PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Aalborg University, a Danish public university with campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen.
PhD positions
PhD Stipend in European Sustainable Energy and Market GovernanceAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning (PLAN), a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme Planning and Development. The stipend is open for appointment from 1 May 2025 or soon hereafter.CopenhagenDepartment of PlanningDeadline 20-24073
PhD Stipend in Structural Design, Architecture, and Reclaimed MaterialsThe Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology at the Technical Faculty of IT and Design at Aalborg University, invites applications for a 3-year PhD stipend focusing on novel structural applications of reclaimed materials in architecture, available from March 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The PhD stipend is available within the doctoral program Media, Architecture and Design The Department for Architecture, Design, and Media Technology, CREATE, is unique in the Danish context as it provides opportunities for powerful interdisciplinary research which integrate creativity, engineering, and technology within the disciplines of architecture, urban design, industrial design, digital design, and interactive media. The department is a leading research and educational environment in Denmark that addresses the challenge of the interplay between creativity and technology and develops new areas in research and education directed towards the end-user.AalborgDeadline 7-24077
Scientific positions
Associate Professor in Pharmacology (2024-224-05906)At the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Science and Technology, one or more positions as Associate Professor Pharmacology is open for appointment from February 1, 2025, or soon thereafter. At Department of Health Science and Technology we conduct research, teaching and innovation within e.g. medicine, biomedicine, biomedical engineering, health technologies, robotics, neuroscience, sports science, public health and physiotherapy. Our mission is to contribute to increased quality of life for the benefit of the individual human being and society. We are a major part in implementing the 2030 vision of the Faculty of Medicine, i.e. to become leading within digital health and well-known for doctors and engineers finding solutions together. Our mission is to drive positive societal impact through cutting-edge research and innovation, with a strong focus on digital health. We are dedicated to addressing four grand challenges (healthy and ageing living, non-communicable diseases, multi- and co-morbidity and rehabilitation) that shape our vision for sustainable and healthy and sustainable future.We educate bachelors and masters of science within biomedical engineering, medicine, medicine with industrial specialisation, sports science, musculoskeletal physiotherapy, public health, and clinical health and technology. In addition to the graduate programmes, we are specialized in postgraduates’ studies within pain science and within digital health. Our graduates contribute to setting the agenda for future needs and contribute to solutions for increased public health and implementation of new health knowledge and technologies.Currently, our department has approximately 280 employees, 100 Ph.D.-students enrolled in the Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science and Technology, and 1500 students in our bachelors and masters programmes. We hold state of the art research and we offer state of art learning opportunities in our teaching href=””>facilities</a>. At HST, you have the chance to explore your passions, connect with individuals who inspire and challenge you, and make discoveries that can transform both your life and the world. Our values that we work by are share-care-dare. You can read more about our department at our <a href=””>web page</a> and <a href=””>research portal</a><br /> <br /><br />As The Faculty of Medicine wishes PhD positions to enable careers both within and outside the university, the vacant positions are created in such a way that the competences achieved in the position will qualify for both a research career and a career in the commercial and/or public sector. At least a year before the position expires, you will be offered an interview to clarify your future careerAalborgDepartment of Health Science and TechnologyDeadline 2024-224-05906
Postdoc in Computational design of disordered crystalline materials (2024-224-06155)At Aalborg University, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a two-year Postdoc position is available. The Postdoc position is open for appointment from March 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.AalborgDepartment of Chemistry and BioscienceDeadline 2024-224-06155
Postdoc in Thermal Management of Power ElectronicsAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc in power electronics is open for appointment from March 1, 2025, or soon hereafter. The position is available for a period of 39 months and is a full time position.AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2024-224-06166
Postdoc Position in GreenCode, Aalborg University, Cph (2024-224-06176)A position to do research in the area of coding with AI assistance with focus on Green Coding (energy aware coding) practices is available at the Distributed, Embedded and Intelligent Systems (DEIS) group at the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark. The workplace will be in Copenhagen.The position is available for a flexible starting date as soon as possible after February 1, 2025. The position is for 3 years.CopenhagenDepartment of Computer ScienceDeadline 2024-224-06176
2024-224-06164 SSH DK/UK: AdjunktAt the Department of Communication and Psychology, the Faculty of Humanities, Aalborg University, a position as Assistant Professor in Personality Psychology will be open for appointment as of 1st of March or as soon as possible thereafter. The selected candidate will conduct research and teaching within at least one of the following areas: <li>Personality psychology</li> <li>Social psychology</li> <li>Educational psychology</li> <p>The appointment will be a fixed-term (4 years), full-time position, which will include both research and teaching activities.</p>AalborgDeadline 2024-224-06164
Postdoc in Machine Learning (2024-224-06141)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production, a PostDoc position is available. This two-year position is open for appointment from 1 April 2025 or soon thereafter.AalborgDeadline 2024-224-06141
Postdoc in Reliability-Oriented Control of Power Electronic Systems (2025-224-06183)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc in Reliability-Oriented Control of Power Electronic Systems is open for appointment from 1 June 2025, or soon hereafter. The position is for 2 years.AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2025-224-06183
Associate Professor in Itch neuroplasticity (2024-224-06168)At the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Science and Technology a position as Associate Professor in Itch Neruroplasticy is open for appointment from March 15, 2025 or soon hereafter. This is a 2-year temporary position ending March 14, 2027. Further, it is a part-time position with a workload corresponding to 80% of a full-time equivalent. At Department of Health Science and Technology we conduct research, teaching and innovation within engineering, biomedicine, sports science, public health, neuroscience, psychology, and physiotherapy to develop sustainable technological solutions. Our mission is to contribute to increased quality of life for the benefit of the individual human being and society. We take active part in implementing the 2030 vision of the Faculty of Medicine: to become leading within digital health and well-known for doctors and engineers finding solutions together. Our mission is to drive positive societal impact through cutting-edge research and innovation, with a strong focus on digital health. We are dedicated to addressing four grand challenges that shape our vision for a healthier and more sustainable future. We educate bachelors and Masters of Science within biomedical engineering, medicine, medicine with industrial specialization, biomedical engineering, sports science, public health, and clinical health and technology. Our graduates contribute to setting the agenda for future needs and solutions for increased public health and implementation of new health knowledge and technologies. Currently, our department has approximately 280 employees, 100 Ph.D.-students enrolled in the Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science and Technology, and 1,500 students in our bachelors and master’s programs. We hold state of the art research and teaching <a href=””>facilities You can read more about our department at our </a><a href=””>web page</a> and <a href=””>research portal</a>AalborgDepartment of Health Science and TechnologyDeadline 2024-224-06168
Postdoc in Reliability Testing of Power Electronic ComponentsAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc in power electronics is open for appointment from 1 May 2025, or soon hereafter. The position is available for a period of 2 years.AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2025-224-06178
Postdoc in High Performance Pulsed Power Supplies for Plasma Materials ProcessingAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc is available within the general study program. The Postdoc is open for appointment from 1st April 2025 or soon hereafter. It is a fulltime position. The position is for 2 years, and it is funded in the new Danish Pioneer Center for Accelerating P2X Materials Discovery CAPeX.AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2024-224-06163
Postdoc in Pulsed Power Assisted Power Supply for Carbon Dioxide ElectrolysisAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc is available within the general study program. The PhD stipend is open for appointment from 1st July 2024 or soon hereafter. It is a fulltime position. The position is for 2 years, and it is funded in the new Danish Pioneer Center for Accelerating P2X Materials Discovery CAPeX.AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2024-224-06161
Assistant Professor in Computer Science (2024-224-06157)The Department of Computer Science at The Technical Faculty of IT and Design invites applications for one or more positions as assistant professor from June 15, 2025 or soon hereafter. The position is a fixed term position for 3 years. The place of work can either be at the Aalborg Campus or the Copenhagen Campus. It is therefore essential that you specify your preferred workplace in your application.Other cityDepartment of Computer ScienceDeadline 2024-224-06157
One or more positions as Associate Professor in Mathematics, Statistics or Mathematical Economics (2024-224-06121)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University, one or more positions as Associate Professor in Mathematics, Statistics or Mathematical Economics are open for appointment from 1 August 2025 or soon hereafter. The position(s) is(are) time unlimited.AalborgDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDeadline 2024-224-06121
Associate professor in Computer Science (2025-224-06181)The Department of Computer Science at The Technical Faculty of IT and Design invites applications for one or more positions as associate professor as per 15th August 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a permanent full-time position.Other cityDepartment of Computer ScienceDeadline 2025-224-06181
Tenure track assistant professor in Computer Science (2025-224-06182)The Department of Computer Science at The Technical Faculty of IT and Design invites applications for one or more positions as tenure track assistant professor as per 15th August 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a fixed term full-time position with a view to permanent employment as an associate professor.Other cityDepartment of Computer ScienceDeadline 2025-224-06182
Technical or administrative positions
Afdelingschef til Kontraktenheden, Forskningsservice, Aalborg UniversitetKan du kombinere jura og compliancekrav med organisationens behov og omsætte det til konkrete og understøttende produkter og processer i tæt samarbejde med dygtige medarbejdere og organisationens interessenter?AalborgForskningsserviceDeadline 1219340
KARRIEREVEJLEDER TIL AALBORG UNIVERSITET I KØBENHAVNPå AAU arbejder vi målrettet med at klæde vores studerende på til nutidens og fremtidens arbejdsmarked. Det gør vi bl.a. ved at inddrage virkelige problemstillinger i undervisningen og organisere brobygningsevents, hvor AAU-studerende og virksomheder kan komme i dialog med hinanden. Vi leder derfor efter dig, der ønsker at gøre en positiv forskel for vores studerende på AAU CPH og brænder for at arbejde med karrierevejledning og få sporet de studerende ind på deres fremtidige karriere.CopenhagenAalborg Universitet KøbenhavnDeadline 1219367
MissionGreenFuels på Aalborg Universitet søger en kommunikationsmedarbejder, der vil drive fortællingen om den grønne omstilling og den missionsorienteret tilgang.Er du skarp til kommunikation, kan du udvikle indhold, der engagerer og skaber følgeskab, har du en strategisk tilgang og kan arbejde selvstændigt? Så er det dig, vi leder efter i MissionGreenFuels. Aalborg Ansøgningsfrist: 19.01.2025 Afdeling: ForskningsserviceAalborgForskningsserviceDeadline 1219377
Studieadministrativ medarbejder, AAU, Campus København – Institut for Elektroniske SystemerAAU, Campus København, søger studieadministrativ medarbejder til Institut for Elektroniske Systemer. Har du lyst til at blive en del af vores studieteam som vores nye kollega? Vi tilbyder en spændende stilling, hvor du vil få mulighed for at arbejde med en bred vifte af studieadministrative opgaver og have tæt kontakt med både studerende og undervisere. Stillingen er på 37 timer pr. uge og til besættelse pr. 1. marts 2025 eller snarest derefter.CopenhagenInstitut for Elektroniske Systemer.Deadline 1219360
Fundingrådgivere til ENGINEERING-fakultetet på Aalborg UniversitetAalborg Universitet hører til blandt de allerbedste ingeniøruniversiteter i verden, og det er en position, vi vil fastholde og udbygge. Derfor søger vi nu fire rådgivere til en ny enhed på Det Ingeniør- og Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet (ENGINEERING), som skal være med til at virkeliggøre fakultetets langsigtede strategiske målsætninger relateret til funding-, forsknings- og talentområdet. Har du erfaring med funding og forskning, og synes du, at det er spændende at understøtte strategisk udvikling, der omsættes til konkrete resultater, så læs med her!AalborgDeadline 1219357
Vil du være vores nye impact manager og bidrage til at løse Danmarks ambitiøse klimamål og har du flair for data?En ambitiøs og dygtig Impact Manager søges til MissionGreenFuels, Forskningsservice, Aalborg Universitet. Ønsker du at gøre en forskel for forskere og virksomheder i hele Danmark? Brænder du for den grønne omstilling? Så er du måske vores nye kollega i MissionGreenFuels, hvor du bliver en del af et team af medarbejdere i et effektivt sekretariat med mange varierende arbejdsopgaver. Aalborg Ansøgningsfrist: 26.01.2025 Afdeling: ForskningsserviceAalborgForskningsserviceDeadline 1219378
CIO for It Services til Aalborg UniversitetVil du bidrage til at udvikle It og digitalisering som en strategisk ressource for forskning, uddannelse og administration? Og kan du skabe følgeskab, drive forandringsprocesser og etablere tillidsfulde samarbejdsrelationer på tværs af hele universitetet? Så søg stillingen som vicedirektør/CIO på Aalborg Universitet. Forventet tiltrædelse er den 1. april 2025.AalborgAAU It ServicesDeadline 1219368
Sikringsspecialist til Campus Service, Aalborg UniversitetHos Campus Service (CAS) på Aalborg Universitet søger vi en dygtig og ansvarsbevidst sikringsspecialist til vores sikringsteam, CAS Security. Der er tale om en fast fuldtidsstilling (37 timer ugentligt) med start 1. april 2025 eller efter aftale.AalborgCampus ServiceDeadline 1219388
ProjektadministratorVed Arkitektur, Design og Medieteknologi på Aalborg Universitet er en stilling som Projektadministrator ledig til besættelse fra 1. marts 2025 eller snarest derefter.AalborgInstitut for Arkitektur og Medieteknologi.Deadline 1219384
ProjektadministratorVed Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi arbejder vi målrettet med at øge vores eksterne funding og derfor søger vi en ny projektadministrator fra 1. april 2025 eller snarest herefter i en administrativ stilling på 37 timer ugentligt. Stillingen er forankret i vores økonomiteam med 12 gode kolleger, der varetager instituttets økonomistyring og administration af eksternt finansierede fundingprojekter.AalborgInstitut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi.Deadline 1219391
Dekan for Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet på Aalborg UniversitetVores vision er, at Aalborg Universitet bliver førende inden for digital sundhed. Vi er ikke de største, ej heller de ældste. Men på den korte tid, der er gået siden etableringen i 2010, er det lykkedes at skabe et unikt sundhedsvidenskabeligt fakultet på Aalborg Universitet. Vores særkende er, at vi som det eneste universitet i landet uddanner, forsker og samarbejder mellem og på tværs af ingeniør- og sundhedsvidenskab. På SUND tror vi på, at koblingen mellem sundheds- og ingeniørvidenskab, samt øget anvendelse af AI og digitalisering er afgørende for, at vi som samfund kan håndtere de sundhedsmæssige udfordringer, vi har – og får. Vores samarbejde med Region Nordjylland, regionens hospitaler og life science-industrien er tæt. I kombination med det arbejde, som udføres på vores to institutter, betyder det, at de kandidater, som uddannes på SUND, kan agere fra første færd, fordi læring og praksis er knyttet tæt sammen gennem hele uddannelsesforløbet. Herudover har vores ambition om at skabe ambitiøse forskningsmiljøer allerede høstet anerkendelse og skabt værdi – senest i forbindelse med lanceringen af Sundhedsreformen.AalborgAalborg Universitet – lederstillingerDeadline 1219358