PhD Scholarships at Max Planck Institute, an independent non-governmental and non-profit association of German research institutes.
Fully funded PhD Positions (Doctoral Researcher m/f/d) | Condensed Matter ScienceJanuary 01, 2025Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart
Fellowships “First Research Article”December 18, 2024Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Postdoctoral Researcher – Plasma Physicist (m/f/d)December 18, 2024Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Garching), Garching
Postdoctoral Researcher – Beam Physicist (m/f/d)December 18, 2024Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Garching), Garching
PhD Experimental Physicist – Microwave Diagnostics in High-Temperature Plasma Research (m/f/d)December 17, 2024Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Garching), Garching
Post-doctoral researcher (m/f/d) plasma conversion technologyDecember 13, 2024Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Garching), Garching
Ph.D. candidate (m/f/d) | Molecular mechanisms of cardiac fibrosis in zebrafishDecember 11, 2024Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim
Early Career Postdoc Group Program 2025 | Microcosm Earth CenterDecember 10, 2024Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg
IMPRS PhD student positions (m/f/d) | Life Sciences – From Molecules to OrganismsDecember 09, 2024Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Tübingen
PhD candidate (m/f/d) | Software SecurityDecember 06, 2024Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Bochum
PhD Student (f/m/d) | Analysis of Catalytic or Enzymatic Valorization for Algae BiomassDecember 06, 2024Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg
ERC-funded PhD position | Mathematics of Scattering AmplitudesDecember 02, 2024Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam-Golm
PhD students (m/f/d) | Global Biogeochemical CyclesDecember 02, 2024Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena
PhD Researcher (m/f/d) | Computational Population GeneticsNovember 26, 2024Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
Fully funded PhD Positions (f/m/d) | Molecular Organ BiologyNovember 21, 2024Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim
PhD Students (f/m/d) | Genome ScienceNovember 18, 2024Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen
Postdoctoral Researchers and PhD Students (m/f/d) | Functional brain imagingNovember 15, 2024Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen
Eleven PhD positions (m/f/d) | ERC-funded international mw-atlas projectNovember 14, 2024Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching
Postdoc and PhD Positions (m/f/d) | Neural Mechanisms of Spatial CognitionNovember 11, 2024Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen
PhD Student(s) (f/m/d) | Battery TechnologyOctober 23, 2024Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg
Two PhD positions (m/f/d) | Biophysical mechanisms of MRI contrast / Metabolism and neurovascular coupling in activation and deactivationOctober 16, 2024Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
PhD Positions (m/f/d) | Gas-phase attosecond molecular dynamics and attosecond light-matter interaction in dense mediaSeptember 19, 2024Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
PhD positions (m/f/d) | Active Matter and Statistical PhysicsSeptember 18, 2024Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen
Postdoc Position for 3 years (m/f/d) | Heart-Brain InteractionsSeptember 10, 2024Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig