ETH Zurich – Where the Future Begins! As one of the leading international universities for technology and the natural sciences, ETH Zurich is well-known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research and for implementing its results directly into practice.
ICT System Spezialist:in (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet10.10.2024 | Informatikdienste
PhD Position in Dissolution of Mg-based Silicate Minerals for Carbon Sequestration100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.10.2024 | Institute for Building Materials
Administrative Assistenz (m/w/d) an der Professur für Untertagbau50%-60%, Zürich, unbefristet10.10.2024 | Departement Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik
Tierpfleger:in – Tierhaltung Rehe (m/w/d)40%-50%, Zürich, befristet09.10.2024 | Gruppe Tierphysiologie
Doctoral Students in Production Management100%, Zurich, fixed-term09.10.2024 | Production and Operations Management
PhD Student in Innovation Economics/Management100%, Zurich, fixed-term08.10.2024 | KOF Swiss Economic Institute/Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation
Head of Leadership, Transformation and Culture100%, Lugano, permanent08.10.2024 | CSCS – Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
Senior Program Officer working on Ceasefire Mediation100%, Zurich, fixed-term08.10.2024 | Center for Security Studies (CSS)
Travel Officer60%, Lugano, permanent08.10.2024 | CSCS – Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
PhD Student in Modeling Organic Carbon Sequestration in Marine Sediments100%, Zurich, fixed-term08.10.2024 | Environmental Physics Group
PhD Position in Security Politics100%, Zurich, fixed-term08.10.2024 | Center for Security Studies (CSS)
KTT & communication specialist80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.10.2024 | NCCR Catalysis
Teaching Assistants for General Chemistry, Organic Part-2 in the Spring Semester 202510%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term07.10.2024 | Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
Laborant:in im Bereich NMR-Spektroskopie (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet07.10.2024 | Laboratorium für Organische Chemie
Bioinformatics specialist100%, Zurich, fixed-term04.10.2024 | Institute of Molecular Health Sciences | D-BIOL
Two Doctoral Positions in Global History100%, Zurich, fixed-term04.10.2024 | D-GESS, Professorship for History of the Modern World
PhD position: friction in architected materials100%, Zurich, fixed-term04.10.2024 | Institute for Building Materials
PhD Researcher in Labour Economics100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.10.2024 | KOF Swiss Economic Institute
Postdoctoral researcher in Molecular Microbiology & Microbial Metabolism80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.10.2024 | Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Doctoral research on the directed evolution of material-making microbes100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.10.2024 | Complex Materials Group
Hilfsassistent:in am ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE (m/w/d)20%-30%, Zürich, befristet03.10.2024 | ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE
Doctoral researcher (PhD Position) in Technology and AI for Individual and Organisational Resilience100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.10.2024 | Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Postdoc or Senior Researcher Position in hydromechanical modeling and hazard/risk analysis for CO2 storage100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.10.2024 | Earth and Planetary Sciences Department (D-EAPS)
Gruppenleiter:in Business Development (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet03.10.2024 | Abteilung Campus Services
Studienkoordinator:in für Schlafstudien in der Schweiz (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet02.10.2024 | Sensory-Motor Systems Lab
Postdoctoral Research Associate – Neutrino Physics100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.10.2024 | Institute for Particle physics and Astrophysics – Neutrino group
Internship – Industrial Robotics100%, fixed-term02.10.2024 | Partnerinserat | Industrial Robotics Group
Research Engineer & Project Manager in Industrial Robotics100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.10.2024 | Partnerinserat | Industrial Robotics Group
Postdoctoral Researcher in Industrial Robotics100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.10.2024 | Partnerinserat | Industrial Robotics Group
PhD position on machine learning based predictions of river flow and water temperature in a changing climate100%, Zurich, fixed-term01.10.2024 | Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences
2 Doctoral Fellowships in Architecture and Technology100%, Zurich, fixed-term01.10.2024 | Institute of Technology in Architecture (ITA) / Department of Architecture (D-ARCH)
PhD Position in the Spatial-Temporal Optimisation of Building Renovation Processes100%, Zurich, fixed-term30.09.2024 | Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management
Post-Doctoral Researcher – Evaluating Global Food Systems Sustainability100%, Zurich, fixed-term30.09.2024 | Laboratory of Sustainable Food Processing
Makerspace Internship80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term27.09.2024 | ETH Student Project House
Fachspezialist:in finanzielles Projektreporting (m/w/d)40%-50%, Zürich, befristet26.09.2024 | Institut für Integrierte Systeme
PhD position in Plant Ecological Genetics100%, Zurich, fixed-term26.09.2024 | Plant Ecological Genetics
PhD position on combustion instabilities of hydrogen flames100%, Zurich, fixed-term26.09.2024 | Combustion, Acoustics & Flow Physics (CAPS)
HPC Applications Specialist100%, Zurich, fixed-term26.09.2024 | Scientific IT Services
Scientific Programmer in Atmospheric Chemistry80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term25.09.2024 | Department of Environmental Systems Science, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
Student research assistant for implementing neural network benchmarks10%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term24.09.2024 | D-MTEC
Postdoc position: Electrochemical Cooling and Heating100%, Zurich, fixed-term24.09.2024 | Energy and Process Systems Engineering
PhD Position in Cryo-Atom Probe Tomography for Corrosion Studies100%, Zurich, fixed-term23.09.2024 | D-BAUG
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Expert80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term20.09.2024 | Geothermal Energy and Geofluids Group
Lehrentwickler:in mit einer Leidenschaft für Assessments (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, unbefristet20.09.2024 | Abteilung für Lehre und Lernen (UTL)
Established researcher (Curator) for the mycological collection of ETH Zurich80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.09.2024 | Plant Ecological Genetics – Biosystematics & Collections
Studierendenjob: Projektsupporter:in & Workshopleiter:in (m/w/d)20%, Zürich, befristet19.09.2024 | mint & pepper, the outreach project of Wyss Zurich (ETH Zurich / Wyss Zurich)
Administrative:r Mitarbeiter:in im Studiensekretariat Mathematik (m/w/d)50%, Zürich, unbefristet18.09.2024 | Departement Mathematik
Postdoc Position in Metagenomics & Computational Biology100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.09.2024 | Department of Environmental Systems Sciences
Research Assistant in Quantitative Social Science: Machine Learning for Refugee Resettlement20%-40%, Zurich, fixed-term17.09.2024 | Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences
PhD Position on ‘Linking Locus Coeruleus Function to Sleep, Brain Function and Health, and Autonomic Control in Humans’100%, Zurich, fixed-term13.09.2024 | Neural Control of Movement Lab
Biomedical Data Engineer80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term13.09.2024 | Swiss Data Science Center
Senior Accountant / Trustee – Stiftungen (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet13.09.2024 | Abteilung Rechnungswesen
PhD Position in Rock Mechanics100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.09.2024 | Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Research Assistant in Development Economics100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.09.2024 | ETH Zurich – Development Economics Group (ETH-DEC)
2 PhD students – Assessing Policies for Net Zero Technologies100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.09.2024 | MTEC – Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Postdoctoral Research Position in Machine Learning for Chemical Reaction Prediction100%, Basel, fixed-term12.09.2024 | Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (BSS)
Research Assistant for Research on Learning and Instruction10%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term12.09.2024 | Department of Humanities, Social- and Political Science at ETH Zürich
PhD position: Resilient carbon dioxide transport route design to enable the net-zero transition in Europe100%, Zurich, fixed-term11.09.2024 | Reliability & Risk Engineering (RRE) Group
Postdoctoral or Senior Researcher in Innovation and Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide Removal100%, Zurich, fixed-term11.09.2024 | D-MTEC
PhD candidate for developing and building new concepts for ultra-fast, medium voltage solid-state pulse modulators100%, Zurich, fixed-term11.09.2024 | Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems
PhD Candidate in the Rheology of Metasedimentary Rocks100%, Zurich, fixed-term11.09.2024 | Institute of Geology / Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences / Structural Geology and Tectonics
PhD Candidate in Cryogenian Tillites as a Window into Subglacial Rheology100%, Zurich, fixed-term11.09.2024 | Institute of Geology / Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences / Structural Geology and Tectonics
NOMIS Foundation ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship100%, Zurich, fixed-term06.09.2024 | ETH Zurich Centre for Origin and Prevalence of Life
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz Wald und Landschaft (m/w/d)60%, Zürich, befristet06.09.2024 | Professur für Forstliches Ressourcenmanagement FORM
Lehrkoordination Ökologische Systemanalyse (m/w/d)60%-100%, Zürich, befristet05.09.2024 | Institut für Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
PhD Position on “Integrated Photonics, Electronic-Photonic Co-Design/Integration”100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.09.2024 | Integrated Systems Laboratory
PhD Position on “Radio Frequency (RF) and Mm-Wave Integrated Circuits and Systems”100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.09.2024 | Integrated Systems Laboratory
PhD Position on “Integrated Circuit and System Design for Bioelectronics and Biosensors”100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.09.2024 | Integrated Systems Laboratory
Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) Sicherheitsdienst mit Einsatzerfahrung in einer Alarmzentrale100%, Zürich, unbefristet04.09.2024 | Abteilung Facility Services der ETH Zürich
Postdoc Position in Climate Dynamics100%, Zurich, fixed-term04.09.2024 | Institute for Atmosperic and Climate Science
Postdoc in Satellite Gravimetry100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.09.2024 | Chair of Space Geodesy
PhD Position: Tracer-aided ecohydrological modelling in snow-dominated ecosystems100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.09.2024 | Institute of Environmental Engineering – D-BAUG
Group Leader for Transdisciplinary Teaching and Research in Sustainability Sciences80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.09.2024 | The Transdisciplinarity Lab
Team Lead, Energie Ingenieur:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet02.09.2024 | Vizepräsidium für Infrastruktur | Engineering & Systeme
Full-Stack Software/Data Engineer80%-100%, Zurich, permanent02.09.2024 | NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Interface of Computer-aided Drug Design and Synthetic Biology100%, Basel, fixed-term02.09.2024 | Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Synthetic Biology & Lab Automation100%, Basel, fixed-term02.09.2024 | Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE)
Tierpfleger:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2025 – VersuchstiereZürich, Lehrstelle01.09.2024 | Berufsbildung
Fachperson Betriebsunterhalt EFZ (m/w/d) 2025 – Hausdienst – ZürichZürich, Lehrstelle01.09.2024 | Berufsbildung
Postdoctoral position – Microfluidic-based Sample Introduction for Analysis of Single Cells and Single Nano/Micro Materials using ICP-TOFMS100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.08.2024 | Laboratory for Inorganic Chemistry
DevOps Engineer with IAM focus80%-100%, Zurich, permanent28.08.2024 | CSCS
Techniker:in / Ingenieur:in im BedrettoLab, Tessin (m/w/d)80%-100%, Locarno, befristet26.08.2024 | Bedretto-Untergrundlabor für Geowissenschaften und Geoenergien
Internship Student Project House: digitalization, programming and student support60%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term22.08.2024 | ETH Student Project House
Hausmeister:in (m/w/d) – Standort Hönggerberg80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet19.08.2024 | Facility Services
PhD in Machine Learning for 3D Computer Vision100%, Zurich, fixed-term13.08.2024 | Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
PhD Position – Rethinking Frequency Control in Power Systems100%, Zurich, fixed-term13.08.2024 | Power Systems Laboratory and Institute for Automation, D-ITET
PhD student in Protein Chemistry and Biocatalysis100%, Zurich, fixed-term13.08.2024 | Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
Information Security Governance Officer mit Fokus Assurance (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet12.08.2024 | Informatikdienste
Laborant:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2025 – ChemieZürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2024 | Berufsbildung
Kaufmann/frau EFZ oder EBA (m/w/d) 2025 – Branche D&AZürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2024 | Berufsbildung
Doctoral position on Macromolecular engineering of covalent adaptable networks100%, Zurich, fixed-term29.07.2024 | D-MAVT
PhD position in Reality Capture for Real Estate Valuation100%, Zurich, fixed-term15.07.2024 | D-BAUG – IBI – CEA
HPC Systems Platform Engineer80%-100%, Lugano, permanent10.06.2024 | CSCS
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