PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at Zurich University, located in the city of Zürich, is the largest university in Switzerland.
PhD Student Position: Natural Products in Drug Discovery
Scientific Proposal Writer (NCCR)
Department of Quantitative Biomedicine
PhD Position in LLM-based Voice Assistants in Early Dementia
Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care
Postdoc Position in Cross Cultural Neuro-/Psycholinguistics
Department of Comparative Language Science
Assistenz am Lehrstuhl für Osteuropäische Geschichte
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Department of Business Administration, Chair of Evidence Based Strategic Management
PostDoc Position in Personalized Visual Analytics: Human Preference Elicitation for Ranking-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Support
Ph.D. Position in Personalized Visual Analytics: Human Preference Elicitation for Ranking-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Support
Ph.D. – Large Scale User Experiments with Recommender Systems
PhD Position in ‘Neuroscience of Motivation in Neurorehabilitation’
Postdoctoral position in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
3 PhD Positions in Social Anthropology
ISEK – Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät / Prof. Dr. iur. Sarah Summers
PhD position in the field of law and human reproduction
Faculty of Law (URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R)
Research Assistant
Faculty of Law / URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R
Postdoctoral position in Biostatistics
University of Zurich, Nephrological Laboratory, University Hospital Zurich, Department of Nephrology
Postdoc: Eighteenth-Century Studies (48 months)
Department of German and Scandinavian Studies
Postdoc: Eigtheenth-Century Studies (48 Monate)
Postdoctoral researcher in neurodegenerative diseases
Department of Quantitative Biomedicine
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning (DM3L)
Postdoctoral Researcher in the Economics of Inequality and Public Policy
PhD Position in Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis (Industry Collaboration)
Assistenz (Studierende oder Personen mit abgeschlossenem Studium)
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
PhD in clinical epidemiology and musculoskeletal health
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz
Research Assistant
PhD Position Kinderkardiologie
Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich
PhD position in human metabolism and medical devices (Innosuisse-project)
University Hospital Zurich, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Clinical Nutrition
Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich – Entwicklungspädiatrie
Postdoctoral position in Biostatistics for 4 years
Department of Biostatistics at the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute
PhD position in Biostatistics for 4 years
Department of Biostatistics at the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute
PhD position – Satellite-Based Monitoring of Global Glacier Dynamics
PhD position in plant speciation
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
Assistenztierärztin/ -arzt
Postdoc or experienced TA in sustainability technology implementation
Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology IPMB
Doktorand:in / Post-Doktorand:in in Erziehungswissenschaft
UFSP Digital Religions / Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
PhD Student
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Research Assistant
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Short-Term Visiting Researchers in Socio-Technical Transformations through Digitalization and AI
Department of Communication and Media Research
Postdoctoral Position in Socio-Technical Transformations through Digitalization and AI
Department of Communication and Media Research
Postdoc in physiology of learning and decision making
Doktorierende:r im Fach Religionswissenschaft
UFSP Digital Religion(s) / Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar
PhD candidate in the field of Religious Studies
URPP Digital Religion(s) / Department of Religious Studies
Postdoctoral researcher Media and Visual Culture Studies
Post-Doktorand:in Bild- und Medienwissenschaft
Doktorand:in / Post-Doktorand:in in Theologischer Ethik
UFSP Digital Religion(s) / Institut für Sozialethik
Phd candidate / Postdoctoral Researcher in Theological Ethics
URPP Digital Religion(s) / Institute of Social Ethics
Postdoktorand*in Data Centre
Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt (UFSP) "Human Reproduction Reloaded" | H2R
2 Wissenschaftliche Assistenzen (mit der Möglichkeit zur Promotion)
Asien-Orient-Institut, Lehrstuhl für Japanologie
2 PhD candidate / research and teaching fellow positions
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Chair of Japanology
Assistierendenstelle Gesundheitsvorsorge / klinische Infektiologie
Vetsuisse-Fakultät, Klinik für Kleintiermedizin
Postdoc position in AI for Healthcare at the Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group of the University of Zurich
Postdoctoral researcher in Organofluorine Chemistry and Catalysis
Postdoctoral Researcher – image analysis/bioinformatics – Spatio-temporal genome and oncogene organization in cancer
Sarcoma and Anesthetics Research Department, Balgrist University Hospital