Consent Preferences 39 PhD and Postdocs at The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI – Scholar Idea

PhD and Postdocs at The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland

DescriptionCode digitPensum
Postdoctoral FellowExperimental development of small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering SAXS tensor tomography6317-03100
Projekt Management Officer80 – 100 %1354-0080 – 100
Mechanikerin / Mechaniker80 – 100 %8331-0080 – 100
Automatikerin / Automatiker9334-00100
Postdoctoral FellowUltrafast X-ray Sciences6415-02100
Personalassistentin / PersonalassistentenMit Team-Koordinationsfunktion – Pensum 80%1320-0080
Business Developerin / Business DeveloperCreating an innovation ecosystem – 80-100%1110-0080 – 100
Steuerungstechnikerin / SteuerungstechnikerSchwerpunkt: Projektierung von Steuerungen und Anlagen9371-01100
Group LeaderCementitious Repository Systems4406-00100
Konstrukteurin / Konstrukteur8415-00100
PhD Student in Sustainability Assessmenton Open Networked4501-00100
Administrative Assistentin / Administrativer Assistent50 %4600-0050
Postdoctoral Fellow LWR neutronicsReactor Simulations with Monte Carlo Codes4102-00100
Maschinenbauingenieurin / Maschinenbauingenieur8141-00100
PhD StudentTo study thermal transport in quantum materials3601-02100
Fachspezialistin / FachspezialistenMesstechnik9611-00100
Projektierungsingenieurin / Projektierungsingenieur80 – 100 %8342-0080 – 100
Projektkoordinatorin / Projektkoordinator80 – 100 %8342-0180 – 100
ScientistNext Generation Ionomers and Membranes5421-02100
Praktikantin/Praktikant KVFachrichtung Dienstleistung und Administration100
System Engineer Cloud & IAM9521-00100
Scientistin rechargeable batteries with focus on imaging5412-00100
Miterzieherin / Miterzieher (Springerin / Springer)60%1302-0360
PhD Student in Materials ScienceMulti-scale characterization with tensor tomography6317-02100
PhD StudentSynthesis and development of non-noble metal oxide electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline or quasi neutral environement5423-00100
TraineeDesign of a Transient Recorder8222-T1100
TraineeDesign, Construction and Evaluation of a Measurement System for Determining the Temperature Dependent Magnetic Permeability of Material Samples8433-T1100
Postdoctoral Fellow2414-00100
TraineeRF Cavity Simulator for LLRF Lab Testing8221-T1100
TraineeBC1-SRM machine learning study: how to infer the electron bunch-length from the bunch energy distribution measured by a synchrotron radiation monitor in a chicane8123-T1100
PhD Studentin experimental research on neurodegenerative diseases2413-00100
EngineerHydrogen Technology5422-04100
TraineeUndulator Wakefield Measurement in the Aramis Beamline8122-T1100
Fachspezialistin / FachspezialistenEntsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle, 80 % – 100 %9623-0080 – 100
Postdoctoral FellowOperando X-ray diffraction and imaging during additive manufacturing6317-01100
Laser Scientist (Tenure Track)6611-00100
Group Leader: Core Linux Research ServicesScience IT Infrastructure and Services / Core Linux Research Services7906-01100
Linux Engineer / System EngineerScience IT Infrastructure and Services / Core Linux Research Services7906-00100

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