The Vrije Universiteit in Netherlands invites application for vacant PhD Positions, a university in Amsterdam, Netherlands, founded in 1880.
Postdoc on Reconciling Food Systems Sustainability and Biodiversity Conservation0.8 / 1Faculty of ScienceResearcher / PostdocPostdocCloses on28-2-2025Publishing date12-2-2025Are you interested in research that promotes a transformation towards sustainable and regional food systems dominated by agroecological practices, fair value chains, and responsible consumption? Then please apply at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.View vacancy
PhD position in area of topological data analysis0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on16-3-2025Publishing date6-2-2025Do you have an inquisitive mind and a passion for mathematics? Please apply for a PhD position at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.View vacancy
PhD position in algebraic topology0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on10-3-2025Publishing date4-2-2025Do you have an inquisitive mind and a passion for mathematics? Please apply for a PhD position at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.View vacancy
PhD position: Effects of paludiculture on peat soil carbon dynamics.0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on2-3-2025Publishing date29-1-2025Do you want to do field-based research? Be part of a dedicated peatland research-team? Are you interested in paludiculture as Nature-Based- Solution for Dutch peatlands? Then this position is for you!View vacancy
PhD position “Short and long-term cost-effectiveness of health interventions”1 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on2-3-2025Publishing date30-1-2025Do you want to contribute to equitable and affordable care for all by supporting healthcare decision makers in making decisions about the allocation of the healthcare budget?View vacancy
PhD in Quantum Logic Spectroscopy – Precision measurements of trapped H2+ ions0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on28-2-2025Publishing date23-10-2024Join us to achieve the most precise measurements of the simplest molecular ion, H2+, to test QED calculations and improve the values of fundamental constants using state-of-the-art quantum technologies.View vacancy
PhD position: Recording in social interaction1 / 1Faculty of HumanitiesPhDLL.MCloses on1-3-2025Publishing date28-1-2025Are you looking for a PhD position in the field of communication? Do you have a background in conversation analysis, interactional-, or sociolinguistics? Are you fascinated by the impact of smartphones on social interactions? Join our team!View vacancy
PhD position in extreme value theory for survival and cure analysis1 / 1School of Business and EconomicsPhDMScCloses on31-3-2025Publishing date24-1-2025The VU Amsterdam is offering a fully funded, 4-year PhD-position in statistics on survival analysis and extreme value theory, as part of the NWO-funded project “Seeing beyond the study duration: extreme value theory for survival and cure analysis”.View vacancy
PhD candidate on the role of type VII secretion systems in mycobacterial warfareFaculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on25-2-2025Publishing date23-1-2025We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated PhD candidate to join Dr. Edith Houben and Prof. Wilbert Bitter’s team in the Molecular Microbiology Section of the Amsterdam Institute for Life and Environment (A-LIFE).View vacancy
PhD position – Laser cooling and trapping Helium molecules0.8 / 1Faculty of SciencePhDMScCloses on28-2-2025Publishing date9-12-2024This PhD project is about the first direct laser cooling and trapping of a homonuclear diatomic molecule – He_2. Precision measurements of Rydberg states will allow QED tests and provide the polarizability of He atoms for a quantum pressure standard.View vacancy