The Department of Geography at Umeå University has about 40 employees and extensive research activities are conducted in the subject of human geography. The research at the department is characterized by a great diversity, both in terms of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. Some central research themes are labor supply, tourism, local and regional development, regional migration, international migration, second home tourism, rural conditions, urban dynamics and climate adaptation. In terms of teaching, the department hosts educational programs at both basic and advanced level in both spatial planning and tourism, respectively. We are now looking for a professor of human geography to conduct research, teaching and supervision.

Work description
As a professor of human geography you are expected to conduct research, teaching, supervision and interact with the broader society. The professor is expected to contribute to the department’s research environment by initiating, leading and developing research and education. For example, by actively working to attract external funding of the department’s research and postgraduate education and contributing to the development of one or more established research specializations at the department (e.g., economic geography, tourism geography, population geography, social geography, rural geography). The tasks also include staying informed about developments in the subject area in general, as well as creating contacts with other higher education institutions, departments and actors outside the university. Furthermore, various coordination and management assignments are included.

The place of employment is Umeå and the applicant is expected to actively participate in the department’s everyday activities.

Eligibility requirements
A person who has demonstrated both research and educational expertise shall be qualified for appointment as a Professor. (Chapter 4, Section 3, Higher Education Ordinance) samt Qualification requirements and assessment criteria at Umeå Universitet.

Assessment criteria
As a basis for assessment when hiring a professor, the degree of such skill that is a requirement for eligibility for employment shall apply. In addition, the basis for assessment is administrative skills and the ability to collaborate with others.

Research expertise refers to independent research work, the ability to plan and lead research activities, the ability to impart information about research to the outside world, ability to attract external research funding, documented national and international collaboration and international publications of high quality. In addition, research expertise can also be shown via the management of research projects and successful post-graduate supervision.

Educational expertise refers to documented experience of planning, implementation, examination, and evaluation of teaching and is shown in a reflective approach to student learning and one’s own teaching role. It is also reflected through the contribution of the broader pedagogical development at the organization as well as the engagement in all forms of post-graduate education.

Administrative skills reflect the ability to develop and lead operations and staff, the ability to collaborate with the surrounding community and to inform about research and development work. Ability to collaborate refers, among other things, to formulating, planning, leading and participating in projects including several members, as well as participation in both research-oriented and other department-specific activities.

Weighting of assessment criteria
In the selection of candidates, emphasis will primarily be put on the degree of scientific expertise. Next, pedagogical skills and management skills will be taken into account. In addition, regard will be given to communication and collaboration skills and other skills relevant to the area of the position and the tasks that will be part of the employment.

Scientific expertise shall be demonstrated through independent scientific productivity. Special emphasis shall be placed on the scientific quality and originality in the form of the applicant’s contribution to the international research community and the ability to obtain external research funding in competition. The ability to lead and develop scientific activities must also be emphasized as well as collaboration with surrounding society and assignments in the international research community.

The pedagogical expertise for employment as professor should be demonstrated by documented experience of teaching with scientific foundation at university level. The criteria for evaluation are the ability plan, implement and evaluate teaching and an ability to supervise and examine students at every level of education. Special emphasis shall be placed on experience of supervision in all stages of postgraduate education.

When assessing administrative skills, emphasis is placed on documented skills to lead and develop research activities and staff, experience of positions of trust at departmental, faculty or university level. Great emphasis is placed on the ability to collaborate both within and outside the university, preferably in broader scientific constellations, as well as the ability to take initiative and commitment to develop the workplace and the scientific milieu.

Since 2 out of 6 professors today are women, under-represented gender will be rewarded if the above factors are valued equally.

Last application date is 2022-03-14. Instructions for the application and a list of the documents to be attached to the application can be found here.

Qualification requirements and assessment criteria can be found in the appointments procedure for teachers at Umea University, here.

You apply via our e-recruitment system Varbi, which you can reach via the application button below. When the application is received, you will receive a confirmation email.

For more information about the position contact professor Rikard Eriksson (deputy head of department), +4690-7867416,
For more information about the department, please visit our webpage.
Applications should be made via e-recruitment system Varbi and be received no later than 2022-03-14.

We welcome your application!


Rikard Eriksson

+46 90 7867416

Ellinor Nordsvahn

090-786 52 07

Registration number

AN 2.2.1-1950-21

Union representative


090-786 53 65


090-786 52 96


090-786 54 31Apply



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