PhD and Academic Positions at Amsterdam University, one of two large, publicly funded research universities in the city, Netherlands.
TitlePhD Candidate in Bayesian Network PsychometricsEducational levelUniversityFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8899Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleLecturers in Political Communication and JournalismEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8491Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePhD Candidate in Systems NeuroscienceEducational levelMasterFunction typePhD positionFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8483Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePhD Position on Stimulating Non-Stereotypical LeadershipEducational levelMasterFunction typePhD positionFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8495Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleAssistant Professor in SociologyEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8488Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleData StewardEducational levelhigher vocational educationFunction typeSupport StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number7538Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleResearcher in EU Law with a Focus on Climate Change / SustainabilityEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesAmsterdam Law SchoolVacancy number8872Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleAssistant Professor in Political Science – with a Specialization in Political EconomyEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8871Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePhD on Participative Design Methods for the Energy Transition in Underprivileged NeighborhoodsEducational levelMasterFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8865Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleTenure-Track Assistant Professor in Evolutionary Ecology in Rapidly Changing EnvironmentsEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8798 |
TitleTenure-Track Assistant Professor in Evolutionary Ecology in Rapidly Changing EnvironmentsEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8798Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePhD Position in Experimental Quantum PhysicsEducational levelMasterFunction typePhD positionFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8756Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePhD Position in Child Development & Assistant Reproductive TechniquesEducational levelUniversityFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8861Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePostdoctoral Researchers in Dutch Language and CultureEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of HumanitiesVacancy number8858Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleAssistant Professor of AnthropologyEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8800Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePostdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Algorithms for OptimizationEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8275Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleAssistant Professor in Computer Vision and Machine Learning with applications to MedicalEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8739Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleAssistant Professor in Public History of SlaveryEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of HumanitiesVacancy number8262Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePostdoctoral Researcher in Systems NeuroscienceEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8742Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePhD Candidate in Mechanisms of Transfer of Maternal EffectsEducational levelMasterFunction typePhD positionFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8744 |
TitlePost-Doc Computational Modelling of Primary School SegregationEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8738Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePhD Position in Complex FluidsEducational levelMasterFunction typePhD positionFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8722Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleTwo Junior Lecturers / Senior Teaching Assistants MSc Information StudiesEducational levelMasterFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8682Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePhD Position in Computational Condensed Matter PhysicsEducational levelMasterFunction typePhD positionFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8721Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleAssistant Professor Historical Literatures: ArabicEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of HumanitiesVacancy number8599Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleProject Leader in Cognitive and Systems NeuroscienceEducational levelPromotedFunction typeSupport StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8678Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleAssistant Professor Contemporary Approaches to Pre-1800 Literatures: EnglishEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of HumanitiesVacancy number8718Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleAssistant Professor in Computational Social ScienceEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8694Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleAssistant Professor Sociology (Health and Gender) / Interdisciplinary Social SciencesEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8698Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePostdoctoral Researcher in Precision Child Mental Health Research & TreatmentEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8725 |
Title2 PhD Positions in Precision Child Mental Health Research & TreatmentEducational levelUniversityFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8724Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePostdoctoral Researcher in Semantics: Linguistic Interpretation as AbductionEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8658Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePostdoc in Computational Social ChoiceEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8643Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleCoordinating Data Steward / Data StewardEducational levelhigher vocational educationFunction typeSupport StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8681Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleTutor / Lecturer SciencesEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesAmsterdam University CollegeVacancy number8679Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePhD Position in Conversational Search and RecommendationEducational levelMasterFunction typePhD positionFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8641Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleFull Professor in Political Communication & JournalismEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesVacancy number8640Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePostdoc Researcher in Computational Modeling of Multimodal Communication in Face-to-Face DialogueEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8409Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePhD Candidate: Causality-Inspired ML/RLEducational levelMasterFunction typePhD positionFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8498Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleResearch Assistant Quantum Materials at the van der Waals-Zeeman InstituteEducational levelMasterFunction typeSupport StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8525 |
TitlePhD Position in Energy and Security of Machine Learning Applications in the Cloud-to-Edge ContinuumEducational levelMasterFunction typePhD positionFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8500Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitleCommunity Manager Quantum & Society and Quantum.Amsterdam HubEducational levelMasterFunction typeSupport StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8453Select with space bar to view the full contents of the job information. |
TitlePostdoctoral Researcher in Cognitive Computational ModelingEducational levelPromotedFunction typeAcademic StaffFaculty/ServicesFaculty of ScienceVacancy number8482 |