2016_12_06, DEU, Aachen, RWTH, C.A.R.L. lecture hall center, architect: schmidt hammer lassen architects, shl, Copenhagen, photographer: Michael Rasche, www.michaelrasche.com, terms of use: shl can use the pictures for their website, architecture magazines, brochures, books,the name of the photographer will be named at the article, no transfer to third party for commercial use ( manufacturers, construction companies )
RWTH Aachen University in Germany invites application for vacant Research Positions, a German public research university located in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Job DescriptionRWTH Institution/Unit [IKZ]Deadline
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008445]
Entwicklung, Auftrag und Prüfung neuartiger Beschichtungen
[published 05/09/2024]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]01/09/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Greybox-Modellierung zur Verschleißprognose PVD-beschichteter Hartmetallwerkzeuge (in German only) [V000007860]
[published 31/05/2024]Chair of Manufacturing Technology [417410]31/07/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Weiterentwicklung einer Leistungsflussberechnung und Netzbetriebssimulation im Rahmen der kontinuierlichen Softwareentwicklung am IAEW (ÜEW) (in German only) [V000008188]
[published 24/07/2024]Chair of Transmission Grids and Energy Economics [614110]23/07/2025
Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – Institute of High Voltage Equipment and Grids, Digitalization and Energy Economics [V000008110]
[published 23/07/2024]Institute of High Voltage Equipment and Grids, Digitalization and Energy Economics [614000]18/07/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Entwicklung innovativer Beschichtungstechniken für den Maschinenbau (in German only) [V000009087]
Entwicklung, Auftrag und Prüfung neuartiger Beschichtungen
[published 16/01/2025]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]16/07/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Im Bereich Produktionsmanagement, Gruppe Globale Produktion (in German only) [V000008830]
[published 08/01/2025]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]08/07/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Innovationsmanager/in (w/m/d) – Fokus Entwicklungsmanagement (in German only) [V000007101]
[published 08/03/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]30/06/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Innovationsmanager/in (w/m/d) – Fokus Komplexitätsmanagement (in German only) [V000007102]
[published 08/03/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]30/06/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Innovationsmanager/in (in German only) [V000008126]
Fokus Data Intelligence Management
[published 26/07/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]30/06/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) im Bereich Tribologie (in German only) [V000008590]
[published 14/10/2024]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]30/06/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008932]
Innovationsmanagement – Fokus Data Intelligence Management
[published 16/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]30/06/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008933]
Innovationsmanagement – Fokus Strategieplanung und -entwicklung
[published 16/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]30/06/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008934]
Innovationsmanagement – Fokus Anlauffabrik
[published 16/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]30/06/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008936]
Innovationsmanagement – Fokus Software Engineering und Machine Learning
[published 16/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]30/06/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Entwicklung der Spritzschichten als Heizelemente (in German only) [V000009013]
[published 06/01/2025]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]30/06/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Abteilung Produktionsmanagement – Gruppe Globale Produktion (in German only) [V000008881]
[published 03/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]03/06/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Abteilung Produktionsmanagement – Gruppe Prozessmanagement (in German only) [V000008882]
[published 06/01/2025]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]03/06/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Fokus Komplexitätsmanagement (in German only) [V000008190]
[published 24/07/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]31/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Zur Unterstützung im Prüffeld und Entwicklung hydraulischer Komponenten (in German only) [V000009167]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair and Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems [412810]31/05/2025
Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – Digital Process Chain and Data Analytics [V000009235]
[published 13/02/2025]Chair of Machine Tools [417310]31/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Entwicklung neuartiger Werkzeugbeschichtungen, Machine Learning, Werkstoffprüfung (in German only) [V000009262]
[published 20/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]31/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Fokus Entwicklungsmanagement (in German only) [V000007105]
[published 23/07/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]29/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Bremsbeschichtungen zur Erfüllung der EURO-7-Norm (in German only) [V000008157]
[published 18/07/2024]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]18/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Unterstützung bei Consulting im Bereich Industrie 4.0 (in German only) [V000009203]
[published 10/02/2025]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]07/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Unterstützung bei Software Development im Bereich Industrie 4.0 (in German only) [V000009204]
[published 13/02/2025]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]07/05/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Modellbasierte Produktentwicklung (in German only) [V000008731]
[published 18/11/2024]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]06/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Simulationsgestützte Montageplanung und -steuerung (in German only) [V000008736]
[published 06/11/2024]Chair of Intelligence in Quality Sensing [417510]06/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Elektronenstrahl & Laserstrahlschweißen (in German only) [V000009187]
Experimentelle Forschung
[published 06/02/2025]Welding and Joining Institute [417610]05/05/2025
Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – FEM Simulation Laser Beam Welding [V000009189]
Simulation and Experimental Research
[published 06/02/2025]Welding and Joining Institute [417610]05/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Unterstützung der Administration im Sonderforschungsbereich 1120 (in German only) [V000009190]
[published 06/02/2025]Welding and Joining Institute [417610]05/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Schmelzspinnen nachhaltiger elastischer Garne (in German only) [V000009174]
[published 04/02/2025]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]03/05/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Entwicklung von integrierten On-Board-Ladegeräten mit elektrischen Maschinen (in German only) [V000009199]
[published 06/02/2025]Mechatronics in Mobile Propulsion Teaching and Research Area [422320]01/05/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) im Bereich Additive & Joining Technologies – AJT (in German only) [V000008788]
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]30/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Generierung sicherheitskritischer Fahrszenarien mittels generativer KI-Methoden (in German only) [V000009130]
[published 27/01/2025]Mechatronics in Mobile Propulsion Teaching and Research Area [422320]30/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) Forschung und Entwicklung von Digitalisierungstechnologien und Prozessmodellierung im Bereich NW (in German only) [V000009132]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]30/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) Wissens- und Forschungsdatenmanagement im Bereich NW (in German only) [V000009133]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]30/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009168]
in der Abteilung Fabrikplanung
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]30/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Unterstützung Design Konferenzvorbereitung (in German only) [V000009201]
[published 10/02/2025]Chair and Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems [412810]30/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Digitale Grafiken, Animationen und 3D-Visualisierungen (in German only) [V000009253]
[published 18/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Mechanism Theory, Machine Dynamics and Robotics [411910]30/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008743]
Maschinenbau mit den Schwerpunkten Thermodynamik/Verbrennungsmotoren und/oder Regelungstechnik (TME 008_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008744]
Maschinenbau mit den Schwerpunkten CAE/Simulation von Verbrennungsmotoren (TME 019_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000008745]
PhD students for “Hybrid Powertrains” (TME 107_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008746]
Maschinenbau Regelungstechnik und Modellbildung für Getriebesysteme (TME 120_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000008747]
PhD students for “Research and Development in the Field of Combustion Systems with Optical Flow Diagnostics” (TME 130_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000008748]
PhD position in the field of electrolysis and green hydrogen (TME 180_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000008749]
PhD position in the field of electrolysis and green hydrogen (TME 181_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008750]
Maschinenbau Schwerpunkt Akustik von elektrifizierten Antriebssträngen (TME 136_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Doktorand/in (in German only) [V000008751]
Maschinenbau mit den Schwerpunkten Thermodynamik/Verbrennungsmotoren (TME 149_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008752]
Promotionsstelle im Bereich “Wasserstoffmotor” (TME 153_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008755]
Promotionsstelle im Bereich „Funktionswicklung / Wasserstoffverbrennung“ (TME 166_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008756]
Promotionsstelle im Bereich „Funktionswicklung / Prädiktive Hybridsteuerungssysteme“ (TME 167_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008757]
Promotionsstelle im Bereich „Experimentbasierte Abgasnachbehandlung im Motorbetrieb mit Wasserstoff oder synthetischen Kraftstoffen“ (TME 169_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008758]
Promotionsstelle im Bereich „Simulationsgestützte Abgasnachbehandlung im Motorbetrieb mit Wasserstoff oder synthetischen Kraftstoffen“ (TME 170_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – PostDoc (in German only) [V000008759]
PostDoc im Bereich „Batteriezelle“ (w/m/d) (TME 171_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008760]
Bereich „Energiemanagement von Batterieelektrischen- und Brennstoffzellen-Fahrzeugen“ (TME 172_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000008761]
PhD students for “Research and Development in the Field of Optical Flow Diagnostics” (TME 129_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008762]
Maschinenbau Schwerpunkt Thermomanagement / Verbrennungsmotoren / Hybridantriebe (TME 124_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008763]
Maschinenbau mit den Schwerpunkten Thermodynamik / Strömungsmechanik (TME 134_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000008768]
PhD students for Molecularly Controlled Combustion System Development (FSC 152_241100)
[published 18/11/2024]The Fuel Science Center [080066]15/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Unterstützung im Sekretariat / Assistenz der Institutsleitung (in German only) [V000009071]
[published 15/01/2025]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]15/04/2025
Research assistant with Bachelor’s degree (f/m/d) – Modeling of the microbial metabolism [V000009136]
Curation of a genome-scale metabolic model
[published 10/02/2025]Chair of Applied Microbiology [161710]15/04/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – PhD position in the field of SOFC fuel cells/systems [V000009175]
[published 07/02/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – PhD position in the field of PEM fuel cells/systems [V000009176]
[published 07/02/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – PhD position in the field of PEM fuel cells/systems [V000009177]
[published 07/02/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Promotionsstelle im Bereich: „Forschung und Entwicklung von Katalysatorsystemen“ (in German only) [V000009178]
[published 07/02/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Promotionsstelle im Bereich Simulation Batterie Missbrauch (in German only) [V000009179]
[published 07/02/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009180]
Bereich Batteriesystementwicklung für mobile Anwendungen
[published 07/02/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009181]
Bereich funktionale Sicherheit für automatisierte konventionelle, hybride und elektrische Antriebsstränge
[published 07/02/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]15/04/2025
Research Assistant/Associate – Doctoral Candidate or PostDoc (f/m/non-binary) in the field of Analytics for Sustainable Supply Chains [V000009186]
[published 07/02/2025]Chair of Operations Management [813510]14/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Laser-Trägheitsfusion (in German only) [V000009223]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair for Laser Technology [418710]14/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – In der Anwendungsentwicklung (in German only) [V000008626]
[published 18/10/2024]Decision Theory and Financial Services Group [812520]13/04/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Windparkentwicklung & – optimierung (in German only) [V000009218]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair for Wind Power Drives [412010]11/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Im Bereich Produktionsmanagement, Gruppe Produktionslogistik (in German only) [V000008586]
[published 07/10/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]07/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Textilsortierung und -recycling: Deine Hilfe ist gefragt! (in German only) [V000009023]
[published 07/01/2025]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]07/04/2025
Doktorand/in (w/m/d) – Weiterentwicklung von ressourcenschonenden und energiesparenden Fertigungsverfahren (in German only) [V000009064]
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d)
[published 20/01/2025]Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Production [080014]07/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Modellierung innovativer Gleitelemente in Windenergieanlagen (in German only) [V000009257]
[published 19/02/2025]Chair for Wind Power Drives [412010]02/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008446]
Entwicklung, Auftrag und Prüfung neuartiger Beschichtungen
[published 05/09/2024]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]01/04/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz (in German only) [V000006551]
[published 07/11/2024]Chair of Intelligence in Quality Sensing [417510]31/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) for High Voltage Technology [V000007387]
[published 22/03/2024]High Voltage Technology Teaching and Research Unit [614220]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) im Bereich Unternehmensentwicklung mit Fokus Additive Fertigung (in German only) [V000008069]
mit Promotionsabsicht
[published 12/07/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) im Bereich Unternehmensentwicklung mit Fokus Einzel- und Kleinserienfertigung (in German only) [V000008070]
mit Promotionsabsicht
[published 12/07/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) im Bereich Unternehmensentwicklung (in German only) [V000008071]
mit Promotionsabsicht
[published 12/07/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008125]
[published 17/07/2024]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]31/03/2025
Technische/r Beschäftigte/r im Bereich Elektrotechnik (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008655]
[published 28/10/2024]Chair and Institute of Combustion Technology [411410]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Strukturdynamik Antriebssysteme (in German only) [V000008733]
[published 18/11/2024]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Im Bereich Digitalisierung in der Produktion (in German only) [V000008905]
[published 10/12/2024]Chair of Machine Tools [417310]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Consulting im Bereich Battery Production (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008926]
[published 19/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components [420910]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Consulting im Bereich Battery Engineering and Safety (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008928]
[published 19/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components [420910]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Consulting im Bereich Electric Drive Production (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008929]
[published 19/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components [420910]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Consulting im Bereich Hydrogen Technology (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008930]
[published 19/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components [420910]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Fabrikplanung im Bereich Battery Production (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008931]
[published 19/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components [420910]31/03/2025
Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – In the area of AI and robotics [V000008939]
[published 02/01/2025]Chair of Machine Tools [417310]31/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – PhD position Ammonia for sustainable heating of Industrial Furnaces [V000008972]
Defossilisation of Industrial Furnaces with Ammonia as Fuel
[published 13/01/2025]Chair of Sustainable Thermal Processing Technology and Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering [525110]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter (w/m/d) – Systems Engineering (in German only) [V000009003]
[published 13/01/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Abteilung Unternehmensentwicklung – Gruppen Wertschöpfungs- und Kompetenzmanagement (in German only) [V000009007]
[published 02/01/2025]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Abteilung Unternehmensentwicklung – Gruppe Additive Fertigungssysteme (in German only) [V000009008]
[published 02/01/2025]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – In der Produktionssystematik – Schwerpunkt Digitale Fabrikplanung (in German only) [V000009070]
Gestalte mit uns die Produktion der Zukunft!
[published 15/01/2025]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Ultraschallschweißen (in German only) [V000009102]
[published 21/01/2025]Welding and Joining Institute [417610]31/03/2025
Research Assistant with Bachelor’s degree (f/m/d) – Simulation in Additive Manufacturing [V000009108]
[published 27/01/2025]Chair for Digital Additive Production [421510]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Trustworthy AI in der Messtechnik (in German only) [V000009140]
Virtual Measurement in der Produktion
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of Intelligence in Quality Sensing [417510]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Zuverlässige Entscheidungen durch (digital) rückführbare Messdaten (in German only) [V000009141]
Interoperable Sensor Services in der Produktion
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of Intelligence in Quality Sensing [417510]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009154]
Circular Economy – Im Themenfeld Kreislaufwirtschaft, Technologietransfer und Industriekooperation
[published 30/01/2025]Center for Circular Economy [080074]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft mit Bachelorabschluss (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009163]
Entwicklung intelligenter Regelungssysteme für industrielle Produktionsanlagen
[published 10/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Automatic Control [416610]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Produktionsoptimierung und Laborarbeit in der Batteriefertigung (in German only) [V000009172]
[published 04/02/2025]Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components [420910]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Strategie und Digitalisierung in der Batterieproduktion (in German only) [V000009173]
[published 04/02/2025]Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components [420910]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Vermittlung von Forschungs-/Lehrinhalten, Grafikdesign und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (in German only) [V000009182]
[published 06/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Technical Thermodynamics [412110]31/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – Oxidation phenomena in medium manganese steels [V000009198]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair of Materials Engineering of Metals and Department of Ferrous Metallurgy [522110]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) im Bereich: YARN – Staple Fibre Technologies (in German only) [V000009210]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) in der Fachstudienberatung Lehramt Informatik (in German only) [V000009211]
[published 17/02/2025]Computer Science Education Teaching and Research Unit [126220]31/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Numerische Optimierung von Radialverdichtern für Luftfahrt-Brennstoffzellen (in German only) [V000009224]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair of Jet Propulsion and Turbomachinery [413510]31/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) in the field of control engineering – Highly accurate navigation for mobile robotics [V000009230]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Automatic Control [416610]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Für Industrial Engineering / Human Factors / Ergonomie / Arbeit 4.0 (in German only) [V000009232]
[published 12/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics [417110]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Haptische Interaktion durch Elektrostimulation in AR, VR und XR (in German only) [V000009233]
[published 12/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics [417110]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Experimentelle Erprobung von smarten Gleitlagern (in German only) [V000009266]
[published 20/02/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]31/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Montageplanung und -steuerung (in German only) [V000008864]
Flexible und nachhaltige Montagesysteme gestalten!
[published 28/11/2024]Chair of Intelligence in Quality Sensing [417510]30/03/2025
Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – di.monta – automated robotic dismantling [V000009065]
We are looking for motivated students to join us!
[published 14/01/2025]Chair and Institute of Mechanism Theory, Machine Dynamics and Robotics [411910]30/03/2025
Physikalisch-Technische/r-Assistent/in, Physiklaborant/in (w/m/d) für das geotechnische Labor (in German only) [V000009085]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology [532110]28/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Für Realfahrversuche zu menschlicher Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit (in German only) [V000009229]
[published 12/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics [417110]28/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Entwicklung von medizinischen Lösungen (in German only) [V000009240]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]28/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Modellbasierte Produktentwicklung (in German only) [V000009241]
[published 18/02/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]28/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Einfluss von E-Fuels auf Motorenkomponenten (in German only) [V000009245]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]28/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Im Bereich Fabrikplanung – Werkstrukturplanung (in German only) [V000008506]
[published 23/09/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]23/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Automatisierung und Digitalisierung in der Produktionstechnik (in German only) [V000008884]
[published 04/12/2024]Chair of Machine Tools [417310]21/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008927]
im Bereich KI zur Automatisierung und Digitalisierung in der Produktionstechnik
[published 12/12/2024]Chair of Machine Tools [417310]21/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Zur Unterstützung bei der Wartung, Instandsetzung und Entwicklung verschiedener RAMOS-Prototypen (in German only) [V000009249]
[published 18/02/2025]Chair of Biochemical Engineering [416510]21/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate – Doctoral candidate – Katalyse (f/m/d) [V000008951]
Mechanism, activity and stability of methanation catalysts via in-situ X-ray scattering
[published 19/12/2024]Chair and Institute of Crystallography [542110]20/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009260]
[published 20/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Psychology [721310]19/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008992]
Promotionsstelle im Bereich: „Niedrigstemissionskonzepte für Wasserstoffverbrennungsmotoren“ (TME-Nr.: 189_241200)
[published 13/01/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]18/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008993]
Promotionsstelle im Bereich Simulation Batterie Lebensdauer (TME 193_241200)
[published 13/01/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]18/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008994]
Bereich Brennstoffzelle und Hybridantrieb (TME 195_241200)
[published 13/01/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]18/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008995]
Bereich Energiemanagement von Batterieelektrischen- und Brennstoffzellen-Fahrzeugen – Schwerpunkt Thermomanagement (TME 197_241200)
[published 13/01/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]18/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008996]
Bereich automatisierte konventionelle, hybride und elektrische Antriebsstränge (TME 203_241200)
[published 13/01/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]18/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000008997]
In the field of battery and fuel cell system design and construction (TME 204_241200)
[published 13/01/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]18/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008998]
Bereich Kalibrierung / OBD von mobilen Antrieben (TME 205_241200)
[published 13/01/2025]Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems [412310]18/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008999]
Promotionsstelle im Exzellenzcluster für den Bereich: „The Fuel Science Center – Hocheffiziente Abgasnachbehandlung mit verbesserter Leistung bei niedrigen Temperaturen“ (FSC 188_241200)
[published 13/01/2025]The Fuel Science Center [080066]18/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Gesamtgeräuschprognose moderner WEA (in German only) [V000008885]
[published 09/12/2024]Chair for Wind Power Drives [412010]17/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Schwingungen von Windenergie Türmen (in German only) [V000008886]
[published 09/12/2024]Chair for Wind Power Drives [412010]17/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) für die experimentelle Forschung in unserem Radialverdichterteam (in German only) [V000009093]
[published 27/01/2025]Chair of Jet Propulsion and Turbomachinery [413510]17/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Unterstützung beim Design, Aufbau und Programmierung eines Strompulsgenerators (in German only) [V000009155]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives [614510]16/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Doktorand/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009156]
SFB/TRR 404: “Active 3D” – Projekt A06 “2D Feldeffekt-Transistoren”
[published 17/02/2025]Chair of Electronic Devices [618710]16/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Doktorand/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009206]
SFB/TRR 404: “Active 3D” – Projekt C01 “3D-Architektur Schemata und Prozesse”
[published 17/02/2025]Chair of Electronic Devices [618710]16/03/2025
Fachangestellte/r für Medien- und Informationsdienste (w/m/d) in der Medizinischen Bibliothek (in German only) [V000009221]
[published 17/02/2025]University Library [021000]16/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Prozessdatenanalyse im Bereich Elektronenstrahltechnik (in German only) [V000008888]
[published 06/01/2025]Welding and Joining Institute [417610]15/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Automatisierte Demontage und Recycling mittels Roboter (in German only) [V000008981]
[published 06/01/2025]Chair and Institute of Mechanism Theory, Machine Dynamics and Robotics [411910]15/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009089]
[published 27/01/2025]Chair and Institute for Materials Applications in Mechanical Engineering [418110]15/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Im Amovion Team 2025 (in German only) [V000009215]
[published 11/02/2025]Chair of Chemical Process Engineering and Institute of Process Engineering [416110]15/03/2025
Ausbildungskoordinator*in Fachinformatik (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009055]
[published 20/01/2025]Division 8.4 – Vocational Training [010840]14/03/2025
Fachplaner*in/ Projektkoordinator*in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009165]
Abt. 10.4 – Technisches Gebäudemanagement Elektrotechnik
[published 11/02/2025]Division 10.4 – Technical Facilities Management – Electrical Systems [011040]14/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Experimentelle Arbeiten – Spektroskopie (in German only) [V000009237]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair of Process Systems Engineering [416710]14/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000009034]
[published 20/01/2025]Chair and Institute of Theoretical Electrical Engineering [611410]13/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009145]
CFD-Simulation in Wälzlagern
[published 29/01/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]12/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Dynamik von Antriebssträngen (in German only) [V000009100]
[published 20/01/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]10/03/2025
Fachkraft für IT Administration, Softwareentwicklung und Unterstützung der Lehre (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009126]
[published 17/02/2025]Chair of Integrated Digital Systems and Circuit Design [611110]10/03/2025
Sachbearbeitung für Gefahrenstoffe (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009148]
[published 11/02/2025]Department 11.0 – Infrastructure [011100]10/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – Mobility Data-Based Planning for Rural Bicycle Infrastructure (FALKE Project) [V000009213]
PhD position
[published 17/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Highway Engineering [313410]10/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Gestaltung und Entwicklung von balancierten Mensch-Technik Systemen (in German only) [V000009084]
[published 27/01/2025]Human Systems Integration Teaching and Research Area [420320]09/03/2025
Beschäftigte/r (w/m/d) für die Gruppe Personalmanagement (in German only) [V000009205]
[published 17/02/2025]IT Center [022000]09/03/2025
Beschäftigte/r Controlling im Hochschulsportzentrum (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009217]
[published 17/02/2025]University Sports Center [024000]08/03/2025
Projektkoordinator-/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008726]
[published 27/01/2025]Division 10.2 – Construction and Space Management [011020]07/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Untersuchung der elektrisch induzierten Schäden in Antriebsstranglagern von Windenergieanlagen (in German only) [V000008793]
[published 25/11/2024]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]07/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Untersuchung der elektrisch induzierten Schäden in Antriebsstranglagern von Windenergieanlagen (in German only) [V000008794]
[published 25/11/2024]Chair for Wind Power Drives [412010]07/03/2025
Sachgebietsleitung (w/m/d) für das Sachgebiet 10.34 Abwasser-, Wasser- und Gasanlagen (in German only) [V000008925]
[published 17/02/2025]Division 10.3 – Technical Facilities Management – Mechanical Systems [011030]07/03/2025
Sachbearbeiter/in Bilanzbuchhaltung mit Schwerpunkt Risikoreporting (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009135]
[published 03/02/2025]Division 7.4 – Accounting [010740]07/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Zur Unterstützung der Verwaltung (in German only) [V000009146]
[published 10/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics [417110]07/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Untersuchung des Ausfallverhaltens von Freiläufen in innovativen Antriebssträngen (in German only) [V000009150]
[published 10/02/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]07/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Entwicklung einer neuartigen Gleitringdichtung für mobile Arbeitsmaschinen (in German only) [V000009151]
[published 10/02/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]07/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Computational Design (in German only) [V000009207]
Entwicklung datengetriebener Methoden für die Produktentwicklung und Datenaufbereitung in der additiven Fertigung
[published 17/02/2025]Chair for Digital Additive Production [421510]07/03/2025
Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – Physics Informed Neural Networks in Geomechanics [V000009228]
[published 18/02/2025]Chair of Geotechnical Engineering and Institute of Geomechanics and Underground Technology [314310]07/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Im Bereich Service (in German only) [V000009255]
[published 18/02/2025]University Sports Center [024000]07/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) in der Abteilung Fabrikplanung (in German only) [V000008902]
Gestalte mit uns die Produktion der Zukunft!
[published 16/12/2024]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]06/03/2025
Doktorand/in (w/m/d) in der Fügetechnik – Entwicklung von Verschleißschutzbeschichtungen für hochabrasive Anwendungen (in German only) [V000009184]
[published 07/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]06/03/2025
Doktorand/in (w/m/d) für das Thermische Spritzen – Entwicklung leistungsstarker und wirtschaftlicher Isolationsschichten für die Elektromobilität (in German only) [V000009185]
[published 07/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]06/03/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) in der Didaktik der Informatik (in German only) [V000009197]
[published 17/02/2025]Computer Science Education Teaching and Research Unit [126220]06/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Finance Management (in German only) [V000009079]
[published 23/01/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]04/03/2025
Beschäftigte*r (w/m/d) als Windows-Administrator*in (in German only) [V000009115]
[published 03/02/2025]IT Center [022000]04/03/2025
IT-Administrator/in (w/m/d) – Schwerpunkt Backup-Administration (in German only) [V000009170]
[published 11/02/2025]IT Center [022000]04/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – PhD student [V000008678]
[published 20/01/2025]Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management [314410]03/03/2025
Psychologische*r Berater*in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009041]
[published 20/01/2025]Division 1.4 – Student Counseling and Advising Center [010140]03/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – PhD position [V000009161]
[published 07/02/2025]Chair of Algebra and Number Theory [114710]03/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Business & Data Analytics (in German only) [V000009212]
[published 13/02/2025]Chair of Manufacturing Technology [417410]03/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Data Engineering & Cloud Technologien in der Abteilung Digitale Transformation (in German only) [V000009222]
[published 11/02/2025]Chair of Manufacturing Technology [417410]03/03/2025
Mitarbeiter*in in der Stabsstelle Nachhaltigkeit und Hochschulgovernance (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009025]
[published 20/01/2025]Sustainability and University Governance [010031]02/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Automatisierung im Schwermaschinenbau (in German only) [V000009066]
[published 13/01/2025]Chair and Institute for Advanced Mining Technologies [513310]02/03/2025
Mediengestalter*in in der Stabsstelle Marketing (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009183]
[published 17/02/2025]Marketing [010032]02/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008941]
Thermisch gespritzte Heizschichtsysteme für den Druck- und Spritzguss
[published 16/12/2024]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]01/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009094]
[published 21/01/2025]Center for Teaching and Learning Services [026000]01/03/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009149]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of the Individual and Technology [751110]01/03/2025
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – PhD position Industrial Biochemical Engineering (AVT.BioVT) [V000005570]
[published 20/01/2025]Chair of Biochemical Engineering [416510]28/02/2025
Research Assistant/Associate – PostDoc (f/m/d) [V000008378]
[published 13/01/2025]Chair of Computational Geoscience, Geothermics and Reservoir Geophysics [532610]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) „Antriebstechnologien für klimaneutrales und lärmfreies Fliegen“ (in German only) [V000008496]
[published 23/09/2024]Chair of Jet Propulsion and Turbomachinery [413510]28/02/2025
Research Assistant with Bachelor’s degree (f/m/d) for checking exercises in the summer semester 2025 [V000008703]
[published 11/11/2024]Junior Professor for Machine Learning on Graphs [126030]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008789]
[published 25/11/2024]Chair of Medical Information Technology [611010]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Fasertribologie (in German only) [V000008805]
[published 19/11/2024]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008810]
Axialverdichteraerodynamik – Experiment und Numerik
[published 25/11/2024]Chair of Jet Propulsion and Turbomachinery [413510]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008811]
Strömungsmesstechnik Verdichteraerodynamik
[published 25/11/2024]Chair of Jet Propulsion and Turbomachinery [413510]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Akustiksimulation Elektroauto (in German only) [V000008826]
[published 25/11/2024]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]28/02/2025
IT-Leiter/in (w/m/d) für die Aktualisierung der IT-Systeme sowie der Einführung einer digitalen Engineering-Plattform (in German only) [V000008867]
[published 16/12/2024]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]28/02/2025
Beschäftigte*r (w/m/d) mit Schwerpunkt Linux-Administration (in German only) [V000008875]
[published 09/12/2024]IT Center [022000]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Innovative Fertigungskonzepte für eine emissionsreduzierte Luftfahrt (in German only) [V000008908]
[published 16/12/2024]Chair of Manufacturing Technology [417410]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Ultraschallschweißen (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008911]
Ein Verfahren mit enormem Potential
[published 16/12/2024]Welding and Joining Institute [417610]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008918]
[published 27/01/2025]Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Institut für Textiltechnik [419110]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/d/m) (in German only) [V000008956]
in der Abteilung Bildung für technische Berufe
[published 17/12/2024]Chair and Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics [417110]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung von Schaufelschäden in einer Verdichterkaskade (in German only) [V000008957]
[published 19/12/2024]Chair of Jet Propulsion and Turbomachinery [413510]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) für unsere Forschungsgruppe “Smarte Systeme” (in German only) [V000008966]
[published 13/01/2025]Chair and Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems [412810]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) für unsere Forschungsgruppe “Hochleistungskomponenten” (in German only) [V000008967]
[published 13/01/2025]Chair and Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems [412810]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Im Themenfeld Sustainable Quality und digitales Fehlermanagement (in German only) [V000008987]
Entwickel das KI basiertes Fehlermanagement mit uns!
[published 07/01/2025]Chair of Intelligence in Quality Sensing [417510]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Data Science in der Elektromotorenproduktion (in German only) [V000009005]
[published 02/01/2025]Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components [420910]28/02/2025
Softwareentwickler/in für den Bereich Unternehmensentwicklung (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009009]
[published 13/01/2025]Chair of Production Engineering [417210]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) für unsere Forschungsgruppe “Fluide” (in German only) [V000009015]
[published 13/01/2025]Chair and Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems [412810]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – In der industrienahen Forschung und Consulting im Themenfeld der Batterieproduktion (in German only) [V000009017]
[published 06/01/2025]Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components [420910]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Consulting im Bereich Battery Production Technology (in German only) [V000009032]
[published 07/01/2025]Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components [420910]28/02/2025
Scientific Advisor (w/m/d) – Referent/in ErUM-Data-Hub (in German only) [V000009036]
[published 20/01/2025]Experimental Physics (High Energy Physics) Teaching and Research Area [133320]28/02/2025
Research Assistant/Associate – Postdoc or Doctoral Candidate (f/m/d) in AI Ethics and Ethics of Technology [V000009042]
(technological sovereignty, sustainability, responsibility)
[published 20/01/2025]Applied Ethics Teaching and Research Area [711120]28/02/2025
Elektriker/in, Elektroniker/in oder Mechatroniker/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009043]
[published 20/01/2025]Chair of Sustainable Thermal Processing Technology and Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering [525110]28/02/2025
Industriemechaniker/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009044]
im Bereich Industrieofentechnik
[published 20/01/2025]Chair of Sustainable Thermal Processing Technology and Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering [525110]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Tutor*in für Kleingruppenübungen zur Vorlesung “Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik für mechatronische Systeme (GEMS)” (in German only) [V000009058]
[published 13/01/2025]Mechatronics in Mobile Propulsion Teaching and Research Area [422320]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Risikowahrnehmung und -kommunikation (RISK) (in German only) [V000009076]
Angewandte empirische Forschung zur Risikowahrnehmung und -kommunikation innovativer und nachhaltiger Technologien
[published 16/01/2025]Junior Professor for Risk perception and communication [735530]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftlicher/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) im Bereich Energieeffizienz von Lüftungssystemen (in German only) [V000009088]
[published 27/01/2025]Chair of Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate [419510]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Abteilung Lichtbogenschweißen und Additive Fertigung (in German only) [V000009098]
[published 20/01/2025]Welding and Joining Institute [417610]28/02/2025
Mitarbeiter*in in der Produktion von Online-Kursen (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009113]
[published 03/02/2025]Center for Teaching and Learning Services [026000]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) Industrielle Bioökonomie – Technologieentwicklung proteinbasierter Beschichtungen für fertigungstechnische Anwendungen (in German only) [V000009117]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of Manufacturing Technology [417410]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Sustainable Innovation Lab (in German only) [V000009125]
[published 23/01/2025]Innovation, Strategy, and Organization Group (ISO) [816410]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Im Bereich Baurobotik (in German only) [V000009134]
[published 27/01/2025]Chair and Institute of Construction Management, Digital Engineering and Robotics in Construction [312110]28/02/2025
Feinwerkmechaniker(in) / Industriemechaniker(in) (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009137]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of Jet Propulsion and Turbomachinery [413510]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Doktorand/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009138]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of HRM and Personnel Economics [814210]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009142]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of German and General Literary Studies with a focus on Forms of Knowledge [791510]28/02/2025
Elektrotechniker/in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009144]
Forschungsprüfstände und Steuerung
[published 03/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Power Plant Technology, Steam and Gas Turbines [412510]28/02/2025
Student Assistant (f/m/non-binary) – Research in Human-Robot-Collaboration [V000009162]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Mechanism Theory, Machine Dynamics and Robotics [411910]28/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Thermalmanagement von Brennstoffzellenantrieben für die Luftfahrt (in German only) [V000009166]
[published 10/02/2025]Chair of Jet Propulsion and Turbomachinery [413510]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Zur Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Lehrmaterialien im Bereich AI/Machine Learning (in German only) [V000009169]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems [618310]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Assistenzsystem für betriebliche Trainingsprozesse an einer Tuftingmaschine (in German only) [V000009191]
[published 06/02/2025]Chair and Institute of Man-Machine Interaction [615210]28/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009147]
Unterstützung im Bereich Sekretariat/Verwaltung
[published 30/01/2025]Institute of High Voltage Equipment and Grids, Digitalization and Energy Economics [614000]27/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Doktorand/in im Bereich des zirkulären Bauens (in German only) [V000008861]
[published 09/12/2024]Chair and Institute of Construction Management, Digital Engineering and Robotics in Construction [312110]26/02/2025
Doktorand/in (w/m/d) im Bereich Maschinenbau (in German only) [V000009090]
Promotion in der Oberflächentechnik, Beschichtungstechnik und Fügetechnik
[published 27/01/2025]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]25/02/2025
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) – Zur Unterstützung der Forschungsarbeit im Technikum (in German only) [V000009220]
[published 11/02/2025]Thermoprocesses and Emission Control in Waste Management and Recycling Teaching and Research Unit [512220]25/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) – Senior Scientist als Co-Leitung für die Abteilung Computational Science & Engineering (in German only) [V000008791]
[published 27/01/2025]IT Center [022000]24/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft mit Bachelorabschluss (w/m/d) – Marketing und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit MerLIn (in German only) [V000008855]
[published 10/02/2025]Chair of Biotechnology [162610]24/02/2025
Techniker/in im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit und Recycling (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008866]
[published 11/02/2025]Chair of Anthropogenic Material Cycles and Institute of Processing, Coking, and Briquetting [512110]24/02/2025
Doktorand/in (w/m/d) in der KI-gestützten Oberflächentechnik (in German only) [V000009057]
Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz durch Künstliche Intelligenz
[published 20/01/2025]Chair and Institute of Surface Engineering [419010]24/02/2025
Projektmitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) im Projekt HPC.nrw im Bereich Systemadministration (in German only) [V000009069]
[published 27/01/2025]IT Center [022000]24/02/2025
Mathematisch-technische*r Softwareentwickler*in / Netzwerkadministrator*in (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000008767]
[published 25/11/2024]Chair of Statistics and Data Science [116510]23/02/2025
Beschäftigte*r (w/m/d) in der Abteilung “Service & Kommunikation” (in German only) [V000008960]
[published 06/01/2025]IT Center [022000]23/02/2025
Verwaltungsbeschäftigte/r am Lehrstuhl (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009001]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair and Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering [411710]23/02/2025
Verwaltungsbeschäftigte/r am Lehrstuhl (w/m/d) (in German only) [V000009002]
[published 03/02/2025]Chair for Wind Power Drives [412010]23/02/2025
Koordinator*in TGA-Prüfungen (w/m/d) – Abteilung 10.3 Technisches Gebäudemanagement Maschinentechnik (in German only) [V000009083]
[published 27/01/2025]Division 10.3 – Technical Facilities Management – Mechanical Systems [011030]23/02/2025
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) im Technologiemanagement in der Fertigung (in German only) [V000009104]
Doktorand/in (w/m/d) mit Fokus Fertigungssystemgestaltung und digitale Fertigungsplanung
[published 27/01/2025]Chair of Manufacturing Technology [417410]23/02/2025