Aalborg University in Denmark invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, a Danish public university with campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen.

PhD Stipend in Neural Oscillations and Architectural RhythmsAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technolgy, a PhD stipend is available within the study programme "Media, Architecture and Design". The stipend is open for appointment from 1 October 2024 or soon thereafter for a period of three years. The Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology has as its goal the development of an innovative cluster of engineering-based environments for education and research which integrate creativity, engineering and technology within the disciplines of architecture, urban design, industrial design, digital design and interactive media. The department is a leading research and educational environment in Denmark that addresses the challenge of the interplay between creativity and technology, and develops new areas in research and education directed towards the end-user.AalborgDeadline 7-24057

PhD Stipend in Satellite Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Representation in HydrologyAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning (PLAN), a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme Planning and Development. The stipend is open for appointment from 1 February 2025 or soon hereafter. PLAN conducts research and teaching on development and planning in a broad sense, including social science aspects as well as more technical aspects of development, and with a focus on environmental, international as well as administrative dimensions.AalborgDepartment of PlanningDeadline 20-24061

Reannouncement: Phd Stipend in Airborne Transmission of Respiratory Infections in the Indoor EnvironmentAt the Facullty of Engineering and Science, Department of the Built Environment, a PhD stipend is available within the doctoral programme "Civil Engineering". The stipend is open for appointment from 1 November, 2024 or soon hereafter in Aalborg. AalborgDepartment of the Built EnvironmentDeadline 6-24013G

PhD Stipend in Machine Learning Models for Structural Reuse of TimberAt the Facualty of Engineering and Science, Department of the Built Environment (BUILD) at Aalborg University’s campus in Aalborg, a PhD stipend in Machine Learning Models for Structural Reuse of Timber is available within the doctoral programme Civil Engineering. The stipend is open for appointment from 15 October 2024 or soon hereafter.AalborgDepartment of the Built EnvironmentDeadline 6-24063

PhD Stipend in Audio Only VR Game with Personalized 3D Sound for Blind GamersAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic Systems, a PhD stipend in Audio Only VR Game with Personalized 3D Sound for Blind Gamers is available within the general study programme Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The stipend is open for appointment from December 1, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter. In electronic engineering, Aalborg University is known worldwide for its high academic quality and societal impact. The Department of Electronic Systems employs more than 200 people, of which about 90 are PhD students, and about 40 % of all employees are internationals. In total, it has more than 600 students in its BSc and MSc programs, which are based on AAU’s problem-based learning model. The department leverages its unique research infrastructure and lab facilities to conduct world-leading fundamental and applied research within sound and acoustics, AI, communication, networks, control systems, cyber security, and robotics. The department plays an active role in transferring inventions and results into applications in close collaboration with industrial partners worldwide. You can read more about the department at www.es.aau.dkAalborgDepartment of Electronic SystemsDeadline 8-24033G

Two PhD Positions in Quantum Computing and Machine LearningThe Department of Computer Science, the Technical Faculty of IT and Design at Aalborg University has two fully-funded PhD positions available.The PhD students will be working at the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning. More specifically, one PhD position works on equivalence checking of quantum circuits via tensor decision diagrams and machine learning, while the other PhD position works on the synthesis of quantum circuits via reinforcement learning. The positions are commencing November 15, 2024 or soon after. The Department of Computer Science features a broad range of synergistic activities within research and education in the general area of computer science, including curiosity-driven research and targeted research in collaboration with industrial partners, traditional university education with a unique problem- and project-based focus, and continued education and knowledge dissemination.AalborgDepartment of Computer ScienceDeadline 16-24062

PhD in Rationalities of Public Transport PracticesAt the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University, a three-year PhD position in the field of interaction and practices in public transport is open for application. The position is vacant from 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project will encompass a trans-situational ethnomethodological study of rationalities of public transport practices, and it is part of the Inge Lehmann-project TransforChange (Towards Transformative Change: Rationalities of Public Transport Practices), funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark.AalborgDeadline 2024-224-06022

PhD scholarship: Exploring CONFINED LIVES between Denmark and LebanonAt the Faculty of Social Sciences and HumanIties, Department of Politics and Society, Aalborg University Campus Copenhagen, a PhD scholarship in the Global Politics and Diversity Research Cluster is open for appointment from earliest 1 March, latest 1 June 2025.CopenhagenDeadline 12-64065

PhD scholarship: Exploring CONFINED LIVES between London, UK and Freetown, Sierra LeoneAt the Faculty of Social Sciences and HumanIties, Department of Politics and Society, Aalborg University Campus Copenhagen, a PhD scholarship in the Global Politics and Diversity Research Cluster is open for appointment from earliest 1 March, latest 1 June 2025.CopenhagenDeadline 12-24064

2024-224-06042 Postdoc in Machine Learning Assisted Terahertz SpectroscopyAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production a position as a full-time postdoc in Machine Learning Assisted Terahertz Spectroscopy is open for appointment from 1.12.2024 or soon thereafter. The position is available for a period of 3 years. Department of Materials and Production (MP) is a wide-ranging research and educational environment at Aalborg University. The Department’s mission is to meet the future’s demands for new materials and production systems by directing the whole value chain from basic material understanding, materials’ applications in mechanical constructions, industrial production and management. The department has several strong, international and innovative research groups which comprise everything from basic science to strategic and applicable research. The activities encompass research as well as education within materials, mechanics, physics, production technique, and industrial management and innovation. Benefitting the industry and additional collaborators several innovative and unconventional collaborations have been and are developed through interdisciplinary co-operations. Thereby, as an employee at the Department you will become a part of an international research environment, where focus is on innovation, knowledge sharing/building and interdisciplinary collaborations.AalborgDeadline 1219205

One or more Postdocs in Mechanical and Material Science Engineering – Optimized Composite Materials and Composite Recycling processes for Next-Generation Wind Turbine Blades (2024-224-05992)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production, one or more postdoc positions in Mechanical and Material Science Engineering is open for appointment starting in December 2024 or soon hereafter. The duration of the position is 2 years with the possibility of getting extended for up to an additional 2 years.AalborgDeadline 2024-224-05992

Postdoc in the Calmodulinopathy Research Program (2024-224-06018)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience a position as Postdoc in the Calmodulinopathy Research program is open for appointment from 1 December 2024 or soon hereafter. The position is available for a period of 2.5 year.AalborgDepartment of Chemistry and BioscienceDeadline 2024-224-06018

2024-224-06047 Adjunktur i FormueretVed Juridisk Institut, Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, er der pr. 1. december 2024 eller snarest herefter en ledig stilling som adjunkt inden for Formueret. Stillingen er ledig for en periode på 4 år.AalborgJuridisk Institut.Deadline 2024-224-06047

2024-224-06048 Lektorat i databeskyttelsesretVed Juridisk Institut, Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, er der pr. 1. december 2024 eller snarest herefter en ledig stilling som lektor inden for databeskyttelsesret.AalborgJuridisk Institut.Deadline 2024-224-06048

Postdoc Position in Time Series Management for 6G Networks, Aalborg University (2024-224-06058)At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Computer Science a position as Postdoc is open for appointment from 1st November 2024 or soon hereafter. AalborgDepartment of Computer ScienceDeadline 2024-224-06058

Assistant Professor in Geodetic Engineering and Surveying (2024-224-06044)At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning, a position as Assistant Professor in Geodetic Engineering and Surveying is open for appointment from 1 January 2025 or soon hereafter. The position is for 3 years and will be based in the Copenhagen campus of Aalborg University. The field of the Department of Sustainability and Planning includes development and planning in a broad sense, and thereby it ranges from technical subjects such as geodesy, surveying and geoinformatics, to the social science aspects of development like environmental management, physical planning, sector planning, and land management. At the department, we have about 250 employees situated at the Aalborg and Copenhagen campus. The department provides excellent research and teaching in the field of planning, technology and society to create a more sustainable future. We are interdisciplinary in the technical, natural and social science disciplines and present a unique combination of social and technological understanding where digital and technological solutions merge with the needs of society. Our research creates the foundation for educating the young people of tomorrow, and as part of Aalborg University, the department rests on a socially engaging and problem-oriented approach. It is also at Department of Planning that the UNESCO Centre for Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is at home. We create educations that are aimed at the job market and a society with increasing focus on technology, digitization, sustainability and partnerships for a sustainable transition.CopenhagenDepartment of PlanningDeadline 2024-224-06044

2024-224-06057 POSTDOC IN NANOPOROSITY OF DISORDERED MATERIALSAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a Postdoc position in nanoporosity of disordered materials is open for appointment from November 1, 2024 or soon hereafter. The position is for 1½ years.AalborgDepartment of Chemistry and BioscienceDeadline 2024-224-06057

Assistant professor in Architectural Engineering (2024-224-06061)A position as Assistant Professor in the Division of Architectural Engineering is available for 3 years at the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of the Built Environment at Aalborg University, Aalborg campus. The appointment is expected to commence 1 December 2024, or soon hereafter. The Department of the Built Environment (BUILD) focuses on the technical and scientific disciplines within the built environment. Research areas span from Indoor Environment and Energy Efficient buildings, Wind Turbines, Structural Design, Structural Materials, Geotechnical Engineering, Wave Energy to Traffic along with many other areas. The research is conducted in a national as well as an international research environment. The department takes on contract research for both public institutions and private companies. The research projects involve both theoretical research and in situ measurements along with laboratory experiments. As an employee at the Department of the Built Environment, you become a part of an international research environment, where focus is on innovation, knowledge sharing and interdisciplinary collaborations.AalborgDepartment of the Built EnvironmentDeadline 1219227

2024-224-06059 Postdoc in Genome Centric MetagenomicsAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a Postdoc position in Genome Centric Metagenomics is open for appointment from 1 December 2024 or soon hereafter. The position is for 3 years. At the department, we have high-profile research sections and individual researchers who deliver world-class applied and basic scientific research with a mission-driven approach, and who contribute to the development of new technologies, methods, and new basic insights within natural science and engineering. We are a dynamic workplace with high professionalism and efficiency, a good working environment, and with a focus on work-life balance. We strive for a culture with collaboration that promotes openness and curiosity towards new initiatives and ideas and with a constructive approach to problem solving. As an employee at the department, you will be part of an international research environment, with a focus on innovation, knowledge sharing and excellency as well as interdisciplinary collaborations.AalborgDepartment of Chemistry and BioscienceDeadline 2024-224-06059

Associate professor in Higher education pedagogy and academic development (2024-224-05983)At the department of Culture and learning, the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Aalborg University, a position as Associate Professor in higher education pedagogy and academic development will be open for appointment as of the 1st of December 2024. The primary workplace of the position is at the Aalborg Campus.  The appointment as Associate Professor will be a fixed full-time position, which will include both research and teaching activities.AalborgDeadline 2024-224-05983

Postdoc in Circular Design for Power Electronics (2024-224-06001)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc in Circular Design for Power Electronics is open for appointment from 1 January 2025, or soon hereafter. The position is for 2 years.AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2024-224-06001

Klinisk lektor i Øre-Næse-Hals (2024-224-06070)Ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Klinisk Institut, Aalborg Universitet er en eller flere ledige stillinger som klinisk lektor i Øre-Næse-Hals ledig til besættelse pr. 01.12.2024 eller snarest derefter. Ansættelsen er tidsubegrænset  og er med 15 årlige konfrontationstimer i gennemsnit.AalborgKlinisk InstitutDeadline 2024-224-06070

Klinisk lektor i neurologi (2024-224-06068)Ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Klinisk Institut, Aalborg Universitet er en eller flere ledige stillinger som klinisk lektor i neurologi ledig til besættelse pr. 1. december 2024 eller snarest derefter. Ansættelsen er tidsubegrænset og er med 15 årlige konfrontationstimer i gennemsnit.AalborgKlinisk InstitutDeadline 2024-224-06068

Klinisk lektor i nuklearmedicin (2024-224-06069)Ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Klinisk Institut, Aalborg Universitet er en eller flere ledige stillinger som klinisk lektor i nuklearmedicin ledig til besættelse pr. 1. december eller snarest derefter. Ansættelsen er tidsubegrænset og er med 15 årlige konfrontationstimer i gennemsnit.AalborgKlinisk InstitutDeadline 2024-224-06069

2024-224-06050, Postdoc within statistical methods for biomarker validationAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global concern for health of both humans and animals. Do you want to help reducing the use of antibiotics and thereby lower the risk for AMR? In this project we aim at doing exactly that with extensive research in pigs as a model. The Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, offers a Postdoc position within statistics starting 1 January 2025 or soon thereafter. The position will be based at Aalborg University’s campus in Aalborg, Denmark, and will have a duration of 23 months.AalborgDeadline 2024-224-06050

Associate Professor in Green Energy and Process Control Engineering (2024-224-06024)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Associate Professor in Green Energy and Process Control Engineering is open for appointment from 1 March 2025 or soon hereafter.EsbjergAAU EnergyDeadline 2024-224-06024

Postdoc Position in CULTIGEN – Culture, Tourism and Regeneration through innovative digital solutions and governance platforms (2024-224-06026)The Department of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University’s Copenhagen campus is looking for a postdoc in the field of digital methods and participatory data design. The position is for two years full time, ideally starting 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.CopenhagenDeadline 2024-224-06026

2024-224-06049 Postdoc in frost protection of fruit crops in a changing climateAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a Postdoc position focused on reducing spring frost injuries in fruit crops is open for appointment from 1st of January 2025 or soon hereafter. The position is for 20 months.AalborgDepartment of Chemistry and BioscienceDeadline 2024-224-06049

2024-224-06052, Postdoc in causal inference for compositional microbiome dataThe Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, offers a postdoc position within statistics starting February 1, 2025, or soon thereafter. The position will be based at Aalborg University’s campus in Aalborg and will have a duration of 3 years. The Department of Mathematical Sciences conducts research in a wide range of mathematical disciplines and has three study programs: mathematics (including a specialization in statistics at the master level), mathematical economics, and mathematics-technology.AalborgDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDeadline 2024-224-06052

One or more Assistant Professors in Design (2024-224-06065)At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology a position one or more as Assistant Professors in Design is open for appointment from 1st of January, 2025 or soon hereafter and until 31st of December, 2027.<br /><br />The Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology has as its goal the development of an innovative cluster of engineering-based environments for education and research which integrate creativity, engineering and technology within the disciplines of architecture, urban design, industrial design, digital design and interactive media. The department is a leading research and educational environment in Denmark that addresses the challenge of the interplay between creativity and technology, and develops new areas in research and education directed towards the end-user. <div><br />You can read more about the department here: <a href=”https://www.create.aau.dk/om-create”>https://www.create.aau.dk/om-create</a> and <a href=”https://issuu.com/create_aau/docs/21.042-001_aau_create_instutut_rapport_2020_210x21?fr=sYTEwYTI4ODAxMjM”>CREATE Department Brochure</a> <div> </div></div>AalborgDeadline 2024-224-06065

National Center of Excellence looking for Assistant Professor in Nutrition and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2024-224-06030)The National Center of Excellence PREDICT, based at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University (AAU) in Copenhagen, is looking to recruit a highly skilled Assistant Professor to join our international and interdisciplinary group of dedicated researchers. The position is a 3-year full-time position. The expected starting date will be 1 December 2024 or soon hereafter.CopenhagenDeadline 2024-224-06030

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