The University of Oulu in Finland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, one of the largest universities in Finland, located in the city of Oulu, Finland.
Sort byJob opening Sort byDepartment Sort byApplication deadline Postdoctoral Researcher in Electrochemical Sensor or Microfluidic chip Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Disease Networks 2024-12-13 Postdoctoral Researcher, Uncertainty Quantification for Goal-Oriented Inverse Wave Problems, Research Unit of Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Science, Mathematical Sciences 2024-11-15 Two Doctoral researchers in the field of microstructural design of advanced high-strength steels for enhanced fatigue resistance Faculty of Technology, Materials and Mechanical Engineering 2024-11-15 Post Doctoral Researcher and Doctoral Researcher in Space and Atmospheric Sciences Service and separate units, Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory 2024-11-11 Doctoral Researcher in Aerosol Science Center for Atmospheric Research 2024-11-10 Doctoral Researcher in biogeography/ecology of freshwater plants, Faculty of Science Faculty of Science, Geography 2024-11-10 Postdoctoral Researcher in biogeography/ecology of freshwater plants Faculty of Science, Geography 2024-11-10 Postdoc Researcher in the project “Stream biodiversity under change” in Oulanka Research Station, University of Oulu, Finland Service and separate units, Oulanka Research Station 2024-11-08 Doctoral Researcher in the project “Stream biodiversity under change” in Oulanka Research Station, University of Oulu, Finland Service and separate units, Oulanka Research Station 2024-11-08
IT-tukihenkilö, lähituki Palvelu- ja erillisyksiköt, ICT-palvelut 2024-11-04 Postdoctoral Researcher in Developing digital tools for peatland restoration monitoring Faculty of Technology, Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering 2024-11-03 Doctoral Researcher in Monitoring peatland restoration outcomes with remote sensing Faculty of Science, Geography 2024-11-03 Postdoctoral Researcher in Analysis of peatland ecosystem dynamics in response to changing climate and grazing pressures Faculty of Technology, Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering 2024-11-03 Doctoral Researcher in Membrane Process Design Faculty of Technology, Environmental and Chemical Engineering 2024-10-31 Yliopistonlehtori, rahoitus, Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu, Taloustieteet, laskentatoimi ja rahoitus 2024-10-31 Doctoral Researcher in Microscopic Modelling of Nuclear Spin Hyperpolarisation Faculty of Science, NMR 2024-10-31 Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Kvantum Institute Spearhead Project “Sensitive NMR for Sustainable Development” Faculty of Science, NMR Research Unit 2024-10-31 Doctoral Researcher, Physical Geography, Faculty of Science Faculty of Science, Geography 2024-10-31
Postdoctoral Researcher, Physical Geography, Faculty of ScienceFaculty of Science, Geography 2024-10-31 Johtaja, Opetuksen palvelukeskus Palvelu- ja erillisyksiköt 2024-10-31 Johtaja, Oppimisen palvelukeskus Palvelu- ja erillisyksiköt 2024-10-31 Juristi Palvelu- ja erillisyksiköt, Laki, sopimus ja hankinnat 2024-10-31 Postdoctoral Researcher for Realization of Novel 2D-semiconductor Based Heterogenous Photocatalysts Faculty of Science, Nano and Molecular Systems 2024-10-31 Doctoral Researcher to join us in “Hydrogen Future as Climate Change Solution (H2FUTURE)” programme at the University of Oulu (Finland). Faculty of Technology, Materials and Mechanical Engineering 2024-10-31 IT-tukihenkilö, AV-tuki Palvelu- ja erillisyksiköt, ICT-palvelut 2024-10-28 Yliopisto-opettaja Kasvatustieteiden ja psykologian tiedekunta, Psykologian yksikkö 2024-10-28 Professor, Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Medicine 2024-10-27
Doctoral Researcher in the FRONT research programmeMultidisciplinary recruitment 2024-10-21 IT-tukihenkilö, asiakastuki Palvelu- ja erillisyksiköt, ICT-palvelut 2024-10-21 Yliopistonlehtori/Yliopisto-opettaja, Vesitekniikka Teknillinen tiedekunta, Vesi-, energia- ja ympäristötekniikka 2024-10-20 PhD In 3 years: Doctoral Researcher in DocSoc360 ° pilot. Faculty of Humanities, Giellagas Institute 2024-10-20 Two Doctoral Researchers in experimental and/or computational magnetic resonance Faculty of Science, NMR 2024-10-19 Koulutussuunnittelija, Lääketieteellinen tiedekunta Lääketieteellinen tiedekunta 2024-10-16 Postdoctoral Researcher, Breast Cancer Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Translational Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Translational Medicine 2024-10-15 Doctoral Researcher in Wireless Communications Centre for Wireless Communications 2024-10-15 Postdoctoral Researcher in Wireless Communications Centre for Wireless Communications 2024-10-15 PhD in 3 years: Doctoral Researcher in Breast Cancer Genetics Faculty of Medicine, Translational Medicine 2024-10-15
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