PhD and Postdocs at The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland
Windows System Engineer Cloud & IAM | 9521-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellow LWR neutronicsReactor Simulations with Monte Carlo Codes | 4102-00 | 100 |
Tenure Track ScientistE-beam Lithography | 6711-00 | 100 |
Laborantin / Laboranten mit Interesse in Strukturbiologie70 – 100 % | 2316-00 | 70 – 100 |
Mitarbeiterin / Mitarbeiter Transport- und Betriebsdienst | 9222-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowEUV Lithography (sub-10 nm lithography) | 6217-00 | 100 |
Group Leader Control Systems | 8216-00 | 100 |
Technische Mitarbeiterin / Technischen Mitarbeiter80 – 100 % | 8123-00 | 80 – 100 |
PhD StudentBayesian Calibration Methodology for Complex Models | 7102-00 | 100 |
Mitarbeiterin / Mitarbeiter Wäscherei und Reinigung60 %, Montag – Freitag (fixe Einteilung) | 9234-00 | 60 |
PhD Student | 5504-00 | 100 |
HF-Ingenieurin / HF-Ingenieur (80-100%) | 8232-00 | 80 – 100 |
RF Engineer (80-100%) | 8232-00 | 80 – 100 |
Personalassistentin / Personalassistentenmit Koordinationsfunktion / Pensum 80 % | 1320-03 | 80 |
Postdoctoral FellowInvestigating the fundamental properties of the interfacial hydrogen-bonding network of water in clay | 5601-00 | 100 |
PhD Student on Neutron and X-ray Imaging ProjectSNF SINERGIA Project CORINT “Elucidating CORrrosion of iron in porous media by new quantitative multimodal IN-situ Tomography” | 3304-00 | 100 |
Praktikum im Bereich Human Resources60 – 100 % | 1320-T1 | 60 – 100 |
PhD StudentThin Film Solid-State Lithionic Devices for Neuromorphic Computing Applications | 5411-00 | 100 |
Assistentin / Assistentenim Vollzeitpensum | 6001-00 | 100 |
Applied Physicist / Engineer HTS Accelerator Magnets | 8433-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowUltrafast Microwave-Induced Dynamics, 80-100% | 6218-00 | 80 – 100 |
Physiklaborant/in / Techniker/inFür die Unterstützung des Nutzerprogramms der SINQ | 3601-03 | 100 |
HR-Spezialistin / HR-Spezialist | 1320-02 | 100 |
Fachfrau/Fachmann Betreuung EFZ, Fachrichtung KinderFortsetzungslehre im 2. Lehrjahr | – | 100 |
Optikingenieurin / Optikingenieur80- 100 % | 6613-00 | 80 – 100 |
Accelerator / FEL Physicist80 % or more | 8122-00 | 80 – 100 |
TraineeGlobal Energy Scenarios | 4502-T1 | 100 |
Elektronik-Technikerin / Techniker HF80 – 100 % | 8223-00 | 80 – 100 |
TraineeMicrostructural development of irradiated nuclear fuels | 4602-T2 | 100 |
TraineeHydride phases characterization in nuclear fuel zirconium cladding | 4602-T1 | 100 |
Beamline ScientistX-ray spectroscopy | 5004-00 | 100 |
PhD Student data assimilationBayesian Calibration Methodology for Complex Models | 4102-01 | 100 |
PhD Studenton neutron optics and high-resolution neutron microscopy | 6212-00 | 100 |
Technikerin/Techniker80 – 100 % | 3502-00 | 80 – 100 |
PhD StudentMagnetic Correlations in Artificial Spin Systems | 3701-02 | 100 |
Tenure Track ScientistIon Trap Quantum Computing | 6713-00 | 100 |
Praktikantin/Praktikant KVFachrichtung Dienstleistung und Administration | – | 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 2414-00 | 100 |
PhD Studentin experimental research on neurodegenerative diseases | 2413-00 | 100 |
Polymechanikerin/PolymechanikerEFZ | – | 100 |
Group Leader: Core Linux Research ServicesScience IT Infrastructure and Services / Core Linux Research Services | 7906-01 | 100 |
Linux Engineer / System EngineerScience IT Infrastructure and Services / Core Linux Research Services | 7906-00 | 100 |