Dresden University of Technology invites application for vacant Research Positions, a public research university, the largest institute of higher education in the city of Dresden, Germany.

Central Administrative Departments

wiss. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (19h/Woche)
Geschäftsstelle der Graduiertenakademie
Application deadline: November 1st, 2024

Referent:in Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement (m/w/d)    (E 14 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Dezernat 9 Universitätskultur
Application deadline: November 1st, 2024

Koordinator:in Qualitätssicherung (m/w/d)    (E 11 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Sachgebiet Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs inkl. Geschäftsstelle Graduiertenakademie
Application deadline: October 18th, 2024

mehrere Mitarbeiter:innen Studieninformation (m/w/d)    (E 3 TV-L*, Part time, Permanent)
ServiceCenterStudium (SCS)
Application deadline: October 30th, 2024

Central Units

Sportpädagog:in (m/w/d)    (E 11 RL d. TdL*, Part time, Fixed term)
Dresdner Hochschulsportzentrum (DHSZ)
Application deadline: November 15th, 2024

Sekretär:in / Verwaltungsfachangestellte:r (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Dresdner Hochschulsportzentrum (DHSZ)
Application deadline: November 11th, 2024

wiss. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (19h/Woche)
Zentrum für interdisziplinäres Lernen und Lehren (ZiLL)
Application deadline: November 1st, 2024

Controlling / Business Development Officer (m/w/d)    (E 11 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
DRESDEN-concept Genome Center (DcGC)
Application deadline: November 1st, 2024

Technische:r Leiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 10 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Botanischer Garten
Application deadline: October 25th, 2024

Reviergärtner:in für das Revier sukkulenter Pflanzen (m/w/d)    (E 8 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Botanischer Garten
Application deadline: October 18th, 2024

Reviergärtner:in für das Revier einjährig zu kultivierender Pflanzen (m/w/d)    (E 8 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Botanischer Garten
Application deadline: October 18th, 2024

Reviergärtner:in (m/w/d)
des Reviers Land- u. Wasserpflanzen der Flora Asiens und der Südhemisphäre sowie
der gemäß Roter Listen besonders wertvollen sächsischen Erhaltungskulturen
    (E 8 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Botanischer Garten
Application deadline: October 18th, 2024

stud. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (mind. 8h/Woche)
Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung (ZLSB)
Application deadline: October 28th, 2024

Cluster of Excellence

Techn. Assistent:in (BTA/CTA) (m/w/d)    (E 9a TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Exzellenzcluster “Physik des Lebens” (PoL)
Application deadline: October 18th, 2024

Faculty of Mathematics

Chair (W2) of Applied Optimization    (W2*, Full time, Permanent)
Institute of Numerical Mathematics
Application deadline: November 15th, 2024

Research Associate / Postdoc (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Chair of Nonlinear Analysis
Application deadline: October 30th, 2024

Faculty of Physics

Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry

Hochschulsekretär:in (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Permanent)
Professur für Makromolekulare Chemie
Application deadline: October 30th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Bioanalytische Chemie
Application deadline: October 18th, 2024

Faculty of Psychology

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Behaviorale Epidemiologie
Application deadline: November 11th, 2024

Hochschulsekretär:in (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Part time, Permanent)
Professur für Biopsychologie
Application deadline: October 25th, 2024

Research Associate / PhD student (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Chair of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience
Application deadline: November 6th, 2024

Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Chair of Clinical Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience
Application deadline: November 1st, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Behaviorale Epidemiologie
Application deadline: October 18th, 2024

Faculty of Biology

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science

stud. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (bis zu 19h/Woche)
Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie (MIDEM)
Application deadline: October 30th, 2024

Hochschulsekretär:in (m/w/d)    (E 6 TV-L*, Part time, Permanent)
Institut für Philosophie
Application deadline: October 23th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Professur für Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
Application deadline: October 18th, 2024

Faculty of Literature, Linguistics and Cultural Studies

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Professur für Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft und Medienkulturwissenschaft
Application deadline: November 6th, 2024

Chair (W2) of Didactics of German Language and Literature    (W2*, Full time, Permanent)
Institute of German Studies and Media Cultures
Application deadline: November 29th, 2024

Junior Professorship (W1) in Didactics of Romance Languages (French / Italian)    (W1*, Full time, Fixed term)
Institute of Romance Studies
Application deadline: November 29th, 2024

Faculty of Education

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung
Application deadline: October 23th, 2024

Faculty of Computer Science

Research Associate in FPGA Design (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Chair of Adaptive Dynamic Systems
Application deadline: October 25th, 2024

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Associate / PhD Student / Postdoc (m/f/x)
Computational Ultrasound Imaging
    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Chair of Measurement and Sensor System Technique
Application deadline: November 8th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Hochfrequenztechnik
Application deadline: October 29th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in / PostDoc (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Professur für Biomedizinische Elektronik
Application deadline: October 22th, 2024

Research Associate / PhD Student / Postdoc (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Chair of Biomedical Electronics
Application deadline: October 22th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)
Adaptive 3D-Mikroskopie
    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Professur für Mess- und Sensorsystemtechnik
Application deadline: October 30th, 2024

Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering

Verwaltungsangestellte:r (m/w/d)    (E 8 TV-L*, Full time, Permanent)
Professur für Textiltechnik
Application deadline: November 15th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Entwicklung und Montage von textilen Produkten
Application deadline: October 24th, 2024

stud. Hilfskraft (m/w/d) (4h/Woche)
Professur für Luftfahrzeugtechnik
Application deadline: October 30th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Professur für Textiltechnik
Application deadline: October 22th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Professur für Wasserstoff- und Kernenergietechnik
Application deadline: October 30th, 2024

wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time, Fixed term)
Professur für Turbomaschinen und Flugantriebe
Application deadline: October 30th, 2024

Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Assistent:in / Verwaltungsangestellte:r (m/w/d)    (E 8 TV-L*, Full time, Permanent)
Application deadline: October 17th, 2024

Faculty of Business and Economics

Fachinformatiker:in / IT-Administrator:in (m/w/d)    (E 9a TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Permanent)
Application deadline: November 8th, 2024

Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)    (E 13 TV-L*, Part time, Fixed term)
Chair of Economics, esp Public Economics
Application deadline: November 14th, 2024

German Center for Astrophysics

Crossmediale:r Redakteur:in in der (Wissenschafts-)Kommunikation (m/w/d)    (E 13 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Deutsches Zentrum für Astrophysik (DZA)
Application deadline: November 8th, 2024

Leitung der Abteilung Finanzen (m/w/d)    (E 15 TV-L*, Full time / Suitable for part time, Fixed term)
Deutsches Zentrum für Astrophysik (DZA)
Application deadline: October 18th, 2024

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