The Vrije Universiteit in Netherlands invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, a university in Amsterdam, Netherlands, founded in 1880.
Postdoc on Reconciling Food Systems Sustainability and Biodiversity Conservation0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on28-2-2025Publishing date12-2-2025Are you interested in research that promotes a transformation towards sustainable and regional food systems dominated by agroecological practices, fair value chains, and responsible consumption? Then please apply at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.View vacancy
Post Doc: Statistical physics of chromosomes1 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocMScCloses on28-3-2025Publishing date12-2-2025The Broedersz group (Theoretical physics of life) has an ERC funded opening for a 3-year Post Doc position on the statistical and dynamic organization of chromosomes.View vacancy
Assistant Professor Science Communication and Science-Technology Interfaces0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceAssistant ProfessorPostdocCloses on2-3-2025Publishing date7-2-2025At the Athena Institute of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam we have a position for an Assistant Professor Science Communication and Science-Technology Interfaces. Read further and apply!View vacancy
PhD position in area of topological data analysis0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on16-3-2025Publishing date6-2-2025Do you have an inquisitive mind and a passion for mathematics? Please apply for a PhD position at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.View vacancy
Assistant Researcher DigAble ‘Media-interventions and neurodivergent youth’0.4 / 0.6Faculty of Behavioural and Movement SciencesRemaining supportMScCloses on6-3-2025Publishing date6-2-2025Help us to gain more insight into how neurodivergent youth and their caregivers can be supported in safe media use. We are seeking two assistant researchers to join our team on the DigAble project.View vacancy
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceAssociate ProfessorPostdocCloses on15-3-2025Publishing date5-2-2025Would you like to join us in our endeavours to deepen our understanding of adaptive embodied intelligence, create compelling demonstrators, and publish in leading academic venues?View vacancy
Postdoc in Engaging science and society for food system transformation1 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on21-2-2025Publishing date4-2-2025You will conduct research on evidence-informed decision-making processes and ways to foster societal engagement and innovation for the transformation of the European food system.View vacancy
Technician in plant-fungal symbiosis0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceTechnical support staffIntermediate vocational educationCloses on23-2-2025Publishing date3-2-2025Are you experienced in culturing microbes and plants? Do you want to apply advanced microscopy, imaging, and molecular techniques to study fungal-plant interactions? Then this position is for you!View vacancy
PhD position in algebraic topology0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on10-3-2025Publishing date4-2-2025Do you have an inquisitive mind and a passion for mathematics? Please apply for a PhD position at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.View vacancy
Integrated Optics Postdoc position0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on28-2-2025Publishing date29-1-2025Are you passionate about pushing the boundaries of neuroscience and photonics?View vacancy
PhD Position in Advancing Explainable AI for Knowledge Extraction1 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on10-3-2025Publishing date23-1-2025Are you passionate about artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, and solving real-world challenges in industry?View vacancy
PD-Position: Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Peatlands in Agriculture0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on23-2-2025Publishing date20-1-2025Do you have experience measuring and analyzing GHG fluxes? Want to research land management to reduce emissions from agricultural peatlands? Can you optimize GHG flux data collection and processing with chambers? Join us!View vacancy
Research technician/Field technician0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceTechnical support staffAssociate / BachelorCloses on23-2-2025Publishing date20-1-2025Are you looking for a dynamic work environment, lots of independence and are you comfortable with analytical techniques in the lab and field? Then we are looking for you!View vacancy
PD-position: Can peat salinization or acidification combat climate change?0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on23-2-2025Publishing date20-1-2025Do you have experience in soil organic matter research and microbiological and biogeochemical soil processes? Would you like to design new greenhouse gas mitigation measures, based on peat soil manipulations? Then we are looking for you!View vacancy
Postdoctoral fellowship in DUV-based nano(bio)sensing1 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on28-2-2025Publishing date23-1-2025All optical and label free biomolecularly-resolved nanosizing based on single particle observations in the DUV: Join our interdisciplinary team at the VU to develop record-breaking next-generation instruments.View vacancy
PhD position: Effects of paludiculture on peat soil carbon dynamics.0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on2-3-2025Publishing date29-1-2025Do you want to do field-based research? Be part of a dedicated peatland research-team? Are you interested in paludiculture as Nature-Based- Solution for Dutch peatlands? Then this position is for you!View vacancy
PhD position “Short and long-term cost-effectiveness of health interventions”1 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on2-3-2025Publishing date30-1-2025Do you want to contribute to equitable and affordable care for all by supporting healthcare decision makers in making decisions about the allocation of the healthcare budget?View vacancy
PhD in Quantum Logic Spectroscopy – Precision measurements of trapped H2+ ions0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on28-2-2025Publishing date23-10-2024Join us to achieve the most precise measurements of the simplest molecular ion, H2+, to test QED calculations and improve the values of fundamental constants using state-of-the-art quantum technologies.View vacancy
PhD position: Recording in social interaction1 / 1Faculty of HumanitiesPhDLL.MCloses on1-3-2025Publishing date28-1-2025Are you looking for a PhD position in the field of communication? Do you have a background in conversation analysis, interactional-, or sociolinguistics? Are you fascinated by the impact of smartphones on social interactions? Join our team!View vacancy
Assistant Professor (UD) in Political Science1 / 1Faculty of Social SciencesAssistant ProfessorLL.MCloses on1-3-2025Publishing date28-1-2025Do you have a strong research agenda in international relations? Are you motivated to teach talented Bachelor students? Then please apply for this position that combines research at VU Political Science with teaching at Amsterdam University College.View vacancy
Assistant Professor Oral Radiology & Digital Dentistry0.8 / 1Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde AmsterdamAssistant ProfessorPostdocCloses on24-2-2025Publishing date28-1-2025ACTA invites applications for a position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Oral Radiology & Digital Dentistry. Starting 1 July 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.View vacancy
Postdoc in International Environmental Economics0.8 / 0.8School of Business and EconomicsResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on28-2-2025Publishing date24-1-2025A Postdoctoral Fellow position is available at the department of Spatial Economics of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam starting from Spring/Summer 2025. Are you interested? Please apply at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.View vacancy
PhD position in extreme value theory for survival and cure analysis1 / 1School of Business and EconomicsPhDMScCloses on31-3-2025Publishing date24-1-2025The VU Amsterdam is offering a fully funded, 4-year PhD-position in statistics on survival analysis and extreme value theory, as part of the NWO-funded project “Seeing beyond the study duration: extreme value theory for survival and cure analysis”.View vacancy
PhD candidate on the role of type VII secretion systems in mycobacterial warfareFaculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on25-2-2025Publishing date23-1-2025We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated PhD candidate to join Dr. Edith Houben and Prof. Wilbert Bitter’s team in the Molecular Microbiology Section of the Amsterdam Institute for Life and Environment (A-LIFE).View vacancy
PostDoc position: Can Dutch wetlands offset climate warming?0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on23-2-2025Publishing date13-1-2025Are you keen to go into the field! Do you have experience with Eddy Covariance? Do you want to study upscaling methane-measurements with models to improve emission estimates? Then we are looking for you!View vacancy
3 PhDs, Digital Twins, Operational Analytics, and Reconfigurable Computing1 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on31-3-2025Publishing date21-1-2025Join a groundbreaking collaboration in the 6G FNS project, advancing ICT through infrastructure simulation, digital twins, reconfigurable computing, and serverless computing. Apply now to shape the future of technology!View vacancy
Assistant Professor Scalable & Consistent Systems for Interactive Worlds (SCSI)0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceAssistant ProfessorMScCloses on20-2-2025Publishing date23-1-2025Are you passionate about shaping the future of technology? An excellent, ambitious, collaborative Computer Science researcher? Aligned with this role? Then we at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam would like to get to know you, equal-opportunity.View vacancy
PostDoc, declarative app deployment and operation 6G-enabled digital continuum1 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on20-2-2025Publishing date21-1-2025Join an innovative research initiative aimed at reducing complexity in deploying and operating 6G applications across the digital continuum!View vacancy
PostDoc: European perspectives on peatland ecosystem services.0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on23-2-2025Publishing date14-1-2025Do you love peatlands? Would you like to combine expert assessments and GIS based approaches into ecosystem service storylines? Do you enjoy interacting with peatland-experts from different European cultures? Then we are looking for you!View vacancy
PhD position – Laser cooling and trapping Helium molecules0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on28-2-2025Publishing date9-12-2024This PhD project is about the first direct laser cooling and trapping of a homonuclear diatomic molecule – He_2. Precision measurements of Rydberg states will allow QED tests and provide the polarizability of He atoms for a quantum pressure standard.View vacancy
Secure and High-Performance Dynamic Program Analysis for WebAssembly0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on14-3-2025Publishing date26-11-2024PhD Position: Secure and High-Performance Dynamic Program Analysis for WebAssembly.View vacancy
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