PhD Scholarships at Chalmers University of Technology, a Swedish university located in Gothenburg, Sweden.

PhD position in Hybrid Quantum Systems01/12/2024
PhD position in Gapwaveguide based Antennas for mmWave Polarimetric Radar19/10/2024
Two PhD candidates to the Division of Science, Technology and Society18/10/2024
PhD student position in AI/ML for Intelligent Optical Network Management15/10/2024
PhD student position in Safety Engineering for Trustworthy Autonomy15/10/2024
PhD student position in Energy Systems Analysis15/10/2024
PhD position on buildings’ resilience in warmer and more humid climate of the future14/10/2024
Three PhD-student positions in Structural Nuclear Materials07/10/2024
PhD in Cryptography04/10/2024
PhD position – Scaling of transmon qubits30/09/2024
PhD student position in Biobased materials for agriculture30/09/2024
PhD student position in multi-modal AI for biomolecular engineering23/09/2024
PhD students in terahertz electronics22/09/2024
PhD student position in AI for medicine20/09/2024

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