Department of Pharmacy
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

University of Copenhagen

The University seeks to appoint a Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Novel Analytical Tools to the Department of Pharmacy to commence as soon as possible.

The Department of Pharmacy is an internationally well recognized research organization within pharmaceutical sciences, spanning research within drug delivery, pharmaceutical technology and formulation design, advanced drug analysis, and clinical and social pharmacy.

Further information about the department can be found at:

Job description
The tenure track position will be placed within the LEO Foundation Center for Cutaneous Drug Delivery (LFCCDD). The center, which is funded over a 10-year period by LEO Foundation and the University of Copenhagen, as well as by other external grants, aims to be recognized as an international excellence center, performing state-of-the-art research and creating innovative solutions within cutaneous drug delivery of both small and large molecules.

The scientific platform is built on integrative physicochemical approaches, including pharmaceutics, nanotechnology, advanced analytical methodologies, and biological models.

Research is organized in three pillars for enabling the development of the center: (i) novel analytical tools, (ii) novel drug delivery systems, and (iii) novel biological models, each led by a Tenure Track Assistant or Associate Professor. These are interacting closely to combine scientific depth with a broad research scope and to enable research translation. Indication-wise, focus of research within the center lies on infection/inflammation.

We now seek a candidate for the position as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Novel Analytical Techniques. The ideal candidate has experience of cutaneous drug delivery, and should have a strong background in physical chemistry, biophysics, and/or their application within drug delivery and/or advanced material science. In particular, experience with neutron and synchrotron methods, as well as with interface analysis methods (e.g., reflectometry and/ or surface spectroscopy-based techniques) is considered advantageous. The candidate is expected to establish a multimodal research platform for physicochemical studies of the interaction between colloidal drug delivery systems and model cell membranes and skin lipids/structures. The candidate should furthermore develop physicochemical methods for characterization of drug delivery systems, including nanoparticulate and self-assembly drug carriers.

In order to support research start-up and development during the first few years, one PhD student will be allocated to the position. Furthermore, initial running expenses of DKK 200,000 will be provided. Being part of a multidisciplinary research environment, the successful candidate will benefit from a rich landscape for external funding opportunities, as well as from support within LFCCDD, the Department of Pharmacy, and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences related to grant identification and proposal completion. University of Copenhagen furthermore provides a rich package of career development activities, which will be available.

The tenure track assistant professor’s responsibilities will primarily consist of:

  • research, including publication/academic dissemination.
  • regular travel to large-scale synchrotron and neutron facilities for experiments, as well as securing access to such facilities through beamtime applications.
  • participate in national and international conferences and scientific meetings.
  • grantsmanship, i.e., writing of grant applications alone and together with members of both the Center, the Department of Pharmacy, and research collaborators broadly, as well as networking and active pitching of ideas in relevant for a.
  • activities for strengthening and developing the Center, including setting up journal clubs, research training activities, seminar series, workshops, contribution to laboratory organization, etc.
  • sharing knowledge with industry and society
  • supervision and co-supervision of PhD and undergraduate students
  • research-based teaching
  • participation in formal pedagogical training programme for assistant professors

The tenure track assistant professor’s performance will be evaluated through annual evaluations. Furthermore, the tenure track assistant professor will be evaluated in a mid-track appraisal.

After no more than six years of employment and on condition of a positive final appraisal, the tenure track assistant professor will be employed as associate professor. Read more about tenure track at the University of Copenhagen here:

Required qualifications
Six overall criteria apply for assistant professor appointments at the University of Copenhagen. The six criteria (research, teaching, societal impact, organisational contribution, external funding and leadership) are considered a framework for the overall assessment of candidates. Find information about each criterion here:

Furthermore, each applicant must be able to document:

  • a PhD degree or similar qualifications within the subject area
  • research experience within the field of the position

The tenure track assistant professor must have an academic standing showing internationally competitive research, and/or have internationally recognized high potential to make a future impact.

The assistant professor is also required to possess good interpersonal and communicative skills.

Terms of employment
The average weekly working hours are 37 hours per week.

Salary and other terms and conditions of appointment are set in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) or other relevant professional organisations.

The position is covered by the Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities 2020.

For further information, please contact Center Director Martin Malmsten, martin.malmsten@sund.ku.dk

Foreign applicants may find the following links useful: (International Staff Mobility).

The application must be submitted in English, and must include the following documents:

  • Application, including motivation for applying for this position (Maximum 2 pages)
  • Curriculum vitae, including information about external funding
  • Diplomas (Master’s, PhD and other relevant diplomas)
  • A complete list of publications
  • Research plan (2-4 pages)
  • Teaching plan
  • Uploads of maximum 5 publications to be considered in the assessment
  • Teaching portfolio, if applicable (Guidelines:

Please note:  It is mandatory to upload a teaching plan in the online application form. Should you not have a teaching plan, please upload a blank document in this box instead.

Application procedure
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Appointments Committee.  All applicants are then immediately notified whether their application has been passed for assessment. The Dean then appoints an expert assessment committee in order to make an assessment of the selected applicants for the specific post. Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee and each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself. You can read about the recruitment process at

Please note that the applicant will be contacted if the assessment committee requires further documentation.

The application will be assessed according to the Ministerial Order no. 242 of 13 March 2012 on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities.

The University of Copenhagen encourages all interested in this post to apply.

Please submit the application with the required attachments. Only online applications will be accepted. The closing date for applications is 23.59 p.m. CET, Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Interviews for this post are likely to be held in the end of January 2022.APPLY NOW

Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and among Europe’s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promotes research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tradition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the opportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environment. An effective organisation – with good working conditions and a collaborative work culture – creates the ideal framework for a successful academic career.


Martin MalmstenE-mail:


Application deadline: 17-11-2021Employment start: 01-04-2022Working hours: Full timeDepartment/Location: Department of Pharmacy

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