Academic Positions at The University of Waikato, a comprehensive university in Hamilton, New Zealand. The university was established in 1964
Vacancy Ref Number | Vacancy Position Title | Location | Business Unit |
410191 | Research Fellow | Division of Arts Law Psychology & Social Sciences | National Institute Demographic Economic Analysis |
410283 | Nurse Practitioner | Student Services | Student Health |
410302 | Lecturer | Division of Arts Law Psychology & Social Sciences | Te Piringa – Faculty of Law |
410383 | Facilitators | Division of Education | Poutama Pounamu |
410386 | Senior Research Officer | Division of Education | Poutama Pounamu |
410387 | Senior Research Fellow | Division of Education | Poutama Pounamu |
410400 | General Practitioner | Student Services | Student Health |
420051 | Administrator | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research | Te Mata Kairangi School of Graduate Research |
420083 | Business Analyst | Information Technology Services | Business Analysts |
420132 | Divisional Manager Students | Division of Management | Management Student Centre |
420133 | Student Engagement Advisor | Division of Management | Management Student Centre |
420148 | Postdoctoral Fellow | Division of Arts Law Psychology & Social Sciences | Environmental Planning |
420164 | Programme Manager NZ, CAPEs | Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor | International Office |
420173 | Pukenga / Pukenga Matua in Maori Psychology | Division of Arts Law Psychology & Social Sciences | School of Psychology |
420176 | Research Officer | Division of Arts Law Psychology & Social Sciences | School of Psychology |
420186 | Human Resource Advisor | Human Resource Management | Human Resource Management |
420190 | Professional Teaching Fellow | Division of Health Engineering Computing & Science | Department of Design |
420192 | Teaching Fellow | Division of Arts Law Psychology & Social Sciences | School of Psychology |
420194 | Laboratory Manager | Division of Arts Law Psychology & Social Sciences | School of Psychology |
420195 | Teaching Fellow (Based in Hamilton or Tauranga) | Division of Education | Te Kura Toi Tangata School of Education |
420197 | Associate Professor/Professor and Head of School of Social Sciences | Division of Arts Law Psychology & Social Sciences | Sociology and Social Policy |
420198 | Research Assistant-Pacific Cultural Liaison (Based in South Auckland) | Division of Arts Law Psychology & Social Sciences | School of Psychology |
420199 | Programme Coordinator Maori Student Success (Based in Tauranga) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Maori | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Maori |
420202 | Unisafe Officer | Security | Security |
420206 | Administrator | Division of Management | PVC’s Office |
420212 | Associate Dean Academic-Executive Vice-Dean UoW | Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor | International Office |
420213 | Postdoctoral Fellows (Two positions) | Division of Health Engineering Computing & Science | Artificial Intelligence Institute |
420214 | Health and Fitness Manager | Student Services | UniRec |