Lund University in Sweden invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Research Positions, one of northern Europe’s oldest universities in Sweden.

Research Engineer for CoSAXS (PA2024/2641)Diffraction & Scattering, MAX IVDate published: 10 Sep 20246 Oct 2024
Postdoctoral position in System Reliablity Analysis of Timber Structures (PA2024/2742)Konstruktionsteknik, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 16 Sep 20247 Oct 2024
Postdoctoral fellow in medical radiation physics (PA2024/2817)Division of Medical Radiation Physics, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 17 Sep 20248 Oct 2024
Doctoral student in Computational Fluid Dynamics for Hydrogen Engines (PA2024/2825)Institutionen för energivetenskaper, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 18 Sep 20249 Oct 2024
Assistant Professor in traffic safety (PA2024/637)Trafik och väg, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 15 Aug 202410 Oct 2024
Doctoral student in Biology with a focus on AI & Microbial Forensics (PA2024/963)Department of Biology, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 22 Apr 202412 Oct 2024
Postdoctoral researcher in the EnJUSTICE Project (PA2024/2799)Sociology of Law Department, Faculty of Social SciencesDate published: 13 Sep 202413 Oct 2024
Post-doctor in environmental law with a focus on marine environmental law (PA2024/2479)Juridiska institutionen, Faculty of LawDate published: 19 Aug 202413 Oct 2024
Post-doctoral fellow in biodiversity assessment for business and finance (PA2024/1359)Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 18 Jun 202414 Oct 2024
Doctoral students in Physics with focus on attosecond physics (PA2024/2676)Atomic Physics, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 10 Sep 202422 Oct 2024
Doctoral student in Technology and Society focused on the economic analysis of digital market structure and cyber security (PA2024/2596)Fastighetsvetenskap, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 19 Sep 20241 Nov 2024
Postdoctoral research fellow focused on multimodal analyses of biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease (PA2024/2589)Division of Clinical Memory Research, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 16 Sep 202417 Nov 2024
Postdoctoral fellowship: Transthyretin amyloidosis using X-rays, neutrons, and EM (PA2024/2052)Molecular biophysics, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 14 Jun 202430 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral fellowship: Understanding and optimizing mRNA therapeutics (PA2024/2061)Molecular biophysics, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 14 Jun 202430 Sep 2024
Associate Senior Lecturer in Nursing with a specialisation in District Nursing (PA2024/821)Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 12 Jun 202430 Sep 2024
Doctoral student in Economic History (PA2024/2186)Department of Economic History, Lund University School of Economics and ManagementDate published: 21 Aug 20241 Oct 2024
Researcher in traffic safety (PA2024/2784)Trafik och väg, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 18 Sep 20242 Oct 2024
Project Assistant in Biotechnology (PA2024/2795)Unit Biotechnology (LTH), Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 18 Sep 20242 Oct 2024
Protein machine learning (PA2024/2779)unit Biochemistry and Structural Biology (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 12 Sep 20243 Oct 2024
Postdoctoral position in food technology, plant proteins in food products (PA2024/2769)Division of Food and pharmaceuticals , Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 13 Sep 20244 Oct 2024
Beamline Scientist at RIXS (PA2024/2159)Spectroscopy, MAX IVDate published: 16 Sep 20246 Oct 2024
PostDoc in the RIXS Team (2-year position) (PA2024/2161)Spectroscopy, MAX IVDate published: 16 Sep 20246 Oct 2024
Doctoral student in Biomedical engineering with a focus on nanofluidic interfacing to masspectrometry (PA2024/2529)Biomedicinsk teknik, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 9 Sep 202430 Sep 2024
2 software developers at INES/ICOS Carbon Portal (PA2024/2601)Department of Physical Geograhy and Ecosystem Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 9 Sep 202430 Sep 2024
User support IT-technician by INES/ICOS carbon portal (PA2024/2606)Department of Physical Geograhy and Ecosystem Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 9 Sep 202430 Sep 2024
IT-coordinator by INES/ICOS carbon portal (PA2024/2610)Department of Physical Geograhy and Ecosystem Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 9 Sep 202430 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral position in Structural Engineering focusing on masonry structures (PA2024/2698)Konstruktionsteknik, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 9 Sep 202430 Sep 2024
Doctoral student in Sustainable Energy Systems Evaluation (PA2024/2724)International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Universitetets särskilda verksamheterDate published: 9 Sep 202430 Sep 2024
Doctoral student in Packaging Logistics, focus on sustainable omni-channels (PA2024/2244)Institutionen för designvetenskaper, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 2 Sep 202430 Sep 2024
Doctoral student in Sustainable energy systems (PA2024/2537)International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Universitetets särskilda verksamheterDate published: 21 Aug 202430 Sep 2024
Biträdande universitetslektor i omvårdnad, inriktning akutsjukvård (PA2024/819)Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 27 Jun 202430 Sep 2024
Biträdande universitetslektor i omvårdnad (PA2024/820)Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 26 Jun 202430 Sep 2024
Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering focusing on Cryptology (PA2024/2576)Elektro- och informationsteknik, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 28 Aug 202427 Sep 2024
Project assistant in reducing plastic use at Lund University (PA2024/2704)Miljö- och energisystem, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 16 Sep 202429 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral position in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on synchrotron imaging of bone-cartilage interface in the knee (PA2024/2103)Biomedicinsk teknik, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 17 Jun 202429 Sep 2024
Post-doc in K-channel structural biology (PA2024/2150)Membrane Protein Structural Biology, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 17 Jun 202429 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral fellowship in physical chemistry: Microscopic structure in plant seeds by scanning X-ray diffraction (PA2024/2051)unit Physical Chemistry (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 14 Jun 202429 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral fellowship in physical chemistry: Impact of Nanoparticle Binding on Lipid Redistribution and Membrane Deformation in Cellular Membranes (PA2024/2098)unit Physical Chemistry (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 14 Jun 202429 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral fellowship in physical chemistry: Membrane-induced liquid-liquid phase separation (PA2024/2101)unit Physical Chemistry (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 14 Jun 202429 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral fellowship in physical chemistry: Condensate-mediated amyloid nucleation (PA2024/2104)unit Physical Chemistry (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 14 Jun 202429 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral researcher in phage-bacteria interactions (PA2024/2129)Molecular enzymology, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 14 Jun 202429 Sep 2024
Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering focusing on Integrated Analog Circuit Design (PA2024/1360)Elektro- och informationsteknik, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 9 Sep 202430 Sep 2024
TitleLast application date
Project assistant in food processing and nutrition (PA2024/2668)Division of Food and pharmaceuticals , Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 5 Sep 202419 Sep 2024
Researcher in software engineering and continuous experimentation (temporary position) (PA2024/2675)Department of Computer science, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 6 Sep 202420 Sep 2024
Publishing Director (PA2024/2111)The Faculties of Humanities and Theology, The Faculties of Humanities and TheologyDate published: 2 Jul 202420 Sep 2024
Magnet Engineer (PA2024/2583)Accelerator Developement, MAX IVDate published: 4 Sep 202422 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral position in Engineering and Politics of Carbon Storage (PA2024/2348)Teknisk Geologi, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 22 Jul 202423 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral position in Water Resources Engineering with a focus on urban-rural water infrastructure management under hydroclimatic extremes (PA2024/2666)Teknisk vattenresurslära, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 10 Sep 202424 Sep 2024
Researcher in Biophysical Chemistry (PA2024/2753)unit Biochemistry and Structural Biology (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 10 Sep 202424 Sep 2024
Professor in neuropsychiatric basic research, combined with employment as a specialist/consultant – Vigre Professorshiphas (PA2024/62)Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 24 Jun 202424 Sep 2024
Postdoctoral fellow in carbon cycle modelling (PA2024/2752)Department of Physical Geograhy and Ecosystem Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 11 Sep 202425 Sep 2024
Assistant researcher in social medicine and health policy (PA2024/2737)Division of Social Medicine and Health Policy, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 11 Sep 202426 Sep 2024

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