfrau / Fachmann Betreuung EFZ, Fachrichtung KinderRead more

Lehrstellen•100%Kauffrau/Kaufmann EFZ, Branche Dienstleistung und AdministrationRead more

Lehrstellen•100%Polymechanikerin – Polymechaniker EFZRead more

Lehrstellen•100%Automatikerin – Automatiker EFZRead more

Lehrstellen•100%Informatikerin – Informatiker EFZ, ApplikationsentwicklungRead more

Lehrstellen•100%Konstrukteurin – Konstrukteur EFZRead more

Lehrstellen•100%Fachfrau – Fachmann Reinigungstechnik EFZ / Praktikerin – Praktiker Reinigungstechnik EBARead more

Internship•5422-T2•100%Trainee in Finite Element Simulations of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel CellsRead more

Miscellaneous•7903-01•50%Data Steward (ReMade@ARI), Science IT Infrastructure and Services Department 50%Read more

Diverses•9620-01•80 – 100%Projektleiter*in, Physiker*in 80-100%Read more

Diverses•9670-01•100%Sektionsleiter*in SicherheitRead more

Doctoral•2211-01•100%PhD Student in Radiopharmaceutical SciencesRead more

Postdoctoral•3202-02•100%Postdoctoral fellow for particle physics research on the CMS experimentWeiterlesen

Doctoral•3703-00•100%PhD Student in search for 2D ferromagnetism at room temperatureRead more

Postdoctoral•5101-05•100%Postdoctoral FellowRead more

Postdoctoral•7902-00•100%Postdoctoral FellowRead more

Doctoral•3202-01•100%PhD Student for particle physics research on the CMS experimentRead more

Doctoral•9611-00•100%PhD Student in neutron reference fields for dosimetry and radiation protectionRead more

Diverses•9620-00•100%Gruppenleiter*in SicherheitsanalysenRead more

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