Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie is part of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. The institute studies the structure and dynamics of materials and investigates solar cell technology.
application until 25.03.2025 CE 2025/3
Scientist (f/m/d) for 3D Data Analysisapplication until 28.03.2025 QM 2025/3
Scientist (f/m/d) of Advanced In-System X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy During the MBE Growth of Oxide Heterostructures on Semiconductorsapplication until 31.03.2025 HI 2024/10
Talents Community – Research Associate (Postdoc, PhD) HIPOLE Jena
application until 20.03.2025 WI 2025/1
PhD Student (f/m/d) in Data Science for Advanced Optimization of Synchrotron Radiation Beamlinesapplication until 31.03.2025 HI 2025/01
Research Associate (PhD Student) HIPOLE Jena ? Polymer Membranes
application until 26.03.2025 FM 2025/1
Head of Building and Systems Engineering
application until 18.03.2025 GF 2025/1
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (w/m/d) in der Abteilung Strahlenschutzapplication until 31.03.2025 HI 2024/11
Technician (m/f/d) HIPOLE Jena
application until 08.04.2025 IT 2025/5
Studentische Hilfskraft / Studentischer Mitarbeiter (w/m/d) IT Service / IT Supportapplication until 08.04.2025 IT 2025/4
application until 21.03.2025 A 2025/3
Buyer (f/m/d) technical/infrastructure product groupsapplication until 27.03.2025 GF 2025/2
Project Assistant (f/m/d) for Green Deal Ukraineapplication until 30.03.2025 A 2025/5
Kaufmännischer Mitarbeiter / Buchhalter (w/m/d) Rechnungswesen / Kreditoren
application until 27.03.2025 FM 2025/2
Trainee/Apprentice Chef (f/m/d)application until 01.05.2025 A 2025/2
Ausbildung zur Kauffrau/zum Kaufmann für Büromanagement (w/m/d)
application until 27.03.2025 QM 2025/4
Engineer (f/m/d) in the field of micro-nanotechnology development